Tuesday, May 30, 2006

about today ....

woke up around 6:40am...it meant kesiangan!huaaa...
went to the office
work here and there
so sleepy
went home...
beresin seragam buat di toko
pinggang sakit
berat2 banget tu barang!
cuci piring....
ditinggalin nonton davinci code!

i learnt it's better to accept people the way he is than to change him the way i want him to be....
ngurang2in bete, ngurang2in beban...terima aja setiap orang apa adanya walopun ada sedikit ato banyak hal yang ga berkenan buat gua...much better....
and im tired usaha bikin people happy!why cant you accept me for me?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Mystery Case File Huntsville

Can't get enough of it!hehehhe....
seru meeeeennn!

my deepest condolences to the victims and families of Yogyakarta's current catastrophy...
dunia mo jadi apa?

have you ever think that you demand so much from someone?dududududu......

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

acak acakan

okay where do i start?
just finished washing the dishes....
yesterday we had a surprise party for mom...she was shocked of course!happy too!
it went well i guess....

beres2nya itu loh yang ga nahan...mana ga ada pembokat pula!sukses la gua jadi pembokat sementara!

went home today and the messy house got on my nerve!!!bener2 berantakan!!kotor!!
langsung beres2....bete!benciii liat yang kotor2 kaya gitu...

anyway, besok libur!yay!rencananya mo ke mangdu ama nyokap, tau de jadi ato engga...

were there special things i miss ye???kaya engga ada....lagi agak2 "numb"...hehehe....
the pilek is still here...go away fasttt!

no internet in the office started to kill me!have no new games or whatsoever....gua suka staring blankly to the monitor!anjrot!sedih amat yaaa...

i like being on my own...kaya sekarang...i really need my space...

Sunday, May 21, 2006


there's nothing to write about...
just nothing...
plain nothing...
kayanya my passion to write udah gone with the internet connection!
darn semut bako junior, ass kisser!!

btw, i got pilek syndrom again!!!bencii!!kenapa ya gua boyo banget kalo ama pilek???

oh ye, nonton God so Loved the World by Jakarta Broadway Singers (JBS) di balai sarbini kemaren....
denger2 katanya balai sarbini itu the best performance hall di indo, and i dont think the term "the best" comply....
the sound system was quite bad!suaranya bisa ilang2 gitu seh...and i think staffnya juga kurang berpengalaman...di tengah2 play tiba2 lampu sorotnya bisa jatoh!waaa!
kaget juga waktu liat pemainnya pake wireless mic (yang kaya orang2 konser tu, yg diattach di kepala)....i thought i would be something like broadway stage in NY, the mics were placed in the stage (where the audience couldnt see) and the building is especially build for that kind of show...apparently i expect too much...

apart from the sound system...the show itself was quite good, even there were some boring parts....overall, it was good!

talked with devi on the phone today...men!just found out kalo ternyata dalem keluarga gua (from mom's side) itu pada benci ama satu orang....jeehhh!!!rusuh juga ye....

ngantuk banget sekarang dahhh!!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

dep dep dep

setelah 2 hari ga join dunia maya gua kangen juga...ehehhe...

dapet blush on impian gua...yay!senangnya...heheheh...

kemaren dinner di seafood ayu, enak men kepiting saos padangnyee...
trus hajar duren...hasilnya:sakit leher sekarang!monyong!
bangun jem 4 pagi hari ini, gara2 idung mampet and denger ajan subuh!sebel!
sekarang ngantuk banget nih...so sleepy!

hari ini ga niat kerja.....seperti biasaaaaa......
males ye...ga konsen update....

Thursday, May 18, 2006

twenty five years of me

feelin okay, not excited...just okay...
probably becoz im here at the office...screwing my day (amit2 jangan sampe screw)

got bandulan kalung from mam pau
kendi, you still owe me that body shop blush on.....
tetito, you still owe me puma shoes....


