Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i knew it!!!!!!!

you still are an asshole!!!
and you will always be one....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

my cents

first thing first,
im definitely not in a good mood!


im offended by his remarks, im not 'buy-me-everything-with-you-money' kind of person!!if you think so, you didnt know me at all!!!have you ever know me at all for the past 3 bloody years?

im shattered...

a question. should i continue this journey?

im NOT a materialists!

i hate you!

i never meant all the "i-like-it-n-buy-me-that" thing. just for the sake of saying it. if i really like it, i'd buy it myself...i have money, you know!

im glad you trust me with all of your confidential stuff but you'd better shape up!stop whining about having no money. i aint wanting your money at all!keep it to yourself!

you missed the whole point - my point was im tired fighting over money!!!!!!!

so where should i put myself in?

f*ck man!


Sunday, June 25, 2006

a bit up date

it's a bit late...

22 june 2006 - it's been 3 years of us!
soo...congrats to you and me!

yesterday, went to one of my cousin's wedding (the last banch...finally!), the entry procession was too much drama....the music was pretty great at the beginning....the food - okay lah!
the 20 millions rupiah dress (katanya!) was so so....cannot believe it cost 20 millions!!!emang kokay suka aneh2....

STILL cannot understand why people loves to comment on everything i wore and have - the dress, the boobies, the purse, the walk....what's wrong with you guys???coz i know there's nothing wrong with me!!!
hey, if you like to comment on everything...i can give you some too!!!want it??i mean, do you really want it?watch it, or you'll be sorry if i 'opened' my mouth!!

bought that miracle water i've been talking for mom....gua juga coba ngerti sugesti ato engga, yang jelas muka gua jadi alus aje...hehehehe....feels nice kalo dipegang...eheheh....

kalo diinget2....masih ada beberapa wedding taon ini and taon depan...jeeeennnggg!!sept 06, oct 06, nov 06, jan 07...ckckck...buanyak ye!!

pengen jalan2 o'oo ke malaysia 9 hari tanggal 5 juli...IKUT!!!


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

some uks and some uts.....

aku tahan kantuk
sampe ngangguk ngangguk
kerjaan bertumpuk tumpuk
pasang muka kusuk
aku belaga sibuk
aku celingak celinguk
liat orang2 pada sibuk
aku makin terpurukdalam keadaan yang buruk
ingin mengamuk
menghantam kelabu hiruk pikuk
aku ngoceh sampe terbatuk batuk
menahan murka yang makin terbentuk
ayo semangat jangan mengkerut
biar jalan di depan licin berlumut
biar pandangan penuh kabut
jangan sampai terhasut
ayo maju terus pantang kusut
mari panjatkan doa sambil berlutut
semoga kita tidak lagi takut
menghadapi hidup yang penuh kemelut

Monday, June 19, 2006


18 Jun 2006 was the date!
Congratulations to Maret and Devi....
Out of the blue (for me at least) they planned to get married!
I had fun in your reception besides acara ngenal2in cowo...ckck...emang sepupu gua sedesperado itu ye?dont think so...
kadang2 ga tahan ama kekepoan orang2....biarin aja lah, kalo dia blon punya cowo kan bukan berarti dia ga bakalan punya cowo!stop nyodorin cowo2 "berpotensial" according to your standard!
kebetulan aja gua udah punya cowo, makanya ga disodorin!kalo ga mah, pasti gua juga udah kena....

anyway, makan seafood "Dapur Umum" di Ancol....damn cheap for seafood standard!!!!tapi nunggunya itu loh yang ajubile lamanya...40 minutes!
it was worth it!

i need new shoes or selop...
oh ya found a very very very vintage clutch bag in mom's pile of old bags!!soo happy!!!will use it sometimes....

the office was okay today....

kekenyangan sekarang, abis makan sarang burung...well lebih tepatnya sih ager diparut, kasih selasih, plus gula cair...ehehhe...enak...

akhir2 ini ga mood ngomongin soal perasaan and pikiran gua...


