Friday, September 22, 2006

Jakarta macet oii!

blon bisa pulang...soale jakarta macet banget...
ga jelas tu gara2 apaan...gila ya...
sekarang terdampar di rumah si gendut....ngantuk nehh!!
btw idung gua ada potensi jerawat neh...bete....gatel2 sakit gitu...heeemmm...
pengen pulangggg...
masi macet ga yee?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

what is a woman/girl/cewe/perempuan/wanita?

This is not the first time I talked about it...

During my weekly car washing duty my mind keep returned to the same subject.
"What is the definition of a woman?"
"How can you tell one woman isn't woman enough?"

Had lunch with C, B, and E last Saturday.
We talked about C's wedding (btw, 12 more days my friend). It lead to the wedding gown, the hair and make up.
Then ngomongin soal gimana C will look like in the wedding dress. Oke ato engga, bakalan perempuan banget ato engga....ya e laaaahhh...GERAH ajee!
trus soal rambut lah....rambut pendek mau diapainnn??mo married kok rambut pendek!yeh!!suka2 the bride to be dong...dia mo botak kek, mo pitakan kek, mo gondrong kaya kuntilanak kek...ya terserah loooooohhh!!!

Trus tadi siang...gua jadi mikiiiirr....selama gua sikat ban boil otak gua muter muter muterrr....
"apa sih definisi cewe itu?"

kalo dipikir2 lagi....kita punya 2 boobies (lengkap dengan 2 nipples), 1 vagina, 1 uterus...then what's so not women enough about us??

apa cewe2 kaya kita itu bukan cewe karena:
- kita punya rambut pendek
- suka pake spatu kets (and FYI itu bukan spatu bola!!!)
those things above called personal style perference.....

As for me, ke-'cewe'-an itu adanya dari dalem hati, dari dalemmm....bukan dari physical appearance doang....
and biasanya kalo cewe or whoever yang denger gua ngomong gitu pasti cuma ketawa2 aja...mungkin mikir im talking bullsh*t....but im not!

I'm not typical chick...with long hair, yang ngomong pelan2, jaim, kalo ketawa pelan2 sambil tutup mulut...bah...soooo NOT me!!!ga banget!!
I love bo ye......


Monday, September 11, 2006

2 things....

Remembering 9/11....
2,937 people died....may you rest in peace....amen
it's been 5 years!!yes, F.I.V.E. years!!!

I remembered wake up by a phone call from Jakarta around 10-am Milwaukee time. It was my uncle who called. Shocked abish!liat tivi cuma bisa bengong doang....speechless....all classes and activities from 11am got cancelled that day.
Went to prayer ceremony later that night or the day after ya?

on getting skinnier and skinnier....
not proud of it!musti makan yang buanyaaaaakkkk yeee....
and body juga uda ga oke neh....klewer2 dimana2...ikh!

18 days to go my friend

Sunday, September 10, 2006

just the three of us ....

the oldest woman, the second oldest, and the youngest man in the house....
we'll gonna make it...
i promise....

Saturday, September 09, 2006


ada apa aja ya seminggu belakangan ini?

2 sept 2006
went to red drunk!bad one!supposedly Candice yg mustinya drunk really really bad...kenapa jadi gua?got the longest hang over (2 days!)...
i promised myself not to drink anymore (at least in the next 6 months)....

3 sept 2006
still got the headache....darn alcohol!

4 sept 2006
back to work...with the headache of course...

5 sept 2005
in the office...i felt okay....went to plaza semanggi. rencananya mo beli tas...tapi apa daya....rencana tinggal rencana....malah si gendut yg beli celana jeans...

6 sept 2006
meriang!di rumah

7 sept 2006
ke otek. dikasih obat...tidur seharian

8 sept 2006
getting better

9 sept 2006
im okay!back to work on monday!hiksss.....

kalo dipikir2...apa semua ini gara2 alcohol????darnnnnnnn!!!!

20 days to go my friend.....

Saturday, September 02, 2006

killing time ....

Lagi buang2 waktu nih...
ntaran mo pergi ke red square...ama kendi, andi, nyot.....
this is gonna be her night....
semoga aja semuanya lancaaaarrr....weeerrrr!
rada ngantuk neh sekarang....
blon tau mau pake kostum apa....apaan ye?yang comfy tapi asik....

nyamuk banyak banget.....

tadi ke gading ama kendi...nonton the break up...
buat para guys better watch it!that movie is basically sum up our (wowen) whole point....
gih gih...recommended buat cowo2...ehuehue....

lunch di la porchetta....talked ALOT!it was fun....

kinda excited with our new career plan...

siap2 aaahhh.....cari bajuuuu....