Monday, January 01, 2007

what i wrote on christmas...

This day is almost over…

Today is Christmas day.
I don’t feel like Christmas anyway.
This day is like any other day of the year.
Most of those Christmas wishes were formalities, for decency’s sake.

Sure, you can judge me. I don’t care.
But before you do, please think have you ever done something like that?

Spent this day at Andi-Kendi’s. I had fun.
We (Kendi and I) went grocery shopping. We grilled those steaks (thanks to Andi for the hard wagging work!). We smashed those potatoes.

The menus were:
Grilled barbeque sauce steak
Mash potatoes
Baked potatoes (half succeed)
Mushroom cream soup as dressing
Some mixed veggie (broccoli and beans)
Teh Kotak
Grape juice

We ate with scattered silverwares (fruit knife replacing steak knife), plates, and glasses. But it was great!
People may call it Christmas dinner since we were having the dinner on 25 December, but I prefer to call it Family dinner.

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