Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letting someone you love dearly go....

My uncle and my auntie....
Two very different personalities.
One is strong headed, one is soft.
One is so frank, one is so wise.

Been married for 40 years (i think).
Regardless all life challenges they still together until today. Until the day my auntie get really sick. He stand by her all the way.

I think his FB status say it all (and I quote):

"Aku sangat terbuka semua yg aku dengar n lihat aku katakan pada T Koo tidak ada perubahan sedikitpun.Memang ia agak lemah akibat endoscopy karena dibius total biasa aku sungguh bahagia bisa mendampingi istriku dikala ia benar2 membutuhkanku inilah karunia yg diberikan YESUS kpdku untuk mencintainya disepanjang suka n duka.TQ GOD"

I think they are so meant for each other.

no more words to express how i feel........

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