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

second day without internet at the office

surprisingly i survived, even sometime there were moments we looked at each other and have the "then what??" look on our lost faces...ehuehue...

garing abis seh ga ada internet di kantor...amet2nya ajubile!

it's just not fair!*says who life is fair??*

nothing special at the office i must say....
oouuhh, the highlight of the day....no babeh in the house!YAY YAY!
need to talk to him about the net connection, i need it!ya hopefully dikasih seh...
i miss dunia maya you know!addicted already!hehehe...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


as of today, 16 may 2006
that freakin' office of mine disconnect the internet connection. looks like they prefer their employee to be more effective (yea rite, effective my ass!)
nyebelin banget!sumpeh!!bettteeeeee....


udah 2 hari something wrong with my hair...berminyak gitu seh!ikkh!!kesannya gua ga keramas....amet2!gua keramas tiap hari yee...nasty kalo engga!
apa salah di shampoonya ye?ga jelas...perasaan tu sampoo udah gua pake satu botol oke2 aja kok, masa baru sekarang nongol masalahnya...annyoing abish!

ape ye?ga ada apa2 jg se sebenernya...ehehhe...

oh ye, weekend ini mo nonton jakarta's broadway show...."God so Loved Us" judulnya kalo ga salah...ehehhe..excited!mo tau gua kaya apaan seh shownya...eheheh..

du du du du du du.....


this morning i feel very very sleepy!
kemaren tidur jem 11 malem soalnya....
nyetir juga sempet merem melek gitu seh...akibatnya, tadi pas mo parkir gua nyenggol boil orang...eheh...maap pak!sumpe ga sengaja...untungnya mobil dia n gua ga apa2...it was a very slight bump...so i guess it should be okay!

moga2an aja orang2 dibawah ga ada yang rese...ameeennn!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

belly dance for me

one question popped up waktu ngepo ama si kendi...
actually, not her question seh, but you-know-who lah...

pertanyaannya something like this, "trus gunanya lu ikutan belly dancing apa?"

my answer would be:
- i want to learn something new
- i need a way to show my true color (caelaaahh!)
- i'm bored with my life...
- i need to do some excercise
- i want to have something to do besides work and couching potato
- i need to spend more time with my best friend -*stuju??*
- i'm craving for new experiences
- i want to feel good about myself
- i want to be sexy in my own way

i know this kinda thing won't produce any material income, but it produce psychologial income. it brings me excitement when im shaking my hips (no porno mind here please!!).

i'm aware there are tons to learn about and i can't wait to learn some more...

weekend review

where do i start ye?
ohhhhh!i know...

may 13th was public holiday....YAY!no work!YAY!
went to sanggar anips with candice to learn belly dancing....
it was really hard, really!how suppose i split my hips from the rest of my body??
shimmy all the hour away...sampe gempor tuh pinggul gua....mo copot...
blon lagi belajar gerakan tangannya....snake hands lah, persian hands lah....jadi tau kalo badan sebelah kiri gua itu kaku banget!
yang kanan oke lah...yang kiri itu loh...parah!
trus ke PS...muter2 ga jelas....nongkrong di starbucks akhirnya...
pulang ke cawang...practice my shimmy shimmy...i think i got it!amenn!

took a nap at 5:30pm *if you still can call it a nap*...then, went to gading around 8pm...to mlb's house...then to mall gading with tetito, nonton basic instinct 2....oke lahh...
kebelet pipis abis nonton...
muter2 gading nyariin ropita...ee ketemu...makan pisang bakar coklat keju!!ennnaaakk banget!yamm yammm....
pulang deh around 1 am....tidurrrr...

bangun jem 11 siang...yehehe...
jem setengah 2 gua uda molor lagi ampe setengah 5...indahnya dunia...
jem 10 malem uda tewas lageh....blakk blakkk....

yah begitu lah weekend gua....quite interesting....

