Friday, July 15, 2011

pengen pulang....
males loh di kantor. i just have nothing to do at the moment.
looking forward to jakarta tomorrow.

waktu kok jalannya lama banget ya hari ini?

kuku udah mulai panjang, tanggung kalo mo potong. nanti aja deh di hot nails.
cant wait to have beautiful nails....hehehehe...

lapar. tapi gak tau mau makan apa. bosaaaaaaaaannn...


Yang namanya Inisiatif itu bisa sangat membantu.
tapi bisa juga bikin ribet.
inisiatif in a proper portion can be real good.

lagi empet. seempet-empetnya.
kenapa ga punya inisiatif? kenapa musti disuruh?
why on earth???!!?

and kenape sensi banget? kalo soal diri sendiri aje loe, orang laen mana sensi sih lu?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


i found watering the plants is therapeutic. it slows me down. it gives me time to think and to enjoy myself.

i'm excited coz i'm leaving for jakarta in a few days.

i love wearing shawl. it gives me comfort and warm.

i miss my colorful nails. gonna have them soon! yey!

i finally found a hairdresser here in bali. yehew!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

lusting on...

leather nude pump and or flats.

Monday, July 11, 2011

not sure what to write, since i have no clue what i'm feeling now.
....and that is weird!

i think something is different with my body. i think i'm not 100% healthy yet.
something is missing. something different!
tiny headache. too tiny i decided to ignore it.

anyhow, back in the office...

Friday, July 01, 2011

why can't you.....?

be more responsible?
paid more attention to what i said?
be more reliable and get things done without me keep reminding you what to do?
have the initiative to do more without me pushing you around to do stuff?