Saturday, April 29, 2006

randomness of me

cuci boil - inside out
no nap for today
ape lagi ye?
kayanya abis cuci boil uda worn-out gua...ehehehe...

kemaren ke inter-continental hotel, liat pameran baju penganten yaa ada gaun2nya juga seh...

wedding dresses-nya bagus2 sehh...berapa duitan ye?mustinya bawa kamera kemaren...darn!!!

hari ini belon ada rencana mo ngapain...eheheh...cuma bengon2 doang kayanya...hehehhe...

oh ye, started "Truly Madly Yours" few days back....seru juga tu buku kayanya...

si mlb mo nembusin kamarnya ke kamar baby...wah!ngapain???history repeat lage neh!
buang2 duit aje ye...kan mahal bobok tembok gitu...ngapain seh??
ga masuk akal aje...meningan duitnye buat yang laen toh...beli2 popok, susu...gitu2 lah....ato skalian ditabungin buat tu anak sekolah nanti...

mendung lagi neh....yaaaahhhhh....percuma dong cuci boil?tapi harus seh...udah kelewatan kotornya....

bentar lagi pulang ahhh

Friday, April 28, 2006


muka gua bentolan!!
mate dahh....guattteeeelll, tapi ya ga boleh digaruk...ntar bentolnye jadi makin geeddeee...
kenape ye muka gua suka bentolan?

and those are pretty big bentolans...anehh...
dipipi kanan nehh...garuk2 garuksss...

gatell gatelll...
it's only in your's only in your minndd.....

anyway, lunch bakso hari ini....

bentolan oh bentolan...please go away from my face!!!argh!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

what i really want are ....

sit back and relax at home, reading the next book (which one ya?)
just be home!that's it!be in my room, doing my stuff.....
enak kali ye...

lately lagi pengen belajar banyak...
ya tennis lah, ya ballroom dancing lah, ya golf lah....

juga lagi pengen bikin kue lah...

pengen go dancing pula...

pengen mindahin lemari ke kamar gua...

pengen ini itu deh...kaya nobita....

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

cerita hari ini

drove my butt to the office. arrived around 8-ish.
immediately start working on some crap that needed to be done.

then work work work all the way up to lunch time. had lunch. chit chat a bit. back to work.
hardly checking my email today.

now it's 4pm and i'm so ready to go home.

oh ya, finished 'bookends' last night. quite happy with the story.
so which one should i start tonight ya?

okay today is tuesday ya?no good movie, so better read lahhh....
been in reading mood since few days back. is that a good thing?

miss my old space lately. miss 1810 (i know the building is so ugly, but it was my the warmest place in milwaukee for me).

what to wear tomorrow?thingkin of wearing a skirt, but usually i change my mind last minute.hohoho....
i like my hair, especially the bangs...looks so cute * i don't know why*

20 minutes to go...

wanna go out of the country...europe preferable.hehehhe....or dubai will do too...hehehe....watching too much travel channel....
but i love that channel...

thinking about that polkaot high heel i saw in mal artha gading...will it look cute in my foot?
shall see!

why people still working with so much energy around this hour?not me for sure?
raining again...when the summer will come?

celle haven't reply my msg - i asked her possibilities of ballroom dancing classes in jakarta area. need to do something.

in the mood going to cinema, popcorn in my right hand, coke in my left hand....

18 minutes to go...

5 minutes to go...

mo blajar tennis ah!

pulang yuuuukkkk

Monday, April 24, 2006

mau baca buku

pengen pulang...
pengen baca buku lagi neh....bookends....
lagi seru aja...
im enjoying reading (for now)....

du du du du...

tadi dipanggil ke kantornya si babeh....waaahh....untuuuung gua bisa jawab ditanyain ini itu....fiuuhh..

you know what...still want a gay friend...cowo, tapi dia yang jadi 'cewe' nya...aneh yee....
my new obsession tuh..entah kenapa...ehuehue....

monday morning

it's monday again!so tired, so sleepy (yes, i need more sleep), and to make it even worse babe back to his singgasana lageh!

watched Take the Lead ama si kendi....
i wish i could dance like that!

