Wednesday, March 29, 2006

cerita hari ini....

nyetir mobil sendiri ke kantor, sampe di kampung melayu jam 7:42am dimana biasanya jalanan menuju fly over agak2 lenggang...tapi tadi pagi kok puadet banget ye?
langsung ganti ke radio deh...dengerin suara metro...ternyata ada truk kebalik di konro...anjrooottt....ankle kiri gua gempor nginjekin kopling!
maceeett banget....
abis lewat dari truk itu...laaannnccccaaaarrr banget.....
kebut abis (standard karimun 100km/jam)....3 minutes sampe di kantor...ehuehue...kapan lagi lu bisa lari 100 di casablanca hari biasa??eheuhue....

sampe kantor tiba2 kerjaan datengnya rame2.....
sepagian sibuk banget....kerjain ini itu..

trus siangan oke de dikit...

sekarang oke banget....santai lah dikitt..

besok libuuuuuuuuurrrr....hoooreeee...
hari ini mo santai2 ah di nonton...i was thinking mo bawa kerjaan....tapi GA JADIII!!rugi amet hari libur gua dipake buat kerja....

1 hr 45 mnts until ring time.....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

what a "pleasant" surprise!

the jerk is home!

couldn't sleep last night....
lots of thinking going on....
really need to have my own space....

the day he came back is the least day i expect to happen!too bad it's happing already!!!

what have i done seh sampe i have this kinda life?

been shopping quite alot (for my standard) lately....
1. wallet
2. shoes
3. jeans
4. blouse
5. dress
6. eyes pencil
7. and thinking to get some more....

i think the stress is bottling pelariannya ke shopping???dang!jangannnn!!
tapi emang hasrat shopping gua lagi meraja-lela hasrat berspekulasi juga....hehehe...

mulai pagi tadi idup gua back to be darker deh...
rumah berisik, bau asep's been a very nice house for a while, until last night...the least person i wanted to see arrived!!!iiiihh...amit2 banget si tu orang!
brisik, ga tau diri, sok kuasa, printah sana sini...


you're nothing in my eyes....NOTHING!!!!so that you know!

Monday, March 27, 2006

few things and my attention

few things caught my attention....

1. pro and kontra ruu app
2. satpam basement dimarahin
3. morning rain
4. a day off this thursday
5. almost the end of march

jumat kemaren was fun....
ke TA dibeliin simple black dress ama si gendut...kamsiaaa yeee...
beli spatu sendal charles n keith, beli dompet hush puppies...
muter2 nyariin kemeja buat si teti lamaaa banget...ampe pegel!trus akhirnya nemu...warnanya bagus kalo gua bilang....gagah!coklat tuaaaaa banget n agak2 mengkilat kalo kena lampu...bagus deh pokoke...nyari dasi warna khakis agak2 kuning muda gitu....dapet 43 rebu!!horeee....

weekend kemaren was fun too...
bokapnya si teti menang lagi for 8 consecutive years!!plok plok *jempol jempol jempol jempol*....
emang hebat!

hari minggu biasa la jadi pemalas....ehehe...tidur tidur and tidur...

hari ini back to work lagi...hehehhe...
cannot wait until wednesday....kamisnya libur...biarpun hari jumat ga libur juga i dont mind....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Our Business Plan

Shareholders: kendi n me

Name of the company: Juice Abo/Juice Ceria/Juice Syalala?

Location: Berkah Store, Jatinegara Traditional Market

The Plan
Bikin fruit juice trus jualin di toko nyokap.

Marketing Strategy
Tadinya mo jualan di mikrolet skalian on the way ke mesternya, but cancel...ntar disangkain pedagang asongan lagi..
so jadinya mo nongkrong di toko aja sambil nawarin orang2 yg lagi pada belanja di toko plus orang2 yang lagi pada lewat and yg makan bakmi jacky.....
buat coba2 mo dagangin 20 gelas juice aja...aminn laku in one day...

The D-day
30 Maret 2006.

