Sunday, July 26, 2009


just in case you haven't noticed, from time to time i write some scattered thoughts...
just like this one....hehehehhe

just had a chat with was fun...hehehehe
can't wait to see her and just blabber out....

will have my mid year performance review tomorrow.
pasrah aja sih....yang terjadi ya terjadi lah...

how to tell someone not to be so 'lembek'?
we are living in a cruel world....toughen up!!
stop making things like they are HUGE, when the fact they are not.
if you are doing what you are doing now, you'd be gone crazy in no time and miss lots of thing life has to offer...
live your life...
i know sometimes life feels like crap, but it'd get better...believe me :)

anyway, bought my self lots of undies last night...and they were on sale!yay!

and OOOOHH....we got a couch yesterdaaaaayy....WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!!! happy!!
step by was an awesome step we took together!

hmmm...lost my writing mood out of the sudden...
oh well

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