Monday, December 14, 2009

a note at the end of the day

Catch cold since last Thursday.
Ingus is gone, batuk still here.
Kuping pengeng banget.
Searched in the internet and i'm pretty sure i have blocked Eustachian tube. a bad one.
Tried everything on how to treat it, but nothing works!
Going to see the doctor tomorrow. :(
Need to get better sooooon.
I have plans already. and lots of it!

the husband been very nice and nurturing for the past few days. Thank you :)
the sweetest thing is he didn't use the shower in our bedroom just because he didn't want to wake me up. it was 4.30am. he got an early gig this Sunday.
but, his cell bunyiiii....ahauehuae..jadi gua bangun juga. tapi gesture dan usahanya i really appreciate!
Thank you :)

Suppose to be sleeping right now. Sleepy already. Not to mention tired also!
tapi belom bisa tidur. ada apa gerangan?

oya, cleaning the apartment tadi pagi. bersih bersih bersih. tapi abis bersih bersih kok jadi semaput??heeekk....

almost midnight. and i enjoy my 'me' time. almost no time for me lately. hmmm...
and anehnya mood kerja ga on banget...aneh sekali...ahaeuheu...

banyak yang lagi hamil nih....hihihhih....
anak kantor ada 3, si kendi...whauehae..and somehow, secara ga sadar gua suka usap2 perut sendiri....whauehue...
children?yes, i want children someday when the time is right.
girl or boy?either will be okay. as long as they are healthy and smart.

belom mo tidur nihhhh.....males rasanya...masih pengen sendiri....hihih...
i know, i know should take my rest now.

i wanna get better.......lalalalalalaaaa.....

Thursday, December 03, 2009

few things back....

been married for exactly 19 days.
the ceremony was awesome. i am glad!
the reception was a success. i am glad!

apartment is still a mess.
working on it, working on it!
promise will be done before Christmas...hehehe...

back in bo le for a month.

planning to go to HK and Macau this december.
needs to do lots of things before pergi kalo jadi.

will spend the weekend in Borobudur Hotel...yeheee...
gratis bo....asik asik asik...
ga tau sih mo ngapain, cuma ya seru aja...ahaeuhe...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

bits and pieces, here and there, blah and bleh....


sipping my coffee for sure. :)
haven't brush my teeth for sure.
once my dentist said coffee before brushing my teeth.
so yeah, been doing it since the past 7 or 8 years, unless i don't have the access to tooth brush after coffee. for instance, when i'm travelling. (heck...why am i talking about this?)

been eyeing this boot from banana republic.
but it's currently, out of stock. damn!
it's not that expensive....below $100 pula. halah!
emang ga jodoh kali yeh....

so what's the plan for today?
packing up my last bits and pieces kali ya?

haven't done any treatment yet.
cuek aja kali ya?hehehehe...
mentok juga cuma scrub plus lulur doang....hehehhe....

anyway, 5 more days.
this is my last week as single. huge step!
lately, i've been quite....
lots in my mind, lots to prepare....

tomorrow is my final fitting.


Friday, November 06, 2009

technical meeting

technical meeting.
i can say it went well.
but somehow i feel that she didn't grip it!
but dont want to overthink it.
let it flow aja. :)
semoga semuanya lancar...
it's 10 more days!
ini cuma urusan 2 jam aja kok...yg jauh lebih penting itu kehidupan after that....
i can say the prep is 95% done.
and from my side i think 98% done. so lega lah....

starting from today.....santai santai time....and self preparation time....
makin banyak2 doa....
can't believe that this day is gonna come soon.....

tidur dulu ah....

