Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sabtu Malam di Bar Capung

The Place: Dragonfly Bar

The Day and Date: Saturday, 12 May 2007

The Time: 11 pm-ish

The Participants: Andi, Kendi, Olwin, and I.

The Ride: Silky Silver Met. Swift GL (correct me if I’m wrong)

The Drinks: 1 Baileys Single, 1 Cointreau Single, 1 Long Island Tea, 1 Strikes Back (1 dozen shot), 1 Urban Sector (1 dozen shot), 1 Evian

The Food: 1 Fried Squids *lirik yang mesen…defeat the purpose of clubbing nih!*

There we were arrived at the Dragonfly around 11 pm-ish…almost 11:30 I guess.
The crowd wasn’t that packed just yet. We ordered ourselves a drink; exclude Andi since he was the driver. Thanks for being so responsible. J

We ordered 1 dozen shot…ada yang semaput, aer mata naek, nutupin mulut pake tissue *nunjuk2 perempuan yang pake baju biru semalem*…padahal baru minum dikit banget….iikkhh…bikin maluu!!!
Her defense sih katanya nihhh….katanya nihh…dia bilang thanks to me dia jadi trauma ama alcohol gara2 on her bachelorette night dia dicekokin alcohol ama gua….hueuehueue…
Andi minum dikit banget….1 cocktail and setengah shot…hihihi…kan supirr..kudu nyetirrr….ga boleh mabok donnnggg….
Olwin minum banyak aje…tapi dia ga mabok!ah…dunia emang ga adil!!masi hyper iya tu anak…ga sopan!
I drank lumayan banyak….10 shots kayanya ada deh…gila juga….tipsy tentunya….

We (at least I) had fun last night. I danced like I never danced before (ternyata stamina gua ok juga). I laughed and cried my heart out.
Semalem seru banget…haven’t had such a great time in a loooonnggg time…..

Pagi ini puyeng puyeng dikit…ehuehue….kacau deh….tapi sekarang udah oke lagi kok…besok back to work….cari duit lagi…

I thank all the participants for a great night! Makasih, makasih and makasih….


Anonymous said...

U'r welcome WIL..
hope those nite won't be the 1st and the last for us.. ^_^.v

Anonymous said...

HEH!!!! Ong Fan Kui dan Lim Cu Kiok kurang ajjjaarrrr!!!!!!

It's truueee kok, gw emang jadi ga kuat nyium bau alkohol... thanks to the biatch yg kemaren pake baju item yg modelnya GA KLABING BANGET!! *party pooper lu bo*

Neewaaaay, I had fuunnn... wakakakaaakkk. Kesampean juga liat 6 kotak. (2 lagi ga keliatan ye?)

Love u alll tooo bittsss