Friday, May 12, 2006


the thing about coffee is if you drank it too much is...
your pee would smell like one!


it's friday jek!

hari jumat, harinya agak2 santai...

besok sabtu, jek!
harinya goyang pinggul....AUUUHH!!
blon cari jalan neh....udah liat peta se kemarenan, kayanya tau seh....aminnnn....
blon dapet shawl ato scarft....

males update lagi ahhhh

Thursday, May 11, 2006

internet connection

kayanya internet connection di kantor udah mulai ga bener ya...
ga suka neh gua...friendster gua beberapa hari ini lamanya ga kira2...trus saking kelamaannya jadi error deh....

udah 'bangun' dari post lunch time...hehhe..ngantuk banget tadi...

hari ini kamis ye, ada amazing race, ada american idol...yay!sedih ye hiburan gua...cuma tipi and buku lately....

have nothing to write about seh...
uda beberapa hari ini my writing mood offline...
yang online malah something yang ga jelas...hihihihi....

wondering about belly dancing history....better googled that thing out....

dieep deiip duuoph

gua bingung sebenernya mo nulis apa...

ohh iyee...
jadi mikir lagi...do i really (baca: RRREEEAAALLLYYY) wanna try belly dancing?
would i be able to move my hips side to side, up and down, muter2?
jadi mikir!?!?!???
setelah mikir2 lagi,....YEP, i REEEAAALLLYYYY wanna try despite the malu2inya nanti, konyol2annya nanti, and resiko encok2 pinggul...yes i wanna try!

tadi pagi macet, denger2 di radio si gara2 ada jazz biru mogok di saharjo...aje gile aje kali!cuma gara2 mobil seimprit gitu mogok macetnya sampe bypass yg mo kearah casablanca....geblek!
ada taksi rese juga lagi...mo nyosor aja!tidak berpendidikan!
tapi untuuung masih dapet parkir di belakang loh....untung banget deh....masih kosong!

*neh uda mulai ngomong yang ga ada isinye nehhh*....

oh ye, mo buat surprise party buat nyokap...masih rough banget seh plannya...

jalan2 yuuukk....pengen shopping neh....hehehhe..mati gua!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's my car you are using

gua keseeellll banget!!argh!
if you used someone else's stuff ya tau diri dikit lahhh...liat2 dong and pikir perasaan orang yang lu pinjemin barang!ga bisa sesuka suka lu dong!jelas2 mobil gua mini....diisiin barang tau berapa banyak sampe shock breakernya turun gitu...nanti kalo rusak, gimana???
nanti ujung2nya gua yang musti keluar duit...


sent that job application already...
tadinya males, but i did it anyway...nothing to lose juga...
yaaa we shall see...
kayanya i forgot something dah...anjrot!!REFERENCE-nye lupaaa!!argh!
pupus sudah harapankuuu....hiikkkss....only God will help meee....so....please God...help...

dup dup dup dup dup

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

my dotted mind

bosen, but excited on the other side...

ama kerjaan, ama idup gua

soal belly dancing, soal jakarta broadway singers

hari ini waktu jalannya lama banget....masa baru jem 11 lewat seh?
mungkin dia sendiri juga lagi males and bosen ye, kerjaannya cuma muter2 aje, itu2 lagi yang dikerjain...

ujan nih...jadi makin mellow aje gua....
pala juga agak2 cekat cekot...
i lost my motivation neh....lost it somewhere....

thought amazing race would help (kali2 aja masuk tipi eee diliat ama producer iklan, trus jadi bintang iklan gitu...ehuehue....), ternyata ga epek...sampe detik ini ga dipanggil buat interview...

otak gua mummmmettt banget...i really need to take a break...
apa mendingan gua berenti aja ya, trus see from there....gimana?
bisa ga ye?oke ga ye?

jujur aja, cari kerja juga gua ga niat....gimana?bantuin toko aje?ga jelas juga....duuhh.....yg namanya masa depan emang paling ga jelas...idup ini semua serba ga jelas...gua mo nanges bombay aje deh....

ikut undian aje ye...kaya power ball...kali aja dapet 1 million dollar....ato ikutan kuis nico siahaan...rejeki 2 M...kali2 aja...euhuehue......


