Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letting someone you love dearly go....

My uncle and my auntie....
Two very different personalities.
One is strong headed, one is soft.
One is so frank, one is so wise.

Been married for 40 years (i think).
Regardless all life challenges they still together until today. Until the day my auntie get really sick. He stand by her all the way.

I think his FB status say it all (and I quote):

"Aku sangat terbuka semua yg aku dengar n lihat aku katakan pada T Koo tidak ada perubahan sedikitpun.Memang ia agak lemah akibat endoscopy karena dibius total biasa aku sungguh bahagia bisa mendampingi istriku dikala ia benar2 membutuhkanku inilah karunia yg diberikan YESUS kpdku untuk mencintainya disepanjang suka n duka.TQ GOD"

I think they are so meant for each other.

no more words to express how i feel........

Sunday, August 15, 2010



dengerin lagu mandarin di you tube....jadi mellow, abis kayanya lagunya sedih pisan...
di luar mendung juga...tambah mellow...hehe

mau ke gereja....

sempet liat2 tiker and hotel....lumayan juga ya...

tadinya mau lari pagi di pantai hari ini, tapi ga jadi deh tidurnya malem sih...
harus coba nih sekali2....hit the beach early in the morning...hehehe...
worried why perut gua gendut sih? berat badan masih sama loh, kemaren sih gara2 masuk angin...lah sekarang kenape?

Saturday, August 14, 2010


gak pengen di kantor loh sebenernya hari sabtu gini.


Monday, August 09, 2010

hello from paradise


i'm in bali since last week.
we made our way out of jakarta on jul 27, 2010.
initially, was planning to drive from jakarta to bandung, but changed my mind and kept driving.
after 555.55 km and 13 hours 40 minutes later, i drove up to yogyakarta. an achievement i must tell you. never thought i can drive that long and far. quite proud of myself!
it was raining pretty hard several times.

anyway, during the past week we've been cleaning and arranging the house.
had my low moments. not anymore. i'm bouncing back quite fast. thank God for that :)
food been good. weather also good. need to get my life back on track. more discipline!
need to save money since we are planning to buy or hopefully build a house here.

have a trip on oct to sydney, gold coast, and melb. yay!
and more saving to be done!

currently at the office in the boss' room. hihihihi...the liberty of having the husband as my boss. hohohoho....
today is my first day working as a Finance/Office Manager in Ray White Kuta.
praying to have good businesses and harvest in the future.
guess what?i dont even have a desk yet.
create my own job desk. listing what need to buy and be done. seems i have a lot of work!
its been 10 months as an employee. but now, cant think like an employee. i need to think about the business also. haiyo....
had my first meeting this morning. it was oke lah....

oh well, better get back to work!