Tuesday, September 08, 2009


kesel dah
nyariin romo kok susah banget yak...
dari minggu lalu nih...and i hate semua yg mendadak.
i like to plan things...ga suka mepet2 and dadakan!
apa lagi ini berhubungan dengan surat2 segala...this is sucks!

gimana orang ga mo kesel sama something gereja related.
kebanyakan birokrasi, kebanyakan aturan. well, aturannya sih fine la. emang tujuannya biar jadi teratur and has system.
tapi orang2nya itu ga bisa diajak kerja sama.
they work there, and they should provide us with the service dong.
im sure they get paid.
and not sure how much. but its not the case lah.
you work there, and thats your job to help people who needed help.

susah banget sih.

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