Wednesday, December 21, 2011

in the midst of doubt

no particular reason on the subject above.
dadakan keluarnya gitu aja.

i miss writing. 
tapi lately, i have nothing to write about.
kayanya semua datar aja. 

it's almost christmas. cepet yah...
time went just like that...wuuzzz...uda mau akhir taun aja.
udah 1,5 yrs living in bali. and sometimes still cant believe we are living in bali.
hehehe...feel surreal. gile ye, ude setaon lbh masih aje ngerasa surreal. hehehe...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


lagi nunggu nih, nunggu what she'd do. 
nunggu dia bakalan cerita apa?
bakalan bilang apa?
will she be honest or not. 

i know life is about making decision(s). hope she made a wise one.