Wednesday, May 03, 2006


this is another complaints of mine, another negative mind of mine, another bad bad opinion of mind, another sarcastism of mine...

warning: for those who reads my blog and gets really tired of these things, please skipped this entry before you hates me...or have you?don't care's my blog = my space...can say anything i want...

some people say that i have problem communicating with my family, maybe there're right...

gua cape musti keep up with their behavior, gua cape musti compromise mulu seumur idup gua and they didnt even try to return the favor, gua cape diresein mulu....
i just wanna be on my own...

sekarang lagi baca buku yang judunya "Truly Madly Yours" and somehow i can relate to one of the characters, Delaney Shaw (bener ga ye family namenya?)..
dia itu mirip gua, wanted her space, wanted to be alone ga tergantung ama orang tuanya...
bedanya dia ama gua itu, dia dapet semua yang dia perluin, dia diatur mati2an ama orang tuanya biar jadi 'orang' and continue the business...and gua ga diatur gitu seh...malah kadang2 bisa dibilang kurang perhatian dari orang tua...which i dont really care....i can be on my own, im used to that!

mao punya kamar sendiri aja musti perang dulu, emang freedom isn't free!
gua eneg tiap hari musti liat dia mondar mandir di rumah dengan gaya manjanya, sering marah2 pula....rese tau!ikh!

one little thing that makes me happy....i parked my car outside the building and i just feel that it's my little accomplishment of being independent....from now on, i'll my butt down to the office every single day!no need him to drive me anymore...
i'm enjoying every single tiny seconds while i'm behind the wheel...

got headache today....since last night seh...kebangun mulu waktu tidur...cekat cekot neh pala gua....dem yo!udah makan paramex seh tadi, moga2an aja cepet sembuh....

a thing worried me...kok kayanya gua nyetir boros yak?apa selang bensinnya bocor kaya waktu itu ye?gua jadi bingung!kalo musti ganti bisa sekitar 2-3 jt-an...argh!duit lagi!!doh doh doh....amit2 tok tok tok chooooyyyy jangan sampeee gara2 itu, mungkin aja gua emang lagi narik2 trus and moga2an bensin boros cuma perasaan gua doang....aminnnnn...

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