Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 23, 2010
shaved ice falling from the sky
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Everybody has a Monday blues, right?
Note: Wrote this on Monday, 20 Dec 2010
Dari melek mata udah kesel….thus, no good mood today. Plus, it’s Monday.
Crap crap crap craaaaapppp!!!!!!
Pagi pagi listrik mati di rumah…kaga bisa mandi. Ruined my mood already. Karena bangun ga enak, pala jadi puyeng…mongki! Kalo pala puyeng gua ga bisa kerja. Truuuss like its not enough yet, internet di kantor mati lagi….reseee….
Gua cuma pengen mandi kok….keramas…clean my hair and body…emang sih ga keringetan, tapi kan bawaannya kaga enak. Lengket for some reason!
Ga ngerti kenapa mati lampu mulu…monyet! Udah 4 kali nih….hari sabtu 2 kali, tapi Cuma sebentar aja. Minggu pagi, electricity went off for 2 hrs. trus tadi pagi dari jem 8 pagi…maunya apaan sih?
Gua ga peduli orang mo kate gua manja ato apa lah…sebodo amat! This is how I feel…so yeah, I have every right to say whatever I want! I cant do this, I cant function well today! Gggrrrr…..
Why everything seems so berantakan? Why I have no control over all things?
Lately mikir, kalo gua ini orangnya yg harus punya control over stuff. Harus punya!kalo ga bisa stress sendiri. Like now. Like lately. Stress sampe rambut rontok! Bikin gua makin stress aje. Udah rambut tipis, eeehh die rontok….makin streeeesssss…..
selama I live in bali, I barely ngerasa relax. Stress! Really stress! Emang kita jalan2 ke pantai lah, ke ubud lah, ato watch tv lah….but deep down I know gua stress. Rumah yg ga layak tinggal (and im freaking glad that we are moving out soon!!!), taman yg kotor, daon pohon jepun yang rontok mulu bikin gua keki. Rumah yang selalu kotor, baru sapu pel, 10 menit kemudian udah kotor lagi. Belom lagi lemari yg bener2 gua benci! Dari depan gede, tapi dalemnya kecil dan nyebelin. Trus the house smelly. I hate it! Dapur yg udah kaya gudang. Udara dalem rumah yg gua benci! Suasana rumah yg gua benci!
I can say, bali is great for vacation, but NOT for living!
Gua ga pernah fully setuju move to bali kok. He never really asked me. He decided and then he told me we are moving to bali. I have been trying to look at the silver lining. But I haven’t found it yet. Things happened here malah bikin gua makin sebel pindah ke sini. I miss Jakarta, I miss kelapa gading. As much as I hate traffic jam yang rese, I prefer to live in Jakarta. Coz I have everything I needed in Jakarta.
Yes, I am complaining now!!! Biiiiaaarrr…..kesel, kesel, kesel….
3 days til Christmas....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
there's no such thing as Christmas in Bali
Friday, December 10, 2010
i want something more
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
mi casa no es su casa
Friday, December 03, 2010
can feel the heat
Thursday, November 25, 2010
few scattered updates
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
When you are given a warning and a chance....
would you give up instead of fighting?
would you fight?
would you surrender to die?
I hope you are going to fight, not for me or anybody else, but for your own sake.
You are deserve to be more than happy.
So, this is your time to fight to find your Eureka!
Fight, Mother, fight.....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Farewell, Mami....
3 March 1946 - 14 September 2010
Quote Empe, "kita pasti ketemu lagi."
.... Farewell and good bye, Mami ....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Letting someone you love dearly go....
Two very different personalities.
One is strong headed, one is soft.
One is so frank, one is so wise.
Been married for 40 years (i think).
Regardless all life challenges they still together until today. Until the day my auntie get really sick. He stand by her all the way.
