Tuesday, April 04, 2006


okay, 3 things....

1. insiden bathroom di milwaukee
WHAT HAVE I DONE???that dirty thing keep haunting me...you know what im talking about, bo!
ga di milwaukee, ga di jakarta....dosa gua apaan seh?

2. the bro of mine
you are so cheap, bradaahh!!can't believe it!it only cost you 13,3 jt to get your attention back to him???ckck...i amazed!

3. gas station
CRAP!!they stole 23 thousand rupiah from me!!!!!!!
meteran literan and duitnya ga singkron!son of o b*tch!!!!
rugi nih gua!!!
biarin de...orang miskin...gua kasihh gua kasssiihhh!*gua tau gua sepa....so what??!?!*


Anonymous said...

Huahahaha! I know EXACTLY what you mean bo!

Kesiyan si ama elu... kek-nya nasib lu disono ama disini ga jau beda ye... teuteuup aje kudu berhubungan sama "that" thingy. hgeuaugeuahguahe!!!

Sabar subur booo! amiin, amiiin ya robal alamiiin

Paula said...

incident? what incident?
milwaukee? muntah?