ke kondangannya irin....


nelpon...still upset and he didn't even try to make things better...katanya itu kan masalah no need diperpanjang!!!go to hell!!!!
males banget...bener2 ga mood kerja...i know i made another mistake...still keep my mouth shut!males...bodo amat...nanti aja kalo uda ke brought up....bodo bodo bodo!!!

not in the good mood again today....

pulang aje yok

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Been in the mood for reading lately. "Bookends" is the book i'm reading now.
Quite an interesting story (not gonna blabber it here though).
Jadi mikir....i really want to have a gay friend. Sebenernya uda lama banget si pengen punya temen gay (cowo tapi ye...).
There's one character, Simon Nelson. They call him Si.He has a very soft side or should I call a very 'girly' side? He's very sensitive. Very girlie. Very cute. He has a best friend, Catherine Warner or Cath.
One scene, he got dumped by his boyfriend. And it got me a bit emotional. He cried, I put myself as Cath. She tried to comfot him.
I think a gay man is much more wicked than a girl.
Anjrot!kok jadi adore gay man seh??wth?

Anyway, found a nice sentece in the novel.
"....but sometimes, when you're trying to make a relationship with someone new, you have to think about somebody other than yourself." (Bookends, pg. 209, 2002). I nod along. It's true meeehh......been trying to be like that, I know it can be like hell sometime, espcially when you're not in the mood of socializing. To put that 'not so real' smile. To squeeze your ego.
I really want to have this relationship and this friendship go along together. But seems so DAMN hard!!why why why WHY???
If it seems that I don't even try, believe me....I AM tryinggggg!!!still tryiiinnngg!!!
Sometimes I got tired. So I just paused for a moment or two.


lagi sebel ama tu cowo!IKH!!insensitive!

ahhh never mind lahh....
Dimana ya cari temen gay?

Saturday, April 22, 2006


kenape ye orang2 tu komeeeeennn mulu soal bandana gua....
semua pada bilang kaya dasi....
ya kalo emang pun itu dasi so what???
yang pake gua kok!
kalo itu ganggu elu ya jangan simple as that!

ada juga yg nyeletuk soal gua pake bandana....
ada yg ngeliat dengan tampang....'aneehhh tu anak pake bandana'
kalo menurut lu gua aneh pake bandana so what???dont give a shit!!i did it for me kok, not for people to see (apa lagi komen)!!!bandana bandana gua, rambut rambut gua, pala pala ape lu???

ada lagi yang ngegodain gara2 gua pake celana pendek and spatu kets??whats the hell wrong with that??
ada yang bilang "tendang dong tendang"...ntar LU YANG GUA TENDANG!!!!

orang sini tu ye mulutnye minta dijejelin TAI!!!

gua pake rok....komen lagi....ntar gua bugil lu kaget!!!


Friday, April 21, 2006

back to normal

blog gua udah back to normal lagi..

tadi makan emi asun...kayanya ada cabe nyangkut di gigi neh....
agak2 pedes gitu soalnya...

it's only 2:30pm...udah ga niat kerja...hihihi....
it's friday se....after lunch biasanya otak gua uda kemana2...eheuhue....

lagi nyariin kardus....buat memusnahkan barang2 si mlb....ehehhe....
oh ye, rencana private room agak2 tersendat neh...
pertama, barang2 kan blon keluar semua
kedua, sliding door-nya rusak!!gimana mo punya kamar sendiri kalo pintunya copot???huaaaaaaa.....

this is our last friday without babeh....nanti dia balik kayanya bakalan bete de...serem nanti gua kebawa2....males banget da!

weekend ini ga mo kemana2 di rumah aja, beresin kamar...
pengen ke artha gading seh...lagi agak2 naksir spatu...tapi blon dicoba so ga tau bagus ato engga....
trus mo ke toko jepang tu...apa namanya?daiso??mo beli container...
mennn i love container...jadi inget container store di chicago...
agak2 weirdo se gua...demen se container...ehuehue...

gua juga suka liat toko stationary model2nya office depo....bhueheuhue....