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

nothing in particular

eleven more days to go.

i'm truly exhausted from the packing and the running around.
but enjoying it.
turned out i have lots of crap!hehehe....

you know what?
i'm surviving this miara-kuku-thing...
bothering me for sure. but just don't want to give up...hehehe
one week to go!and my nails are gonna be so pretty!heheheh....

blah....blabbering doang...hehehehe

Monday, November 02, 2009

today random acts

packed my shoes. got 3 boxes already!
threw some pairs, like 5 i guess.

packed some of my documents and stationary.


sleepy already now.
been busy, very busy lately.

so im happy spending some time at home, alone.
doing what i love doing....packing!yeheeee....

my hair....oh my hair...its too long.
kalo waktunya cukup, i'll chop it on nov 16!
it'll be gone by then!GONE!
back to short hair do again.

im out!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

doesn't feel like sunday

doing damage control to my overly dry foot and hands.
masker-ing now.
manicure and pedicure yesterday.

gotta continue the invitation today.
will go to another wedding tonight.

gotta start packing up these days.

haven't really think and ask myself.
--- this thing is coming....soon, real soon....

crazy how time flies ya?

not sure what i'm feeling now.
too many things going on in my head but really can't describe one by one.
that's weird.
too many things to do. but haven't really find the time to do it.

wanna write. wanna dance. wanna drink until get drunk. wanna share. wanna think. wanna laugh. wanna jump. wanna pray together. wanna cheating the time. wanna rock the world. wanna read tons of books. wanna be alone.

think the hormones is talking.

Friday, October 23, 2009

(almost) closing time....

the curtain is finally falling.
thank you so much for your help through out the years.

what i wrote for my-soon-ex-colleagues today.

"Crazy how time flies ya......
Still remember clearly my interview day with Bo Le in November 2007. It was one of the most interesting interview I've ever had.

As you guys know today is my last day working with Bo Le Associates. It is been a hard decision to leave the company but I realized that it is the right time to put a step on my dream (and not becoming a thai thai, I see it as a bonus...hehehe)

It has been a pleasure to work here, but more than that - it has been the privilege to have met and mixed with the people. I guess in the early days we didn’t have any choice but to get along, especially when you have a dozen people jammed into a single portable.
I have enjoyed my time here, and I will miss all that this place represents. As with any special place it is the people who make it and it will be those I will miss the most. Even though we are moving to new horizons in different directions, we will always have our memories of this place.

I won't mention anyone in particular, as it will take way too long, and my fingers are getting tired!
I would like to thank you for all your support, insights, and help you have provided me for the past 2 years.

I am sure reunions and catch-ups will, if not often, be full of laughs and good times, so if anyone feels the urge to contact me, here are my details:
Phone : 0813 1628 4445
And of course Facebook. :P

Goodbye for now, good luck and you never know, see you later!
Marini Hendarmin."

it's a bitter sweet feeling.
i am glad that i am out. on the other hand, i will miss the people here.
i am glad in so many ways - that finally i will put a step on my dream.

Adios people. will miss you all...........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

long random post

2 hari lagi.
dan out...!

bitter sweet kinda feeling.

but di kantor kayanya more to bitter this week.
orang-orang lagi stress......

sleepy. wants nap today. hehehe

pengen ke bandung.
cari macem-macem. dari pigura, dasi buat bokap and able, kripik setan, lapo, dan tak lupa baju untuk diriku sendiri....

haven't really pack my stuff. haha.
nanti deh abis ini.

lagi ngopi nih. ngantuk skali.
wow...just get my energy back...awesome!
love coffee and ternyata orang hamil pun boleh ngopi.

nanti malem meeting. should be fun also. yeay!
trus ape lagi ya?
oh undangan is underway.
semoga we have enough time to send all of them.

it's less than a month and i single no more.
aih....cepet amat.
perasaan baru kemaren masih berantem-berantem defense keluarga masing masing.
kayanya proses persiapan ini lancar lancar aja. ga ada hambatan yg berarti, kecuali yg di awal awal itu.
other than that, we are great.

mendadak kayanya active banget otak gua. heheheh...
jumping from one thought to another.
tuing tuing...hihihi

i want candy!

pengen mani and pedi nih...kukunya udah pada jelek.
well, kukunya sih oke. tapi kutikelnya sangat mengganggu.
and a bit nyandu meni and pedi already. haduh...*tepok2 jidat*

rambut udah panjang banget niiiihhh...
abis 15 nov im so going to chop my hair off!
and oh excited of the trips we are gonna have in the coming week and months. :)

