Friday, June 09, 2006

postingan kemaren...

8 jun 2006

in the middle of working hours my mind keep jumping from one thing to another...

last night i sunked myself to the electronic to be precise...saw couple of my friend's siblings...she looks so happy, she looks so mature, she looks so elegant, she looks so DAMN rich, she looks so smart and sum up, she looks PERFECT!thinking when i'd be like her...not literally like her, but half of her would be more than enough...

this morning, had a talk with candice about true love and of our manager just lost her husband...he was everyhting to her and vice versa...he was her soulmate, when he was gone he tooked half of her too...ada ya cinta kaya gitu...i thought cuma di dalem cerita ato pelem doang...

life isn't fair heh?

gua bingung ngadepin idup...turn back time udah ga mungkin kan, makanya kadang2 i wish i had doraemon...i'd ask him to use his time machine, go back to 5 years ago and stay!mungkin itu sebabnya kali ya nobita ga pernah naek kelas...kelas 4 mulu!mungkin dia enjoy di kelas 4....ya kali ya...

life's sucks right at this moment!i live but not alive!

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