nah uda mulai blur neh gua...bubuueuehue....
udah bener2 ga niat kerja...jejejejejje....

but somehow gua jadi agak2 hepi..perasaan tadi cuma makan emi doang plus minum teh kita...
ngomong2, gua minum teh kita 2 botol ye ni ari...masa gara2 sugar dari teh kita seh?baahhh...

should i close this case?

should i finish the war?
and join the peace on the other side?
i've been the outsider for a while


gua bingung...
masa se i must give up?
setelah 24 years of dissapointment...
gua musti change my heart at once?
ga gampang kaya ngebalikin telapak tangan
uda terlalu banyak duka!

masih bingung...
kayanya yang laen udah oke banget ama keadaan sekarang
ga bisa bilang apa2...
it's their choice
it's also my choice to be like today....

kok mereka bisa semudah itu...
kok gua engga?
jujur gua takut kena boong lagi
jujur gua takut disakitin lagi

masih heran....
kok bisa?
gua ga mo kalo nanti i have open my heart
then...JEGER!!here we go again!!!!
the pain i used to know...
so i thought i'd be better off tameng-in my heart
than diinjek2 lagi

no matter what my deepest heart masih ga percaya
or refuse to percaya?
no matter what my deepest heart want this peace


i know dia nyoba talk to me
i know dia ngerasa there's a distance i create
i know
i know....


apa gua si kepala batu?
apa gua sebenernya cuma seorang pengecut yang ga mo disakitin lagi?
yeee sape juga yg mao?


Rod Stewart

He looks like a suga daddy to me...
but once he open his mouth and sing...
I'm falling in love with his voice again and again...
that serak-serak sexy voice....

one of my favorite songs is "These Foolings Things", originally sang by Billy Holiday....

These Foolish Things

A cigarette that bears a lipstick's traces
An airline ticket to romantic places
And still my heart has wings
These foolish things remind me of you

A tinkling piano in the next apartment
Those stumblin' words that told you what my heart meant
A fairground's painted swings
These foolish things remind me of you

You came, you saw, you conquered me
When you did that to me
I knew somehow this had to be

The winds of March that make my heart a dancer
A telephone that rings but who's to answer?
Oh, how the ghost of you clings
These foolish things remind me of you

The scent of smouldering leaves the wail of steamers
Two lovers on the street who walk like dreamers
Oh how the ghost of you clings
These foolish things
Remind me of you

How strange, how sweet, to find you still
These things are dear to me
They seem to bring you so near to me

The sigh of midnight trains in empty stations
Silk stockings thrown aside dance invitations
Oh how the ghost of you clings
These foolish things
Remind me of you
Remind me of you
Remind me of you


kayanye blogspot gua error!
ada yg loncat2 gitu seh postingan gua...hikkkss...

ah bodo amat lahh....

Thursday, April 20, 2006


heran ye yang namanya manager ato orang atasan sana kadang2 suka sesuka2 jidat seh!
tanda tangan aje ga mo liat2 dulu....
jelas2 ada klipnya, nah kalo ada klipnya pasti kertas lebih dari satu lembar tau!!!!
bikin naek darah aja...

hari ini sibuk di kantor....orang2 jadi pada jutek banget!
tu teammate gua aja yg satu jutek banget....i dont give a shit seh!bodo amat!



tadi pagi jerawat gua pecah!darn it!
padahal gua udah ga mo pencet eee dia pecah...ya uda la sekalian...

another kunyuk!
ada calon jerawat di idung...wth?
kok jadi jerawatan seh?
gua stress tau!serius deh...

tadi sampe di kantor jem 7 kurang 10 kali...wong satpamnya aja blon dateng...masih gelaaapp!

ga tau hari ini bakalan kaya apa...
yang jelas lagi stress ama jerawat!gimana nih??gua streeesss!!!!
gua rajin cuci muka kok!trus kenapa jerawatan kaya giniiii??