Monday, May 08, 2006

belly dancing....

got some info about belly dancing...
pengeeenn nyobain...siapa tau aja this thing would be one of my skill gitu...ehuehue...ya ga skill seh, hobi lah...atooo kegiatan lah...
itung2 sekalian olah raga...hopefully i have the guts to go there on my own kalo ternyata gua suka...aminnnn....

akhir minggu kemarin . . . .

sabtu, 6 mei 2006
bangun. siap2. kerja. pulang. makan emi ama bonyoknya kendi. pulang lagi. ngantuk banget yak. took a nap. bangun jem setengah 6. siap2 lagi. ke plaza senayan. mo ketemuan ama anak2 madison. eee ketemu meli. makan di spaghetti house. ke senayan arcadia. ke gelato bar. ketemu rahmat. red square vodka first anniversary. decided to go home instead. it was 11:30pm when i reached home.

minggu, 7 mei 2006
woke up. it was 7:20 in the morning. natural call. peed. mom told me something. SHOCKED! mlb want to sell the house. wth? WHY? couldn't go back to sleep. decided to go to church on 10:30am. went to gading. gado gado at gading batavia. ganti angin ban. one thing done. mall gading. food court. sit down and seruput my a&w sasaparilla. to tetito's house. hang out. not for long. went home at 6:15pm. take a shower. dinner. chat with mom a bit. went to bed at 9pm.

Friday, May 05, 2006

one thing i learnt yesterday

never trust your collegiate completely...
they are so nice in front of me but that one stabbed me from the back, even it's not that hard still stabbing
they're talking on my back....
sebodo teuink!wek!


Thursday, May 04, 2006

about my car

yep, MY car...
i made up my mind....ga akan jual mobil itu...
i've invested my time and money on it....
gua ga rela liat dia pergi dari gua...

that's my decision this morning.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Labor Day, 1 May 2006

I know im late....
Buruh masih rusuh di jakarta, i dont really know gimana di tempat lain...

~intermezzo: baru tau kalo dikepala gua ada jerawatnya, kegaruk lagi...sakit men!end of intermezzo~

gua serem entar pulang gimana ya?Apa bakalan macet banget?
nyetir sendiri lagi...monyong dah..
moga2an ga ada apa2 yeee....
serem juga ye ada rusuh2 gitu lagi...gua takut se knowing i couldnt do a thing to make it better...

~ 2nd intermezzo: pengen boker dari tadi pagi, sebenernya tadi pagi uda seh cuma tidak maksimal~

lalu masih kepikiran soal bensin....moga2an yang si gendut bilang bener...aminnn...aminnn...
masih juga kepikiran pengen punya temen gay...dimana ye nyarinya?

~3rd intermezzo: gua beli keripik...excited!hehehe...

kalo dipikir2....subject entry gua ama isinya sama sekali ga nyambung ye?hehehhe...biarin lah....

oh ye, sepupu gua dari pihak nyokap ternyata ada yang mo married lagi, so total sepupu married taon ini ada 4 orang...satu cowo, 3 cewe..aje gileee!

kepikiran juga soal boil gua yang di luar....moga2an aman2 aja ya...amin....

pengen pulang neh...mo nonton american idol...who's gonna out tomorrow ye?

bensinku ooo bensinku

kepikiran soal boil gua tercinta...
gimana ya nasibnya?
apa beneran bocor lagi kah?
gua jadi kepikiran...

gimana yeee?stress neh gua...kemaren waktu gua cek ga ada yg bocor kok...apa perasaan doang ye?takut banget neh gua...monyong banget daaahh...

laper neh...
baru jem setangah 12...hari ini lama banget ya jalannya....

how ye how ye?how?
i think we shall se kali ye...gua stress loh...serius deh...


this is another complaints of mine, another negative mind of mine, another bad bad opinion of mind, another sarcastism of mine...

warning: for those who reads my blog and gets really tired of these things, please skipped this entry before you hates me...or have you?don't care anyway...it's my blog = my space...can say anything i want...

some people say that i have problem communicating with my family, maybe there're right...

gua cape musti keep up with their behavior, gua cape musti compromise mulu seumur idup gua and they didnt even try to return the favor, gua cape diresein mulu....
i just wanna be on my own...

sekarang lagi baca buku yang judunya "Truly Madly Yours" and somehow i can relate to one of the characters, Delaney Shaw (bener ga ye family namenya?)..
dia itu mirip gua, wanted her space, wanted to be alone ga tergantung ama orang tuanya...
bedanya dia ama gua itu, dia dapet semua yang dia perluin, dia diatur mati2an ama orang tuanya biar jadi 'orang' and continue the business...and gua ga diatur gitu seh...malah kadang2 bisa dibilang kurang perhatian dari orang tua...which i dont really care....i can be on my own, im used to that!