I think his FB status say it all (and I quote):
"Aku sangat terbuka semua yg aku dengar n lihat aku katakan pada T Koo tidak ada perubahan sedikitpun.Memang ia agak lemah akibat endoscopy karena dibius total biasa aku sungguh bahagia bisa mendampingi istriku dikala ia benar2 membutuhkanku inilah karunia yg diberikan YESUS kpdku untuk mencintainya disepanjang suka n duka.TQ GOD"
I think they are so meant for each other.
no more words to express how i feel........
Sunday, August 15, 2010
dengerin lagu mandarin di you tube....jadi mellow, abis kayanya lagunya sedih pisan...
di luar mendung juga...tambah mellow...hehe
mau ke gereja....
sempet liat2 tiker and hotel....lumayan juga ya...
tadinya mau lari pagi di pantai hari ini, tapi ga jadi deh tidurnya malem sih...
harus coba nih sekali2....hit the beach early in the morning...hehehe...
worried why perut gua gendut sih? berat badan masih sama loh, kemaren sih gara2 masuk angin...lah sekarang kenape?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
hello from paradise
i'm in bali since last week.
we made our way out of jakarta on jul 27, 2010.
initially, was planning to drive from jakarta to bandung, but changed my mind and kept driving.
after 555.55 km and 13 hours 40 minutes later, i drove up to yogyakarta. an achievement i must tell you. never thought i can drive that long and far. quite proud of myself!
it was raining pretty hard several times.
anyway, during the past week we've been cleaning and arranging the house.
had my low moments. not anymore. i'm bouncing back quite fast. thank God for that :)
food been good. weather also good. need to get my life back on track. more discipline!
need to save money since we are planning to buy or hopefully build a house here.
have a trip on oct to sydney, gold coast, and melb. yay!
and more saving to be done!
currently at the office in the boss' room. hihihihi...the liberty of having the husband as my boss. hohohoho....
today is my first day working as a Finance/Office Manager in Ray White Kuta.
praying to have good businesses and harvest in the future.
guess what?i dont even have a desk yet.
create my own job desk. listing what need to buy and be done. seems i have a lot of work!
its been 10 months as an employee. but now, cant think like an employee. i need to think about the business also. haiyo....
had my first meeting this morning. it was oke lah....
oh well, better get back to work!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
thats it!!
But I'm only human.
That is it!!
I'm moving away, I'm taking all I am and starting a new life in a new place.
I don't have to hear from him ever again.
He's NOT part of my life anymore.
Couldn't careless.
See ya and I don't wanna see ya (ever again!)
Monday, July 12, 2010
here, there, and everywhere.....
Ga berasa in about 2 weeks time I'll be leaving jakarta and heading to kuta, bali.
And packing isn't nearly done!*jeger*
Been staying in cawang for a week, bantuin toko. Miss my apartment like crazy!
Miss my privacy, my space, my own time.
A bit excited to move out jakarta, a bit nervous too.
What if ga betah? What if suasananya ga enak?
Lately I can't hear the voices in my head. Kecapean kali ye?
I can't even think.
Maaann....I really need a me time.
Mungkin bener juga yg si nyot bilang kayanya gua lebih seneng idup sendiri...
Haheuaha...gila!ya sendiri emang enak sih kadang2....
And I don't mind sendirian juga...tapi kadang sepi sih...
Kuku gua ancur banget nih....
Kenapa sih kayanya semua kudu gua?
Sampe all the time I have left di jakarta juga kudu dipake??
I refuse...sorry, I still have to do other stuff
Sleepy. Ngawur ngomongnye!
Friday, June 11, 2010
loncat sana, loncat sini
otak pikirannya loncat sana, loncat sini....
lagi sakit kepala juga...
apa ya?
banyak sih di otak, cuma bingung mau mulai dari mana...hehehe...
bite me!
ah udah aaahhh
Friday, April 30, 2010
ketika bermalam di cawang.....
Sleeping in my old room, not as comfy as the old time.
Maybe this is rasanya leave the old nest and build my own new nest ya?
Not saying cawang is bad.
Cuma udah ga terbiasa aja.
Keadaannya, bisingnya suara kendaraan bermotor, ruangan2 yang rasanya kurang familiar.
Udaranya, warna cahaya lampu. Semuanya beda.
