Saturday, January 17, 2009


okay, here's the thing...
pernah ga lu ngerasain you are in the border?
less than 1 step lu sebenernya bisa sampe disana?
but unfortunately, due to out of your control circumstances akhirnya ga bisa sampe sana?
that what i feel yesterday!and a little bit today.

about my performance review.
my company that im working for is a performance driven company.
my boss know that i work my ass off!but unfortunately, the numbers in the paper didnt show that!
there's nothing she can do since all promotion shall be reviewed by the headquarter in hong kong.
and of course, they look at the numbers.
its not fair!how the hell i know that that freaking online system really dragging me down?
its so not fair. i help them to get money and they didnt put my name in the system just because they didnt understand!!!dammit!

anyhoooow, talked to my boss about it.
and it was very important for me that she know i work hard!

im so freaking angry yesterday!
but today im okay.... :)

lets enjoy the saturday....lalalala

1 comment:

Candice Eva said...

senam ulet.. tu wa gaaa!