I'm wanna say a HUGE thank YOU to my super awesome Lord.
can't mention one by one, but He bless me abudantly (read: ABUDANTLYYYYY)
and for that.....terima kasih.... :)

sometimes i wonder....why didnt i feel nervous like the others?
but one thing for sure, i have no doubt - that this is my path. and he's the one God sent me as my partner in this journey.
as we proceed through the preparation, my faith grew stronger. somehow :)
i know this journey is not all about candy, rainbow, and bed of roses (...and dont mind if it is tho...heheh).
i am well aware that this journey is about love and commitment.
im sure the journey is not gonna be easy. there'll be bumpy roads, rocky stages, and ugly moments which might turn us crazy (or crazier...hehe).
he can be the biggest j*ck*ss and i can be the biggest a b*tch...but it just us.
and as time goes by....i pray in God's name that we are getting stronger and wiser as a couple and an individual (giant amen!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

twenty seven hours to go

it's twenty seven hours to go...
...until i fly from this thing called the office...
....and be on my own....

can't wait, if you ask me.

not sure what would happen in the future.
but im sure im done here.

lately the office is kinda stiff.
stress out i think.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

one month and random post

today is exactly one month before the big day.
and just realized this morning.

crazy how time flies ya?
tsk tsk tsk....

pray pray pray so the final preparation going smooth and the d-day will be smooth....
but pray pray pray pray pray super hard so that the married life will be a great blessing for us and others :)

starts to realized even more that my decision to leave the company is soOOOooo right.
i am glad. i am more than glad. :)
i dont think i can (well, i want to) handle the pressure anymore.
2 years is more than enough.

getting more and more sure that handling my own finances is my real passion.
working hard for me, not for the company. i (ME, not the company) will enjoy the hard work (MONEY).

on other notes, my eyes getting blurry. i need to check them up soon.
after oct 23 i can do it lah.
so busy after the 23rd.

haiyoh. its getting closer. more money needed. (prayiiiiiiiinnnnggg)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


out of the blue.
slow but sure.
gua suntuk.
very upset.
not sure why.
feeling like ice cream, tapi ga bisa juga.
really wants ice cream and chillis at the moment.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

went to bali

went to bali last weekend for n&n's wedding.
regardless, all the hassles it was a great wedding. at least the bride and groom were happy. thats the most important thing.

i had fun.
i had lots of laugh.
i love bali. it was super hot, but i love it.
i love the fact that people wont stare for whatever im wearing or do.


i dont like kuta beach anymore.
too many abang2 iseng disana.
next time i go to bali, im pretty sure i'd pass kuta.

seminyak is my next destination. also, dreamland and ubud.
hmmm...kapan ya ke bali lagi?hihihihi

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

rain drops

rain drops.
rain drops.
rain drops.
rain drops.

love watching the rain drop.
it makes my heart warm somehow.
it makes my eyes heavy.
it makes my mind running through time.

i don't know what's with me and the rain drops.
think i'm falling in love all over again with it. :)

wish i'm in the apartment now.
with big glass windows. or just standing in the balcony watching rain drops with a cup of hot coffee in my hand. and mungkin a great book.
all's heaven for me. :)

Monday, October 05, 2009

it's done!

Udah bilang.
udah announced.
it's done.
i'm relieved!

gak peduli lagi.
lega, lega, lega, lega, lega....

