Wednesday, September 09, 2009

boleh ga?

boleh ga kesel ama yg-di-atas-sana?
abis ga ada kabarnya sampe sore ini.
bingung deh.
ga sabar ye?
abis kesel.
gak jelas.

im a very impatient human.
im a human.
i have flaws.

i know i still have to work on it.
but i want this one soooo bad.
i really do.
bener deh. i really do.
never want something this bad.
let me correct it, this is one of the things i want real bad.

mau teriak, tapi tak berguna.
aku berdoa. berdoa banget.
aku pasrah. bener deh.
but right now i just want to let things out.
boleh kan?

will continue praying........

1 comment:

Candice Eva said...

tau dong rasanya nunggu PR ampir 6 taon? huahuahuha