mao punya kamar sendiri aja musti perang dulu, emang freedom isn't free!
gua eneg tiap hari musti liat dia mondar mandir di rumah dengan gaya manjanya, sering marah2 pula....rese tau!ikh!

one little thing that makes me happy....i parked my car outside the building and i just feel that it's my little accomplishment of being independent....from now on, i'll my butt down to the office every single day!no need him to drive me anymore...
i'm enjoying every single tiny seconds while i'm behind the wheel...

got headache today....since last night seh...kebangun mulu waktu tidur...cekat cekot neh pala gua....dem yo!udah makan paramex seh tadi, moga2an aja cepet sembuh....

a thing worried me...kok kayanya gua nyetir boros yak?apa selang bensinnya bocor kaya waktu itu ye?gua jadi bingung!kalo musti ganti bisa sekitar 2-3 jt-an...argh!duit lagi!!doh doh doh....amit2 tok tok tok chooooyyyy jangan sampeee gara2 itu, mungkin aja gua emang lagi narik2 trus and moga2an bensin boros cuma perasaan gua doang....aminnnnn...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

okay here's the thing....

you know....the surpirse! - she's-gonna-move-back-after-she-gave- birth thing.
dikasih tau kemaren pagi..and I REFUSE!!!!
yang bener aje....masa dia mo menuhin rumah lagi seh?
kalo dia move in, i'll move out!

aneh bener2 aneh...ga abis pikir aja gua and sama sekali ga ngerti jalan pikiran dia!

one, kenapa dia yg musti balik ke rumah instead of boyong nyokap ke sana kalo emang dia perlu bantuan nyokap....since disana ada 2 spare room....

two, trus kalo dia pindah lakinya dimana?seperate gitu?ato di rumah juga...mo ditaro dimana?
kalo seperate....bukannya itu ga sehat ye?baru married masa uda pisah2 gitu seh?kasian juga kan dia, ga bisa liat baby-nya anytime he wants....
kalo gabung....mo tidur dimana?i won't give up me room that's for sure...been waiting for that room all my life!
IF you want me to give up my room, then you should give up your house!

three, doesnt he has anything to say?

four, leave me alone!!!why you keep bugging me??it doesnt mean i didnt care, i do care if you're far enough from me....

if she moved in....it means:
NO privacy AT ALL (since when i get some??!?!)
berisik, but on the other hand we all need to be quite...
berantakan (that's so damn sure)

the point is...please please please stay away from my space!

alrite, that's enough...i wont blubbered more here!
still...cannot believe it!

Monday, May 01, 2006

some crap in my head

been craving to write for few days, but hadnt had the time...and here i go...

okay, one more thing for sure....i've officially moved all my stuff to my room...its not done yet, about 60% done...still havent the feeling that its MY room!something
missing....the door maybe??!!?!

got a surprise (not quite a surprise se, uda predict)....mlb wants to move back to cawang

after she give birth!and i said....WTH WTF???you have your own house...use it lah!its such a waste!!meningan gua yang pindah ke sana deh....

other thing...found a new ass in the house.....he's such an asshole!munafik abis!!aint gonna talk to him....no fuckin' way!!!he's gonna be so damn sorry one day!!!you'll see!i dont need you anyway...

skipped work today....takut ada kerusuhan gara2 demo buruh, but i dont think so yee....

agak2 nyesel seh ga masuk kerja...sialan!it should be okay!

tadi siang liat2 poto...fffuuuhhh....life was good back then!darn it!i refuse to grow up!why we need to grow up?why?tell me why?

these days...i feel that each member of my (so called) family is my enemy....

these days....jadi mikir better not married so fast, not even in the next 2 years....think, i mean (REALLY) think about it before you do it...make plans first!dari pengalaman orang2 sekitar gua...make sure that you have the mentality to be a spouse, to be a parent....you should learn to take care of yourself and your spouse first before having children....

well...back to work tomorrow people!