Thursday, October 01, 2009

said and done.

udah bilang whatever i need to say. :)
23 oct will be the last day.
waktunya untuk santai2 kali ya.
take sometime off. belajar new things.

lega. lega. lega. lega.
terima kasih Tuhan.
Mohon bimbingannya in the future. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

few scattered things.

lusa bonyok balik....yey!

besok senen lagi....damn....after one week of ga kerja...'ll be hard to start over lagi....

just realized im about to make my dream come true
gua inget, gua pernah bilang ke si gendut' "i want to be an investor, do nothing but invest"
trus just this morning nyadar kalo im actually going to do it in a few months time.
lots of thing to learn - the chart flow, the market condition.
lots of new jargons to understand. but im happy reading that stuff!
jadi inget masa2 ambil kelas finance 181 - investment management.
the professor, the load of the class, the final project (analyzing McDonald's stock value)
i remember i did enjoy that course...wahauehuaehua.....
btw, buku2nya kudu dibaca lagi kayanya...

on the other note, i am afraid. its the real world!
it's not about what grade im getting....its real money!
once it's gone, it is GONE!*amit2*

oh my bridesmaid....yeaaaaaayyyy....
i believe she's the right person.... :)
after asking 2 persons.....turned 1 down, di turned down 1....dapet jugeeee.....

kudunya sih nyuci baju sekarang...
tapi males....ahauehaeuhuae....

oh ye, did express photo frame shopping last night. we managed to get 8 in less than 1 hr...ahauehue...oke lah yaaaaaa...

o iye lagi, balik ke idea kemaren...dapet meja buat telpon...yeay...tapi ternyata itu meja buat wine toh....oh well, tak ape lah...
naksir a white dining table buat meja di home office.....sukaaa banget ama tu meja since the first time i saw it....cuma agak kotor....semoga bisa dibersiin deh....hehehhe

semalem ngimpi soal resignation....hehehe....gonna come true soon....leganya.... :)

JEPUN it is!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

vacation blues

will be having 3 days vacation in a few days.
no working mood find in the system.

tali jam tangan swatch gua putus.
beli pake gaji pertama tuh....50 dolar....di swatch chicago. inget banget....

udah ga pengen kerja...pengen pulang aja
di rumah...mulai beresin buku2 buat dibawa ke apartment.hehehhe....nyicil gitu...hohohoh

mo pulang....

Friday, September 11, 2009


It's not for me.

yah...sutra lah ya...
sempet berpikir....percuma dong selama ini im asking my troops to pray...
ternyata ga didengerin juga...

oh well...
its all just sink in now....

kecewa banget, i never (NEVER) pray this hard for something...never....
tapi nyatanya ga dikasih juga....
emang nasib, nasib...

honestly, i cant think any positive thoughts at the moment.
sutra lah just dont give me any positive feedback yet....
let me feel the dissapointment right now.

and i'll be okay soon.....promised!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

2 weeks after that day....

is today....
how come i haven't heard anything ya?
i don't like this....

should i call or not ya?
should i?
should i?
i think i'm gonna.....
i think i should, if i want something real bad, i think i should chase ye?
you think?

deg-degan banget sih.
tapi kok ndak ada kabar sama sekali yah?
this is not good man.
really not good.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

boleh ga?

boleh ga kesel ama yg-di-atas-sana?
abis ga ada kabarnya sampe sore ini.
bingung deh.
ga sabar ye?
abis kesel.
gak jelas.

im a very impatient human.
im a human.
i have flaws.

i know i still have to work on it.
but i want this one soooo bad.
i really do.
bener deh. i really do.
never want something this bad.
let me correct it, this is one of the things i want real bad.

mau teriak, tapi tak berguna.
aku berdoa. berdoa banget.
aku pasrah. bener deh.
but right now i just want to let things out.
boleh kan?

will continue praying........


lupa cerita!
yesterday when i was on my way to the office ada orank norak!
emang biasanya gua suka nyanyi2 di dalem itu si norak ngeliatin gua sambil mesem2 sendiri...
gua sebel, plototin balik aje....
rese lu!
ga pernah liat orang nyanyi2 di dalem mobil ye?
heran deh...
mind your own business dong!
gua tau lu punya mata, tapi mbok ya tau diri.
kalo emang ngeliat itu hak koe, tapi mbok ya tau sopan santun...kalo ngeliatin orang jangan terlalu obvious toh!!
jangan dipelototin like i am an object!!
disangkain gua ga punya mata kali bisa dliat dia juga....
tolol deh...heran!
ga disekolahin ya??mungkin engga sih, secara you dont know how to behave....

