Monday, September 11, 2006

2 things....

Remembering 9/11....
2,937 people died....may you rest in peace....amen
it's been 5 years!!yes, F.I.V.E. years!!!

I remembered wake up by a phone call from Jakarta around 10-am Milwaukee time. It was my uncle who called. Shocked abish!liat tivi cuma bisa bengong doang....speechless....all classes and activities from 11am got cancelled that day.
Went to prayer ceremony later that night or the day after ya?

on getting skinnier and skinnier....
not proud of it!musti makan yang buanyaaaaakkkk yeee....
and body juga uda ga oke neh....klewer2 dimana2...ikh!

18 days to go my friend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ketek lu bau tuu.. mhoakakakaakk