God please please please please jangan bikin another jerawat lagii...moga2an yang diidung ga jadi jerawat...please please please please....cannot bear it anymooooorrrrreeeee.....please please please.....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

my personal disaster

JERAWAT segede2 apaan di dagu gua!
jadi ga pede....
dagu rasanya beraaaaatt banget...
kalo ngakak sakit...
trus cekat cekot gitu seh....
uda bernanah!euuuwww....
ada matanya pula....
tapi kurang mateng..
blon bisa dipencet...
gemez banget!

i feel ugly ohhh soo ugly!
jerawat monyong
rambut gondrong
hati bisa bolong


complaints, uneg-uneg, or whatever you wanna call it

turn down your voice volume when there's a person who trying to sleep = ME!!!!!
have respect!!!

jangan gedebak gedebuk kalo masuk kamar kalo ada yg lagi tidur!
use your brain a bit!

jangan sembarangan nyalain lampu kalo ada yang lagi tidur!D'OHHH!

you have your own house...use it well!!

if you need to stay over night, make the bed if you are the last person to leave it!
you ain't no princess!!!

don't be a lazy're a wife and a mother to be!act like one!

watch your mouth when you're talking to day you'll be so damn sorry!
don't be a hypocrate....saying 'aku-kamu' to your girlfriend when you cannot speak politely to me!

naekin tegangan listrik di rumah since we desperatly NEED it!!

be more tolerant to other...stop singing out loud in the afternoon, people are tired and need some peace in the house!you're living with others!!!

be more sensitive towards people's feeling!watch your tongue!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

asal asalan

gua ngantukkkk bangett...
hoaaahh...dadakan gitu seh....

semalem ke rumah si empe...ngobrol2 gitu lah...

hari ini nyetir sendiri...mood ga jelas juga...
ntar musti ke bank...transfer duit si gendut...

uda 2 hari ini my boobies kok rasanya jadi makin gede ye?masa gara2 ayam mcd seh?mate lah...kalo turun tangga jadi endol2an gitu...blaahhh....sakit taooo....

ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk...
mo tidur...
semalem tidur enak banget...puleess....

ntar mo ngapain ye?hari ini di kantor ngapain?

Monday, April 17, 2006

one hour 40 minutes

pengen pulaaannngg....
makan sayur asemmm....berkuah2..enakk...yaammm...

pengen mandiiii....
pengen cukur rambut yang uda jelek banget...kayanya weekend ini cukur deh gua...udah ga tahan!
at least di rapiin aje dehh...ini uda ga ada bentuknya gitu loh...rambut gua ngembang....

pengen makan chiki..rasa kaldu ayam..enak...perasaan kemarenan udah gua abisin deh...ehehhe...

masih lama nehh....

what else i could ask for more ....

idung mampet but meler
leher agak2 gatel
perut gendut
mata beraer
punggung pegel
jerawatan di dagu..mana uda ada matanya pula...hih!
nahanin boker...
mood?dont ask...not good!

thinking of going home early tapi ga jadi deh....nanti ada yang cembetuth lagi....
lagian my body juga udah oke oke lahh...

ngomongin2 body....kok kayanya gua letoy amat ye...ujan panas ujan panas bentarrr aje gua langsung tewas....payah banget nih!

oh ye kemaren gua sempet beresin kamar...lebih tepatnya meja belajar si and itu uda bikin gua teler!!yang namanya tetek bengek itu buanyaaakkk banget...gua bingung dah!yang ada kemaren gua keluarin semuaa...gua buangin...eheheh...
tu meja jadi bersih, rapiiiihhh....kalo sampe di nge-claim mo gua kasih!meningan lu siapin kamar baby ajah dari pada nyiapin kamar kerja...ehehhe....

ngomongin soal baby...gua jadi will she handle a baby ye??should be interesting!!heehehe...*devil's face*...
bukan berarti gua bisa....tapi kan knowing her yang suka naro barang sesuka bero-nya....ntar dia lupa lagi naro babynya dimana...huaaaa....

ntar pulang gua mo pencet jerawat ah...uda sangat2 menjijaykan...jadi ga pede neh!padahal kalo dipikir2 not that bad seh since letak tu jerawat dibawah dagu so agak2 kealingan bayangan gitu keliatan juga se sebenernya...

hueem...what to do yee?