oh well....


kenapa belom ada kabar jugaaa???

sampe bingung....
ada apa ini?
and there's nothing i can do pula.
gosh, i hate this.

i know musti sabar...
and its not the deadline anyway.

iya lah....ngerti harus nunggu memang.
tapi kalo sampe besok sore ga ada kabar, boleh kan daku yg tanya?

penasaran deh...
kali iya ya iya....kalo engga ya sudah, but at least i know how to plan my life in the next months.
just wanna know the result.
hope it'll be mine. :)
i really do. :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


kesel dah
nyariin romo kok susah banget yak...
dari minggu lalu nih...and i hate semua yg mendadak.
i like to plan suka mepet2 and dadakan!
apa lagi ini berhubungan dengan surat2 segala...this is sucks!

gimana orang ga mo kesel sama something gereja related.
kebanyakan birokrasi, kebanyakan aturan. well, aturannya sih fine la. emang tujuannya biar jadi teratur and has system.
tapi orang2nya itu ga bisa diajak kerja sama.
they work there, and they should provide us with the service dong.
im sure they get paid.
and not sure how much. but its not the case lah.
you work there, and thats your job to help people who needed help.

susah banget sih.

Monday, September 07, 2009


bosan sekali.
pengen pipis lagi.

bosan sekali.
pengen ujan.

hari ini panas banget.
nanti dinner nasi uduk.
aku lapar.

besok udah selasa.
berarti 2 hari lagi ke hari kamis.
berarti 2 minggu dari hari itu.
berarti hasilnya udah ada dong mustinya?
hope it'll be mine. :)

it's monday

..... 11 days after that meeting day ......

still no news.
still waiting.
still patience.
still praying (HARD).
still having faith.
still hoping for the best.
still surrendering.
still enjoying my day.

no damage done for the past few days. :)

semoga, semoga

Thursday, September 03, 2009

today's mission

hari ini rencananya mau telpon si bapak.
and i did. tenyata belom ada kabar. belum final katanya.
may i say sesuai harapanku?

now it's praying time. harder.

and i will. hehehe

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

after the earthquake

earthquake in Tasikmalaya 7.3 SR.
Deep condolences for all the victim and family.

i was in the office. typing an email. then suddenly, i feel dizzy and i can feel my body move from the left to the right.
realized that something was wrong.
calmly (i surprised myself) i gathered my belongings and made my way to the emergency stairs.
some people were panicking like crazy, some were relaxed.
i hate those who kept screaming prayers in panic. just keep it those prayers in your heart lah.
don't make the situation worse.

we went to starbucks, had a cup of coffee (or iced cafe latte to be exact), and a chit chat.
when they all chit chatting i realized that all my problems are so tiny compare to this.
in fact, my problems are nothing!

i am so glad that i'm home and safe.

---- so, let me talk to bapak tomorrow and get this over with ----

lapar....cari makan aaaahhh....

What Are You Worried About?

Taken from

"Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6–7 MSG).

Two businessmen were talking about the economy:
Jack: “I’m about to lose my job and our house is in foreclosure, but I don’t worry about it.”
Bob: “How can you not be worried?”
Jack: “I’ve hired a professional worrier. He does all my worrying for me. That way I don’t have to think about it!”
Bob: “That’s a fantastic idea. How much does it cost to hire a professional worrier?”
Jack: “$50,000 a year.”
Bob: “$50,000! Where are you going to get that kind of money?”
Jack: “I don’t know. That’s HIS worry!”

Worry is something you learn to do.

There is no such thing as a “born worrier.” It is a learned response to life. You learned to worry from two sources:
1. You learned to worry from experience. After years of mistakes, failures, and unfulfilled expectations, you’ve discovered that things don’t always turn out right. Out of these experiences you formed the habit of worrying.
2. You learned to worry from examples. There are many models around you. Studies show that children usually pick up their parent’s worries. Anxious parents raise anxious kids.