Thursday, June 15, 2006


ga tau mo nulis apa...ehehe...
cuma kangen update blog gua aje!
abis udah lama banget ga di update....
hari ini di kantor ga ada babeh, besok juga!horeee...
yaaah gitu lah idup!gini2 aja...
tadi ditanya ama si kendi my negative behavior...awal2nya bingung juga seh, tapi setelah dipikir2 jadi banyak banget far from perfection!

lately, i have no semangat!boyo!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


kemaren kondangan...2 biji....trus pulang....
hari ini bangun jem 7:30pm....
oh of today, we are maid-less again!!darn pembokat!
rese lah!

gua lagi pennngggeeeenn banget nonton udah dari sebulan yang lalu kali, cuma ga pernah kesampean...ada2 aja...
giliran hari ini mo nonton eeee ga jadi juga...sempet bete seh....tapi ya sutra lah...
ke cempaka mas hari ini, mo liat spatu teple...eeee ga jadi juga...bete bete bete bete!!!

mikir kemarenan...sometimes i had enough about one person's attitude!!!
ga adil ajeee....and im sure someday gua bakalan meldak!dueerrr!

pengen jalan2.....gua stress ngadepin yang namanya idup!!lalalallalaaaaaa....

ah ngepo aaahhh ama yang baru nge-date tadi...duuuuuu.....

Friday, June 09, 2006

postingan kemaren...

8 jun 2006

in the middle of working hours my mind keep jumping from one thing to another...

last night i sunked myself to the electronic to be precise...saw couple of my friend's siblings...she looks so happy, she looks so mature, she looks so elegant, she looks so DAMN rich, she looks so smart and sum up, she looks PERFECT!thinking when i'd be like her...not literally like her, but half of her would be more than enough...

this morning, had a talk with candice about true love and of our manager just lost her husband...he was everyhting to her and vice versa...he was her soulmate, when he was gone he tooked half of her too...ada ya cinta kaya gitu...i thought cuma di dalem cerita ato pelem doang...

life isn't fair heh?

gua bingung ngadepin idup...turn back time udah ga mungkin kan, makanya kadang2 i wish i had doraemon...i'd ask him to use his time machine, go back to 5 years ago and stay!mungkin itu sebabnya kali ya nobita ga pernah naek kelas...kelas 4 mulu!mungkin dia enjoy di kelas 4....ya kali ya...

life's sucks right at this moment!i live but not alive!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

gua suka...

- guling gua
- nonton tipi
- anjing
- minum kopi pagi2
- nongkrong di cafe mana ngobrol yang lama
- tidur
- ngemil
- jalan2 but no backpacking....not that kind of person
- shopping
- writing
- difoto..kadang2...
- gunting rambut
- long warm bubble bath
- warna item
- my parfumes collection
- gaun item banan precious!
- my old ugly nike shoes
- being alone
- chick flick movies
- dengerin jazz
- suara rod ngundang dia ah for my wedding...yeah rite!keep dreaming bebeh
- my karimun
- nama2 for my future kids - fergie, given, silver, drake
- ngelamun
- turn my mind to the past 5 or 6 years
- dancing

.....and the list goes on....

yang aku mau...

aku mau jadi young married couple
aku mau jadi orang yang berarti
aku mau liat negara inggris
aku mau keluar dari rumah
aku mau hidup sendiri
aku mau pergi sendiri
aku mau sendirian
aku mau punya anjing
aku mau punya 2 anak
aku mau ngapain aja suka2 jidatku
aku mau orang2 tau yg aku pikirin
aku mau orang2 tau sakit hatiku
aku mau orang2 tidak menilai aku dari gaya jalanku
aku mau orang2 ga ngomongin aku

kadang2 aku mau pergi dari planet ini...


udah ngetik...eehh ga bisa di post...kuya!
ga ada yang penting seh sebenernya...
masi nyari jati diri...itu aja seh...
masih nyari apa sih yang gua mao?
masih mikir apa si tujuan idup gua?
i lost my grip for so long....
*damn, kaya ABG aje gua!*

Saturday, June 03, 2006

let's go shopping!

really in the mood for shopping!
ga jelas mo beli apa, tapi lagi pengen banget belanjeeeeee...
ga penting seh...hehehhe...
malem minggu neh and jem segini gua masih di seru banget deh...bosan daku!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

slight coma ....

yes, i had a slight coma this morning, around 11 am-ish...

the symptoms are:
couldnt see that clear (you know, like semut2 ditipi gitu)
my lips turning white
my hands felt cold
couldnt walk straight
spinning head
dry mouth
MAJOR tummy attack
passed out for 10-15 seconds in the restroom (FYI, almost sunk my head in to the trash bin!! - can you imagine the nastiness if i did??eeeuuuhhh!!)

tiny bits of me kept thinking that im gonna die!*thock thock thock choooyy*

all leads us to the key reason of that matter ..... my period!