Let's see how we're doing.....

to buy and to do = all about the money

get my hair cut
hush puppies wallet and belt
a pair of jeans
another pointy shoes
black eyeliner

crap!that will cost me lots of money....i cannot afford me!!

what's with guys and pink??

hari ini nehh..
gua meratiin banyak banget cowo yang pake baju pink...
2 bos, 2 anak marketing....itu so far yang gua liat...hihihii...

yahh gitu aja si my observation today....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

cup cup wauuw waauuww

tidur kaya orok semalem....
enakkkk banget...
sampe ga denger apa2 gitu...eheheh....

hari ini males kerja...ehehhe...
ngapain yee....hiahiheiaih...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Call her Celle

Her real name is Marcelle Marcia Benedicta Olii.
We call her Celle.
We met near Michigan Lake and she immediatly held a spot in my heart with her cheerful persona and her smiley face.

She is one of the most important persons in my life.
She teaches me how to grow with time. She teaches me how to mend the broken heart. She teaches me how to be a professional. She teaches me to be stronger. She teaches me how to spoil myself. She teaches me how to appreciate myself. She even teaches me how to get a great deal in retail shopping (you succeed sistahh!!heheheee).

I enjoyed her companion. And I will always do.

I miss you, Cel!!!so very very much!haaiiikkkss....

all black

turtle neck shirt
long pants
pointy shoes


all black!

GA penting banget dahh!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Arrived at 9:06am!
Ya begitu lah kalo orang emang ga niat kerja....This is Saturday and we have to work!Darn Indians!Especially that mr. attitude!

Anyway, nyempetin buat nonton tipi pagi tadi...nontong "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter"....funny!heheh...good way to start my day...heheheh...
Waktu pelemnya abis kan rencananya mo mandi...eeehh pas lagi browsing through the channel, i stucked at Travel n Living channel...mereka ngebahas soal roller skate...dari sejarahnya, sampe roller skaters pada hari ini...
According to the tipi, roller skate pertama kali itu ditemuin sekitar taon 1819 by sapa gua lupa..hehehe...

About 30 million in USA (1st place is New Yorkers, 2nd is Los Angelesian, and 3rd is Detroitians) and 20 million in Europe (most of 'em are French) use those roller skates for leisure, sport, transportation, etc etc...

Jadi inget masa2 jaman jebot dulu, dimana gua masih muda...kira2 umur 14 taon...(shiiiit 10 years ago meehhh???!?!?!?), dulu suka maen roller...pertama diajakin ama si kendi, gua inget banget tuh..kelas 2 smp (2.2 tepatnya)...
pertama kali belajar pake rollernya si Dimitri (or James lah)...ingeeeett banget...merk-nya roller blade, jenisnya gua ga inget, warnanya item, agak2 kegedean, maennya hari rabu di sport club ada 2 out-door abandoned tennis court (skarang udah ga jelas jadi apaan)...
yang ngajarin ya anak2 disana itu...tapi yang bikin gua bisa 'ngegoes' - istilahnya dulu ituu...adenya si febri, si yudi kalo ga salah namanya...dia bilang gini, "kakinya kaya buat huruf V"....trus gua ngarti dah...and bisa jalan...hohoho!
gua ngeliatin anak2 disana ngiri setengah mate....jago2 semuah...
liat si kendi bisa lenggak lenggok sono sini, liat si dimitri bisa loncat sono sini uda kaya kutu aje, banyak yg bisa jalan mundur, loncat loncat. Disitu ada comberan dalem, gua inget liat si dimitri ngeloncatin..trus kayanya nyungsep....sakiiitt!
I prayed, "Hopefully someday I could be as good as them" (kayanya ga really came true....but I'm happy)

pengalaman pertama uda bikin hepi banget...
trus maen lagi...di perumahan...nah disana kayanya kenalan ama itu tu...cowo yang item yang narik gua pake motor trus gua nyungsep plusss KESERET motor, ampe celana gua bolong!nangis bombay lah gua....kaget banget...gua kira, gua bakalan mati...ehehuhue....

