Friday, April 21, 2006

should i close this case?

should i finish the war?
and join the peace on the other side?
i've been the outsider for a while


gua bingung...
masa se i must give up?
setelah 24 years of dissapointment...
gua musti change my heart at once?
ga gampang kaya ngebalikin telapak tangan
uda terlalu banyak duka!

masih bingung...
kayanya yang laen udah oke banget ama keadaan sekarang
ga bisa bilang apa2...
it's their choice
it's also my choice to be like today....

kok mereka bisa semudah itu...
kok gua engga?
jujur gua takut kena boong lagi
jujur gua takut disakitin lagi

masih heran....
kok bisa?
gua ga mo kalo nanti i have open my heart
then...JEGER!!here we go again!!!!
the pain i used to know...
so i thought i'd be better off tameng-in my heart
than diinjek2 lagi

no matter what my deepest heart masih ga percaya
or refuse to percaya?
no matter what my deepest heart want this peace


i know dia nyoba talk to me
i know dia ngerasa there's a distance i create
i know
i know....


apa gua si kepala batu?
apa gua sebenernya cuma seorang pengecut yang ga mo disakitin lagi?
yeee sape juga yg mao?


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