Sunday, July 29, 2007


die hard 4.0....checked!
harry potter 5....checked!
simpsons the movie....checked!
transformers....uncheck juga ga apa2 lah....

udah bersukur bisa nonton tuh pelem2 listed above...hehehhe...

trus ngapain aja ya kemaren?
i feel better, much better....walo kadang2 suka masih agak2 blank tiba2....
tapi langsung get my mind on something...
talking with people who cares really helps lighten my burden....sumpeh...i dont know what would i do without them....mungkin sekarang gua masih 'gila' kali ya....
and im glad im not!!!wooooohhhoooo...

oh ye minggu depan mulai tenis...yay!akhirnya...belajar juga...tau de bisa kaga...euehuehue...


Anonymous said...

dear WIL..
semoga lekas sembuh dari kegilaan muw..
dan jiwa mue dapat tentram kembali..


Anonymous said...

thanks ya PIL