sampe akhirnya gua punya roller pertama....california pro...hadiah natal dari si empe...btw, kok sekarang dia ga pernah nanayain lagi ye gua mo hadiah natal apaan?ah eniwei...what he had done to me is more more more more more moreeeeeee precious than anything he ever gave me!don't know how i can ever pay you back....thanks thanks thanks for making my biggest dream come true....
balik ke california pro, gua beli yang warnanya item...kayanya agak2 kegedean..sengaja biar bisa dipake lama....maklum, gua kan ga bisa beli lagi.....i was so economically LOW!hhehhe....
trus mulai lah gua ikutan maen rutin....seminggu 3 kali...rebo, sabtu and minggu subuh....

until one day, gua naksir roller yang merknya rocess, di jual di mall 2 sports station (masi ada tu tokonya)...ngumpulin duit lah gua sana sini buat beli tu roller....sekitar 300 rebuan harganya...gila ye...mahal aje!
akhirnya dapet...senangnya!

one moment waktu maen hari minggu subuh diblakang mall 2, ketemu ama anak2 street hockey....wah..keren yeeeee!!!
diajakin gabung kalo gua ga salah inget....pokoke...gabung lah..."the wild panther" (hai om budi, hai tante budi, hai erik, hai adenya erik yang pake kacamata and kawat gigi) cewe namanya "pink panther"...
stick hockey pertama gua...ultra wheels, ujungnya dari plastik bebeh!!murah tu...cuma 30 rebuan kalo ga salah...maklum laahh!hehehe..

trus the moment gua ke luar negri pertama, sydney, here i come!!!!
disana ke bondi beach, ke toko roller gitu lah...nah stick gua naek pangkat deh...beli stick baru...lumayan mahal tuh...they were so proooo....diukur segala tinggi orangnya biar sesuai ama sticknya...ckckckkc....

waktu pulang naek pesawat gua (ahhh si kendi juga..gua yakin!!)berasa keren banget, bawa2 stick hockey....heuheuheu..kesannyaa!!

balik lagi maen hockey...ternyata stick gua ga kepake...soalnya gua jadi goalie!!!huaaaaaaa.....

panjang dahh...
intinya...i miss my younger days...where i was so strong, so playful, so energetic, so healthy (wong maen roller 3 kali plus 1 kali olah raga 1 kali seminggu di skolah)...
but, i'm excited to see how the future gonna bring me....excited to plan my future, excited to see the world from a bigger point of view...
i know i'm far far far away from perfection, with all the broken hearted, all the sorrow, all the pain...i'm happy to be me...

Friday, March 17, 2006

it's your day!

dear candice,

happy birthday ye!!
selamet ulang taon!
panjang umur ye!
moga2an semuaaaa cita cita lu tercapeeiii
jangan bandel bandel
udah tua lu...jigo!hohoho...
makin dewasa
makin pinter
makin disayang ama semua orang
semoga ga gitu cempreng lagi....AMEN on that!
jangan minder soal kaki lagi....bersukurr punya kaki panjang daripada tangan panjang - kaya tenyom...ehehhe

and the list go on and on and on....

happy birthday my dearest friend and sister!!!

it's your day!

dear candice,

happy birthday ye!!
selamet ulang taon!
panjang umur ye!
moga2an semuaaaa cita cita lu tercapeeiii
jangan bandel bandel
udah tua lu...jigo!hohoho...
makin dewasa
makin pinter
makin disayang ama semua orang
semoga ga gitu cempreng lagi....AMEN on that!
jangan minder soal kaki lagi....bersukurr punya kaki panjang daripada tangan panjang - kaya tenyom...ehehhe

and the list go on and on and on....

happy birthday my dearest friend and sister!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006

anjing anjing lucu!

anjing anjing lucu!!
test test post poto...hohoho...
lucuu yeeee...

left - right : piko gendut kaya kaen pel a.k.a sosis bebulu, pika cempreng hobinye humping

Thursday, March 09, 2006

aku dan isi kepalaku

b l a n k . . . . . .

w h a t t o d o y a ?

