Tuesday, June 24, 2014

last night in bali

Ga percaya besok pindah. Beneran pindah. Back to jakarta. Place i used to call home for almost all my life, until we moved to bali.

Bali been great. I love my life here. Despite the narrow roads and slow phase people, bali is way better than jakarta.
People are nicer. Look at my neighbourhood. We still tegoran walao we dont ngobrol. I feel save here.
Ya namanya org jahat ada dibelahan dunia mana, tapi i feel org2 sini msh lbh sincere.

Dari pertama pindah i know we will go back to jkt. The plan was at least we live in bali for 5 years. I understand plan can change. But sometimes i wish we are the ones who change the plan. Not circumtances or others.
Berasanya i have no control over my life. Kaya anak kecil yg cuma dikasih free time and when the free time is up you have to go back.....

Im gonna miss looking at the blue sky.
Liat given denger suara aeroplane sambil angkat tangan dan bilang "ccccsshhhh" sambil senyum2...
Im gonna miss jalan tol yg bener2 berfungsi sebagai jalan bebas hambatan.
Im gonna miss liat given ke pantai. Jalan2 di pasir. Nendang2 ombak.
Im gonna miss suara ombak dan tampolan angin pantai.
Im gonna miss having my own place dengan segala kekurangannya.
Im gonna miss my ugly annoying kitchen.

Bintang banyaakkk deh malem iniii...
Gonna miss that too!

Dear God,  please please please help me to accept things i cannot change. Please please make my heart bigger.

Thank you for the 4 years ride. For the experiences, for the memories.
It's not good bye, Bali. We will see you again....

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