Thursday, February 20, 2014

cicit cuit...

Babeh and anaknya dah bobo dari tadi...
Maknya? Wide awake...huhuhu....

Si given si given....
Lagi belajar jalan dia. Sebenernya udah bisa berdiri unsupported tapi belom PD kayanya.
Kalo jalan pake dorongan bisa de dia sambil mesem2...ahahaha...bocah!

Ngomongnya uda lumayan banyak juga dia. Such as: mom, mam, mamam, ten, gin (green), baun (brown), bam (ball/baloon), bem (car), dad, bird, down, baba, dada, bye.
See....mayan kann?

Kalo ditanya "are u hungry?"
If hes hungry dia akan jawab "mamam". If not, dia geleng2...

Mulai kenalan sama macem2 makanan.
Suka susu coklat. Demen pasta. Keju. Kentang. Ubi. Anggur. Brokoli. Kembang kol. Butternut squash. Tempe. And lately, demen gadoin corn flakes...
Suka biskuit...cemilan laa...
Basically, he's not picky (thank God!!!)

Suka denger lagu. Denger gua, yg notabene suaranya sember dan budeg nada ini, nyanyi juga dia seneng.
Main soft toys, baca buku, nonton tv. Atau gua lenongin pake expresi muka...x

Sekarang dah bisa joget2 dikit2 kalo denger music yg dia suka. Baru angkat2 tangan aja sih..

Udah tau mana kepala. Tapi selebihnya belom...ahahh...dia ga mau kalo diajarin. Somehow cuma mau kepala doaaang. Heheheheh....

Lately lg apet bener ama gua. I dont mind at all cuma kadang i need a break aja. Im human mah...cape juga...kl ga bisa take care of my self gimana mau take care org lain. Ya toh?

Itu kira2 soal given....

Then what about gua?
Apa bedanya sih sejak punya title "mami/mom" ? Buanyaaakkk!!!!

Lebih bersukur and lebih mellow tentunyaaaa...
Everytime i see his eyes, i see love. I see how God loves us.
I see hope. I see faith. I see our answered prayer. I see one boy with a good heart (ameeennnn!!!!)
I see my world.
Lebay ya? Bodo ah...ahahaha...

I never tot tidur less than 8 hrs ga bikin gua bt. And given gerak dikit aja gua bangun. Dulu kan kebo bener!
Dulu tidur kudu gelep gulita, sejak ada given gak lagi...

Ga pernah nyangka gua bisa kasih asi exclusively. I always tot gua tipe org yg gampang nyerah. But look at me! Been breast feeding for almost 13 mos. I think a great support system is all mom need, bukan cuman soal asi aja sih. All aspects of motherhood.

Never into online shopping. But look at me now. Wehehehe...less time to go to the mall laaaaa...

Gua bedoaaaa supaya given sehat, pinter, confident, mau belajar hal2 baru, suka baca...

Gua juga bedoaaa that i'll be a wise mom. Amiiiiiinnnn....

Getting sleepy here!
Good night!

on his 1st birthday

Note: typed this on his birthday. Wanted to add more but i lost words. So yeaaa...

Dearest Given,

Happy 1st birthday, my boy!
You are rocking my world in a way I'd never imagine. May you grow into a loving, confident, smart yet humble human being. May you always surrounded by love and be a blessing to others. Dream high, my boy, as there is no limit! Be brave and chase your dreams. Fly and soar gracefully.
Love you a great deal, kiddo!

Your 1st birthday is a huge mark of your and my achievements.
You as a tiny person who I pray to do great things in life (amen).
Me as a mother.

You are a crawling master, but refusing to learn how to walk (that's okay, take your time). You (still) smile A LOT. You like the color green