k e n a p a s e m u a n y a s u l i t ?
h i d u p i n i m e m a n g l u c u
t a p i t i d a k b e g i t u m e n a r i k
h a r i - h a r i y a n g k u l a l u i b e g i t u b e r a t
k a d a n g i n g i n b e r h e n t i m e n y e r a h

d i r i k u b a t u k l a g i
w h y ?
s e b a l

ocehan pagi

ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk!
sampe di kantor jem 7 pagi...trus boker di lantai 11 mumpung masih sepi banget!hehehhe..
btw, tempat boker di gedong ini berkurang banget....lantai 9 udah ga ada wc-nya di konci...
lantai2 yang laen dijagain semua....sedih sekali!!

oh ye...lagi heboh ngomongin ruu app....rusuh lah!aneh banget tu guna dehh!!
contoh2 peraturannya:
1. ga boleh kasi liat pantat di muka umum - what the hell?sape yang mo kasi liat pantat di muka umum?
2. ga boleh ciuman di muka umum nanti dipenjara 1-5 taon
3. akan diperlakukan jem malem buat cewe....WHAT??mak gua aje ga ngasih gua jem lagi!duuhh...

segitu aja si yang gua inget...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


tadi pagi gua bertekad supaya ga ngantuk...
kayanya gagal...ehehhe...udah ngantuk neh sekarang!

hari ini baru selasa...i thought it was wednesday already!hikkss...

bosen yak!


Monday, March 06, 2006


si ojah mudik hari ini, kakaknya sakit katanya..semoga cepet sembuh deh...

nyokap debat ama gua this morning about speda waktu kecil, mo dijual ato kaga ke tukang loak?i said ya uda jual aje...eee dia ga rela, katanya buat anaknya si rina aje!duuuueeennngg...emang bokapnya tu anak = alex ga mo beliin speda buat anaknya ape? ada2 aja...

ngantuk banget after lunch tadi...gileee...nguap2 ampe beler idung gua...heheheh...

oh ye...lampu kecil mobil mate sebelah lagi...duit lagii duiitt lagi...stress gua!

pala cekat cekot neh...

ntar males nyetir dah!tapi ga bisa...kudu nyetir juga...hmm...semoga ga ujan segede2 bagong deh...

ntar kudu cuci pirin sendiri, nyapu sendiri, ngepel sendiri....ojjjaaahhh!!jangan lama2 pulangnyeeee....

hari minggu kemaren, gua jadi kebo sejati...bangun jem setengah 10, jem 2 udah tidur lagi ampe jem 5...jem 10 malem tidur lagi ampe jem 6!akibatnya sekarang gua belerrrrrr....

mendung noh di luar....agak2 dingin deh disini...kapan ye musim ujan selesai?biar ga banjir....

oh ye, butuh ngomong ke babe soal cuti...blon juga...trus sekarang dia uda ilang deh...meeting kayanya...


Saturday, March 04, 2006

History of Engagement and Wedding Bands

Why a Ring?
The purpose of engagement rings and wedding bands is to convey deep emotions of eternal love, eternal happiness, eternal commitment, and eternal togetherness. In fact, these rings signify eternity - between the giver and the recipient. A ring, of course, is a complete circle with no break and no end or beginning, which means that it just goes on and on - it is eternal.
And, since folklore has it that the fourth finger of the left hand has a vein leading directly to the heart, it is only natural that both engagement and wedding rings would be worn on this particular finger, which was once reputed to be a direct route to the heart.

Some brief history from several countries:

EGYPTIANS (my fave!)
The now-famous wedding band is thought to have originated in Ancient Egypt, where it is said that plant sections were fashioned in to circles to signify never-ending and immortal love. It was thought that the fourth finger (which we now know as the ring finger) contained a special vein that was connected directly to the heart, and therefore this became the official finger for the wedding band.

The Romans also agreed with the Egyptians with regards to the wedding ring finger and its meaning, but rather than offering wedding bands as a symbol of love, they awarded them as a symbol of ownership. Roman men would "claim" their woman with the giving of a ring.