Thursday, April 13, 2006


will get myself a new 'toy' around jan 2007.....hohohoho
mlb is pregnant!!hueheuhue....
cepet yee...hhihiih...

congrats to both of you.....

ya semoga aja kehamilannya lancar2 aja.....amiiinnn

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

i hate everybody and everything!!!!!

mood ga okeh bener...

for once, i hate the rain
i hate that shipping guy on the back of our office
i hate the office
i hate my desk
i hate my comp
i hate you you you you and youu!!!!!!


here are few things.....

kita ga bisa menilai berapa dewasanya orang itu simply dari umurnya aja...
contoh: just call him X. adenya si X itu, sebut aja si Y. pagi ini gua baca email dia tentang apa yang dia lakuin buat mengharumkan nama indo di sekolahnya...dari emailnya i know that he has the capability to be a good leader. bottom line, he's better than his brother..

im freakin' sick of my job!!!it's really time to move on!
i made some little but stupid mistakes....only one word and daaangg...salah lagi salah lagii!!!!!gua beettteeee to myself!!really!!!!
i know i should be bersukur gua masi punya kerjaan, masih banyak orang2 di luar sana yang nyari kerja setengah mati...sarjana nganggur....
talking about sarjana..i dont feel me as a sarjana tuh....
tried so many times to love my job...but kayanya susah...
kalo dipikir2, gua masih ga tau apa si sebenernya yang gua suka?apa seh?
gua jg uda nyoba to be professional and to be more teliti...tapi kenapa tiap gua coba kok gua jadi makin eneg and ga niat ye??

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


eheemm eeehmmm....
as of today, 11 Apr 2006 to 22 Apr 2006...i'm proudly to announce our freedom!
no boss in the house (pake irama "put you hands up")...waaa ccciiiaaahhh...
"ku senang ku senang dunia ini indaaah, ku senang ku senang dunia ini iiinnndaaaahhhh!!!!" - quote band apaa gitu....

enak banget da kantor kalo ga ada penguasa berdarah dingin!!ckckck....dunia perkantoran jadi hangat, ramah, and most importantly no pressure bebeh!

kemaren nonton Prime di EX ama si teti and ternyata dia udah nonton ama bonyoknya...deeeennngg!!lahh...trus ngapain nonton lagi ama gua???

btw, one sentence yang berkesan dari tu pelem...waktu nyokapnya dave bilang something like this, " love, lo learn, and to move on....and it's okay"

pelemnya dewasa seh...i like it...

oh ye....ternyata yang namanya serpong itu JAUUUUHHH-nye ajubileh bin jali....dari serpong ke senayan itu 41 kilo bebeh!
untung lu jadi beli rumah disana lu bo luuu!!!

ohh weeeeeellll...gotta back to work...darn busy today!haikss...

Friday, April 07, 2006

things im afraid or hate of are ....

[ ] the dark
[ ] being single
[ ] getting married
[ ] being a parent
[x] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[x] cats
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] spiders and/or other insects
[ ] driving or being in cars
[X] flying
[ ] being put to sleep
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] water
[ ] the ocean
[ ] pools
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[x] germs
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[x] mice/rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] cemeteries
[ ] clowns
[ ] large crowds
[x] demons or evil
[ ] crossing bridges
[ ] death
[x] Hell
[ ] Heaven
[x] being robbed
[x] being sexually assaulted
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[ ] being punished
[x] diseases, including cancer and STD's
[x] snakes
[x] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[x] poverty
[ ] ghosts
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains or railroads
[ ] fear
[ ] being alone
[x] losing my closest friends
[x] being blind
[x] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ] monsters under my bed
[ ] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bees
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams

the start of my day

the seventh day in the month of april....

bitterness start my day...
now i completely feels left out...i guess it's one of consequences of the decision i took....
well, made up my mind already...i'll be the outsider for a while or maybe forever...
we shall see...

dont think today gonna be a good day for me...
the mood is just not right....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


my email crashed earlier...
bodo amat ah...
itung2 men-challenge tukang IT di kantor...
salah sendiri komputer uda jebot masih dipaksa....bonyok lah...

