Sunday, August 13, 2006

in the last 48 hours....

involve in an interesting conversation with marco - details in my diary already...males ngetik lagi ah....
yang jelas im so glad i had the chance to chat with him....thanks for the inside opinions and thoughts....

pilek lagi!sebal!

pergi ama candice and tante pau, nyedengin baju was a nice dress....first, i didnt really like the blue thing on the waist, just doesn't belong there....but when i looked at the back of the dress it shows more style....bagus!
i like the stones....bling bling banget...ehehehhe....
on our way home tante pau ngomong gini, "iiiihhh de, mami mah paling ga mao ngelupain kebaikan orang."...jegeeeeeerrrr!!!kaya disamber gledek gua....glapok, gepplak...plokkk!!
it made me realize how selfish i am....
some how i dont know what to do with people who are nice to me....i didnt have the gesture to show how i care....coz i raised that way....
but i want those who care about me to know that i love you guys!really!!

lately, gua juga mikir kalo ternyata peranan gua di keluarga itu udah not a 'free as a bird' second child anymore....lebih ke head of the family....
i cannot do whatever i wanna do anymore....harus mikir if i do this, efeknya ke orang lain gimana?

lagi ga betah di rumah neh....mao pegi aje kali yee....tapi idung masi meler ga keruan gini...

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