Puzzle rings were a complex type of jewellery that were once popular in Asia, and these jewels had the charming knack of being able to fall apart and put back together again - if you knew how to do this, of course. Wealthy Middle Eastern men then began to use these rings as wedding bands for their wives, who were often forced to wear a puzzle ring when their husband was away. The husband would know upon his return whether any of his wives had been disloyal by removing the ring whilst he was away, because the ring was designed to collapse upon removal and could only be put together again if you had the skill and knowledge required.

Several centuries ago, the Europeans became rather taken with what we would class as an engagement ring, but was then called a Poesy Ring. This ring was given to a loved one as a form of promise, and signified fidelity and love. The Poesy Ring was offered as a pledge of eternal togetherness, much as today's engagement rings are offered as a promise of eternal marriage.

During Colonial times, all items of jewellery in America were prohibited due to their apparent moral worthlessness. Instead, a more practical thimble was given as a token of love and as a pledge of eternal togetherness. However, after they were married, the women tended to remove the bottom of their "engagement thimble" to form a type of ring.

now i know why.....

idung gua meler meler...ituuu gara2 rumah lagi dibenerin...debunya ajubileee banyaknyaaa!!

udah di kantor....belon boker...
dari tadi ketawa2...ah bego!

udah 2 hari ini tukang loak nongkrong di rumah, mak manggil dia buat jual2 barang bekas terutama besi and electronic related stuff..lumayan far kayanya uda dapet 300 rebu lebih and gua yakin 'sampah2' di rumah masih banyak banget...
tadi pagi accu bekas gua jadi sasaran, laku 30 rebu...ya lumayan lahh..dari pada di nangkreng di rumah ga jelas buat apaan...
trus besok pagi 2 ac window yang umurnya (kayanya) lebih tua dari gua juga dijual....ya sutra la...lumayan...

hari ini kamar mo di cat...semogaaaa jadinya baguuusss....or at least jadi lebih bersih deh...
tadi pagi gua beresin barang2 berharga gua like lotion, hair spray, plus my black ikea coffee table....biar ga kena cat...hehehhe...bisa nangis bombay gua..
ntar ganti spre ah....kali2 aja kasur gua keinjek abang2, katanya si uda ditutupin, but just never rela gua tidur bekas kaki abang2...eeuuuuwwwwww!

si mlb ga balik ke cawang kemaren....weekend seh ngapain kali...hehehe...
udah semingguan ini dia balik ke cawang mulu tiap malem, cuma buat tidur doang...
trus what's the point of having your OWN house dong?percuma dong ga ditempatin...
btw, please PLEASE PLEASE take your cupboard SOON!so i can have my own room.....

hari ini tidakkkkk mood bekerja!

Friday, March 03, 2006


ujan tu di luar...
geleeepp banget dunia....padahal baru jem 10 kurang...gile!
i love rain!hohooh...but not the banjir....

hari ini hari jumat...and i think im gonna take my day off minggu depan...ehehhehe....
2 hari ato 3 hari ye?dilemma....

kemaren idung gua mampett...tapi melerrr..parah banget deh...tersiksaaa!!ga bisa napas...megap2 kaya ikan ga di aer....

sekarang ngantukkk banget....hehehe...parah!

okeeehh deee....kerja dulu aaahh...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


tiba2, gua pengen pickels...enakkk...asem asemmm...ehehehhe...

restaurant i will visit in mke if i went there:
1. la perla
2. bw3's
3. pansy
4. that burger restaurant in brookfield
5. papa john's pizza - extra large, meat lovers, with olive and pinneaple toppings....yaaaauuummmmhhh...
6. angelo's - chicken in the basket and french fries will do!
7. that sandwich deli on w. wisconsin ave - smoked hot beef, provolonge cheese, lettuce, ketchup, mayo, yellow mustard, olives...yaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm
8. kopp's - i miss the burger...
9. that ribs place on water street - yg lambangnya 3 babi...enak!
10. hooters...i miss chicken wings so much!!!!

semogaaaa i have enough time to eat.....hohohoho......