Tuesday, July 28, 2009


sakit pala nih...
cekat cekot cekat cekot cekat cekot....
i'm not happy....
i really am not....

Sunday, July 26, 2009


just in case you haven't noticed, from time to time i write some scattered thoughts...
just like this one....hehehehhe

just had a chat with kendi...it was fun...hehehehe
can't wait to see her and just blabber out....

will have my mid year performance review tomorrow.
pasrah aja sih....yang terjadi ya terjadi lah...

how to tell someone not to be so 'lembek'?
we are living in a cruel world....toughen up!!
stop making things like they are HUGE, when the fact they are not.
if you are doing what you are doing now, you'd be gone crazy in no time and miss lots of thing life has to offer...
live your life...
i know sometimes life feels like crap, but it'd get better...believe me :)

anyway, bought my self lots of undies last night...and they were on sale!yay!

and OOOOHH....we got a couch yesterdaaaaayy....WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!!!yiiipppiiiieeeeee.....so happy!!
step by step....it was an awesome step we took together!

hmmm...lost my writing mood out of the sudden...
oh well

Thursday, July 23, 2009

gak bisa tidur semalem.....

things going through my head last night:
+ sempet ga ya rumahnya selesai by the time kita kudu masuk?
+ surat2 buat kawinan
+ scheduling buat semuanya
+ zac efron (hehehe...tetep)
+ gelas2 di ace hardware

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

sakit kepala

sakit pala nih...
dari kemarin...ahauehuae..
ada2 aja...

trus trus trus...
kemaren atm hsbc gua ditelen atm mandiri...
ih...ada2 aja...
kapok deh...
bikin gua stress aja malem2...
untung semuanya udah beres...
thanks god....hehehehe

sakit kepala nih...
kerjaan mulai beraneka ragam...

Monday, July 20, 2009


tadi liat apartment...
haduh, banyak yg kudu dibenerin...
somehow itu apartment keliatannya kecil ya?
is it becoz barang2 si korea gede2 kah?

ga tau deh...
serem ga sempet juga sih....hmmm....
besok kerja ya?
males....ahahahhauha...sumpah males banget...
apa lagi kalo mikir ketemu sama orang yg amit2 resenya....
si bos manja....ih najong bgt....

cannot wait until the day i gie me resignation letter....
meanwhile, ya kerja dulu lah....ahahauehae

Monday, July 13, 2009

mitsoy's first day of school

hari ini mitsoy mulai sekolah...
7.15 am to 9 am EVERYDAY!

hope you have a great days ahead, my dear!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009



i'm of the hook...of banking!
still have to work on it sih, but still....i'm happy...
terima kasih Tuhan doaku didengeriiiinn....hehehehhe...

been wearing mask for 2 days in the office....
they made meee....hiiikkk....

oh well...

besok libur....hore!

Friday, July 03, 2009


kangen kuliah....
kangen bikin paper....
kangen bikin PR....
kangen baca buku pelajaran sambil stabillo-in bagian2 penting....
...tapi ujiannya ga bikin kangen....

kangen bikin rangkuman buat ujian
...tapi apalinnya ga bikin kangen....

kangen nyicil belajar saking banyaknya itu bahan...

kangen pouring my thoughts on a paper for the literature class...
kangen make my own interpretations of a story....
i love literature class....hehehe....

ngimpi semalem

ngimpi soal apartment kemaren....

waktu buka pintu apartment, itu apartment ancur banget dalemnya.
temboknya pada item/coklat, ubinnya pada keangkat, banyak barang rongsokkan.
and yg anehnya, di dalem apartment ada mobil taruna.

bangun tidur kaget...lah itu apartment apa ceritanya?

ya semoga ga seperti mimpi gua...kacau....