I can't find me here.
I love my new nest, yg bentar lagi akan ditinggalin.
Baru ngerasa "this is home; my, our home"....ehh harus pergi.
Sempet kecewa. Sedih udah pasti.
And jujur aja, I can't say bali is home just yet.
Waktu si suami otaknya lagi lempeeeng banget dia pernah bilang, "this is for a better life, for our family. Our life."
Iya juga sih kalo dipikir2.
It aint easy to say good bye. Aint!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Pada kehebohan demo obama...
Kurang kerjaan.
denger dulu, liat dulu baru komentar.
Lah ini...belom juga ada apa2, uda teriak2 sana sini...
Buset deh...
Oh mobil stream udah laku...
So fast. Seriously fast. Maybe its just time.
Setrikaan belom digosok nih
Udah second batch...hihui...
Bodo ah tugas sang suami...hihi
Excited about the coming family trip.
Walopun itu artinya menguras kantong...
Ahahaha...mungkin krn gua pengen liat si mitsoy aja kali ya...
Pengen punya a good sunglasses, just like my ralph lauren sunglasses...
Awet....since 2002, sampe sekarang masih bagus...
Mau beli ahh...
Mau ice cream...kenapa ya?akhir2 ini mau ice cream terus...
Oh well...
Friday, March 12, 2010
a tribute buat si kecil
nakal sih engga...
galak juga engga...
manja banget
ga mau turun naek tangga sendiri
padahal bisa, tapi manja....
takut gendong dia, bukan karena dia galak
tapi takut nyakitin dia....
soalnya gua ga tau pasti kaki yang sakit itu yang mana
....pernah coba gendong...tiba2 tereak, "nggeeeeekkk"
lah, salah cara gendongnya....
dimarahin dah gua....
waktu baru dateng bisa duduk ditelapak tangan gua
warnanya item. lucuuuuuuu banget....
dari kecil udah doyan buah...
inget banget, dia pernah jilatin jus alpukat di gelas plastik sampe kepalanya masuk dan mukanya blepotan jus alpuket...ahauehauehae....
iseng banget sama piko, suka humping semena mena....hihihihiii....
terakhir gua liat, just last month.
udah tua, warnanya udah abu abu pudar agak kecoklat-coklatan
waktu itu ngintilin gua ke kantornya si papi, duduk dibawah kaki gua...
seinget gua, dia ga pernah ngintilin gua....tapi hari itu dia ngintilin gua...mungkin karena ga ada orang kali ya?
sempet gua foto foto dan unyeng unyeng...i am so glad sempet unyeng-unyeng dia...
si kecil yang cempreng,
sekarang kamu udah ga di buaran lagi....
udah diatas sana...
gak sakit lagi, ga muntah lagi, ga batuk lagi...
baik baik ya disana....
you holds a special place in my heart, just like piko...
Friday, March 05, 2010
the L town
for me it's London. It's calling me....again and again!
i know i have to set my priorities right and it's one of mine!
every time i saw or read something about it, my heart itch (lebay ye?hahauehea). just have to go there!!
something about it really struck me.
and people says, "there's internet, there's google map. you dont have to go there to be there"
aahh...gak bisa!it's totally different. liat dari internet and being there physically. i need to be able to breath UK's air. my nostril and lungs need to feel the cold wet air. i want to touch the old modern buildings. i wanna ride the underground, the red double decker bus, the london eye.
katanya sih mahal kesana....tapi teteeepp....gua harus pergi....
have to go there. somehow. someday.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Been a while...
Blizzard Oreo to be exact. Somehow I like it lately.
Ngantuk. Cape banget.
Tadi yoga. Seru deh.
Nanti kalo jadi pindah yoga gua gimana ya??
Ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk
Saturday, January 09, 2010
here, there, and everywhere
2010 already!
cepet sekali.
baru awal taun, tapi udah dihadapi dengan pilihan yang sangaaaaatt sulit.
masih mikir sih.
ah ga mood nulis ah....
pengen nontonnnnn....gggrrrrr....