kenapa ya gua ga stress?
apa gua uda ga peduli lagi ye??hehehe...biar lahh biarr...
biar waktu yang menjawab!

duuu duuu duuu....*jalan tangan dibelakang sambil dongak ke atas*


been thinking lately...
am i a family hater?

when they are talking, i prefer not to listen nor join the conversation...

when they are in the same room, i'd quitely go and be on my own....

when they are in front of me, i rather not to see them...

i seperate myself....i prefer to....
i'm the outsider....i choose to be one....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

chit chat

di rumah...
it's almost my milk drinking time...
i love milo...
chatting with tetito right now....miss that old time!
besok rabu...half of the week....hore...

just a bit of my mind

aku terduduk
mencoba mengisi relung hati
lagu duka mengalun sendu
mengiris kalbu yang terdalam
dengarkan bumi menangis
rintihannya menusuk

aku masih disini

menatap dalam kegelapan
mencari ujung dunia yang makin hampa

kudengar bumi terisak

makin lama maki menyayat

aku diam disini

dengarkan hasratku yang terpendam, hai dunia!

coba lihat hatiku

akan kau temukan luka menganga!
coba lihat jiwaku
kau tak akan temukan diriku!
coba lihat garis hidupku
kau akan lihat kepenatanku!
coba lihat isi kepalaku
akan kau temukan puing2 diriku!

coba kau lihat diriku dari mataku

kau akan tau siapa aku sebenarnya....

what's wrong with the clock today ?

why today is sooo sloww...
tick tock tick tock...
why so slow?
could you move just a bit faster for me?

was the time freeze for a moment or two?

move, move, move....faster, faster, faster....


okay, 3 things....

1. insiden bathroom di milwaukee
WHAT HAVE I DONE???that dirty thing keep haunting know what im talking about, bo!
ga di milwaukee, ga di jakarta....dosa gua apaan seh?

2. the bro of mine
you are so cheap, bradaahh!!can't believe it!it only cost you 13,3 jt to get your attention back to him???ckck...i amazed!

3. gas station
CRAP!!they stole 23 thousand rupiah from me!!!!!!!
meteran literan and duitnya ga singkron!son of o b*tch!!!!
rugi nih gua!!!
biarin de...orang miskin...gua kasihh gua kasssiihhh!*gua tau gua what??!?!*

Monday, April 03, 2006

today's mood forecast

a bit dark
males cengangas cengenges

sebenernya pagi iniii aja udah ada yg bikin gua beteeee...
dari rumah, jalan ke kantor pas sampe kantornya...
cuma ga tau aje musti ngomonginnya gimana...
better not lah...mungkin lagi sensi juga kali ye...

mana gua lupa bawa kue bola buat iyen pula...maap yak!besok dehh..

sabtu ke warehouse yang di taman ria senayan...bajunya ga gitu oke...cuma si gendut nemu lumayan juga tuh....pretty good deal..kemeja express cuma 60 rebuuu...ehuehue....
trus ke PS, ngidam ayam mcd yang pedes...ehehhe...
ketemu adrian, dona, gege, vrilly...skalian aja reunian..eheuhu...
ternyata taon ini banyak yg mo kawin ye..ckckckck...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

my shopping bag

ehemm eheemm....
been shopping around lately....haiikkss...

here's the things i bought:
1. hush puppies wallet
2. charles n keith shoes
3. colorbox jeans
4. theory x blouse
5. oriflame eyeliner
6. 2 zara's top

those thing almost cost me 1 million rupiaaahhh....matee matee mate....will stressed out kalo liat bill credit card gua!!duuhh..mati dehh..mati mati matiii...

but, i've been holding my napsu for about 6 oke lah kan yeee??*pembelaan plus pemebenaran diri sendiri*

anyway....start to hate my hair....udah ga jelas bentuknya...
geeedeee gitu diatasnya...kaya pake helm...
will i be able to wait for another 1 and half month?it's 47 days from today....kaya apaan ye rambut gua that time?duuhh..

well, at least today is saturday...lalalalalalaaaaaaa....