Thursday, March 31, 2011

this and that!

rumah kok rasanya ga beres2....cape aja jadi the one whose being positive all the time.
had my break down last night! nangis ga, marah iya!
couldnt do laundry properly! what the heck???!?!
dimana lagi yg salah?apa lagi yang salah?

most of the time i feel nobody to count on. nobody to help me think and actually do stuff.
bikin marah. kesel. emosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...........
gua yang harus mikir, gua yang harus ingetin, gua yang harus dorong2,....gila kali!
gua punya bates kaleee!

camnya ga ada niat to do stuff. to make the house better.
gak mikir2 apa2.... or kalo mikir juga cuma ngomong ada tuh tindak lanjutnye!

cape de!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Today is Ash Wednesday.
Lent starts.

What should I give up?
Meat? Sweets? Facebook? The Internet? Coffee?


Friday, March 04, 2011

on pictures taking

i like taking pictures but have no interest editing them.
i like good raw pictures.

set a challenge for myself a while ago - use a pocket camera to take good (or great) pictures.
no need the great device(s). just 1 pocket camera.
i think it's not about the great device or the great technology.
its about the skill, the perception, the angle, and the mood (to me yes, mood is a big thing).

and yep, i'm continuing and enjoying the challenge.