lagi iseng iseng baca bulletin board di friendster yang biasanya males gua baca....
trus nemu ini...
"The moral of this story is that when
things don't seem to be going your way,
always know that God has a plan for you.
If you place your trust in him, God
will give you great gifts. We don't always know what God's plans
are for us. We just know that His ways
are not our ways, but His ways are
always best."
lagi lagi dan lagi....thanks ya God...
eniwei, baru balik dinner ama edrik...
had a great conversation about life....
kita emang grow up....emang kita harus grow up...
grow up is a choice...ehuehue...i choose to be one!
most people choose to be one!eheuheuhe....don't they?heuhuheue....
bits update about me...
toko udah slower....*fiuh*...tapi tetep aje gua musti mengabdi ampe akhir bulan...tapi ga apa2...demi sesuap nasi seraup apa2....aku relaaa.....lalalala....
trus trus udah ga sabar mau skating lagi....pasti kaki pegel2 deh...
trus mau pijet *iye bo, lu gua traktir!bawel!*
trus mau ketawa-tawa menggila ama temen2ku tercinta semuaaaa...
dan tak lupa pasang radar untuk datangnya sang belahan jiwa dari Tuhan....tuuttt...tttuuuttt....
1 comment:
ikutan dunk traktiran pijet nya..
hohohohoho.. ^_^.v
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