Thursday, February 17, 2011

remembering you....

sometimes i forget that you are gone...
like now, like today.
it brought up tears.

how are you up there?
great i suppose....yea, i'm sure. :)

gak sengaja nemu your email back in 2006.
you asked me how i feel the day after mlb got hitched.
how ade felt.
you care, you always cared...

aku lupa mami udah pergi....sering banget lupa...
aku inget mami masih ada di kew....ato lagi ke dokter.

sedih...tapi i'm happy for you. no more pain, you can take a good rest while enjoying your work, tabungan buat akherat....

and i know, i'll be okay :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

uk and ut....

Wrote this on 20 Jun 2006

aku tahan kantuk
sampe ngangguk ngangguk
kerjaan bertumpuk tumpuk
pasang muka kusuk
aku belaga sibuk
aku celingak celinguk
liat orang2 pada sibuk
aku makin terpuruk
dalam keadaan yang buruk
ingin mengamuk
menghantam kelabu hiruk pikuk
aku ngoceh sampe terbatuk batuk
menahan murka yang makin terbentuk
ayo semangat jangan mengkerut
biar jalan di depan licin berlumut
biar pandangan penuh kabut
jangan sampai terhasut
ayo maju terus pantang kusut
mari panjatkan doa sambil berlutut
semoga kita tidak lagi takut
menghadapi hidup yang penuh kemelut

Ps. I miss writing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the importance of a warning

after the boss called and warned 2 of our sales people, today both came to the office and brought some new listings.
as much as i really want to let them go, i still appreciate their effort.

so let's pray that this isn't temporary. let's pray that they will take this job seriously.
i know not all people can do what they do now (see me, i tried for 4 months, i couldn't do it).

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

i miss my legacy....

my legacy = dagangan stationary and school bag.

it's almost that time of year again.
i really miss doing all the shopping, the thinking, the wrapping, the labeling, and most importantly...i miss feeling the excitement of selling those stuffs.

i guess i have to pass on the legacy yea?
i hope whoever yang lanjutin my legacy would do such a good job.
please do not disappointed me. i built it and too bad i can't continue. i would if i could.
