Sunday, May 21, 2006


there's nothing to write about...
just nothing...
plain nothing...
kayanya my passion to write udah gone with the internet connection!
darn semut bako junior, ass kisser!!

btw, i got pilek syndrom again!!!bencii!!kenapa ya gua boyo banget kalo ama pilek???

oh ye, nonton God so Loved the World by Jakarta Broadway Singers (JBS) di balai sarbini kemaren....
denger2 katanya balai sarbini itu the best performance hall di indo, and i dont think the term "the best" comply....
the sound system was quite bad!suaranya bisa ilang2 gitu seh...and i think staffnya juga kurang berpengalaman...di tengah2 play tiba2 lampu sorotnya bisa jatoh!waaa!
kaget juga waktu liat pemainnya pake wireless mic (yang kaya orang2 konser tu, yg diattach di kepala)....i thought i would be something like broadway stage in NY, the mics were placed in the stage (where the audience couldnt see) and the building is especially build for that kind of show...apparently i expect too much...

apart from the sound system...the show itself was quite good, even there were some boring parts....overall, it was good!

talked with devi on the phone!just found out kalo ternyata dalem keluarga gua (from mom's side) itu pada benci ama satu orang....jeehhh!!!rusuh juga ye....

ngantuk banget sekarang dahhh!!!!

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