Since worry is a learned response to life, it can be unlearned!

The starting point for overcoming worry is to realize it is useless. It does you no good to worry. It is “stewing without doing.” Worry has never changed anything. Worry cannot change the past. Worry cannot control the future. Worry only makes you miserable today.

Worry has never solved a problem, never paid a bill, and never cured an illness. It only paralyzes you so you can’t work on the solution. Worry is like racing a car when its engine is in neutral; it doesn’t get you anywhere, it just uses up gas.

The Bible teaches, “An anxious heart weighs a man down” (Proverbs 12:25 NIV).

On top of that, worry exaggerates the problem. It plays on your imagination. Have you ever noticed that when you worry about a problem it gets bigger? Every time you repeat if over and over in your mind you tend to add details, amplifying it so you feel worse.

What’s the solution? Instead of worrying, talk to God about what’s worrying you. He is someone who can do something about it.

It's exactly what I need right now. I love the way God making sure that I'm in His good hands.
I shouldn't worry. And I'm gonna try my best not to.
If that thing isn't for me, that it's not for me. But I'm pretty sure that I still need to do something if I really want this thing - so let me call si bapak tomorrow and find out.

so yeah...lets have a peaceful day. people around me has been veru supportive of whatever my decisions are. and im thanking God for that. i really do. :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

knock, knock....

knock, knock...
Anybody there?

knock, knock....

knock, knock...
hope you hear me.

knock, knock...
please hear me.

knock, knock...
i really want it...badly...
i just can't take this anymore.
i hate lying. should've listen to my heart. long time ago.

knock, knock...
please make my dream come true. please.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the thing....

the thing is...
as an employee, i'm pretty sure that taking (a) leave(s) (no matter how many days at any times of the month) is my right.
but the thing, i cannot do such things without getting an upset face from the boss.
frankly, i dont quite understand.
yes, i know i should consider the office condition and situation before i decided to take leaves. and i think i understand it pretty well. it's only ONE day leave, by the way.
why can't i take my leave which suppose to be my right?

it's ridiculous..seriously.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

i am part of the family, am i not??
tell me which part you don't understand!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

cerita-cerita di long weekend

abis long weekend...senangnya!

ga kemana2, di jakarta doang...and im happy :)

hari sabtu, 15 aug 2008
ikut kelas yoga, it was tiring....keringetan bo....but it was good.
abis itu ke tempat jual furniture kayu...I LOVE their stuff...
bagus, bagus...bule style gitu deh....simple and kayu solid!!
so far udah beli trunk box buat jadi coffee table....
and so far udah fell in love with:
1. wine drawer (which gonna be my meja dandan)
2. console table with mirror
3. huge foyer desk (might not get this one...gede banget, but very useful)
4. TV storage dan pasangannya
5. those little boxes....

malemnya kondangan si stephen, 'guru' gua waktu kuliah di binus dulu...hehehe...
congrat's man...trus pulang lah...

hari minggu, 16 aug 2009
skipped yoga.
ke sunter - acara gathering anak2 milwaukee, ga gitu rame...
ponakannya lia yg kecil lucu banget....hihihihih....bandel!

abis dari sunter ke JHCC, beli piring dan kawan2nya:
1. 10 piring warna biru
2. 6 mangkok kecil + 6 piring buat tatakannya warna ijo
3. 3 mangkok rada gede warna item
4. 1 piring buat sayur warna putih
5. 1 mangkok popcorn warna merah (hore!)
6. 6 mug (3 warna putih, 3 warna biru muda-ish)
7. 1 lusin sendok makan
8. 1 lusin garpu makan
9. setengah lusin sendok kecil
10. setengah lusin garpu kecil
11. 2 piring sayur kotak warna putih
12. 1 mangkok geudeeeeen warna coklat

gotong gotong kardus isi piring dan mangkok gempor juga ya..lemes...hihihih
trus ke senayan city, tapi sebelomnya mampir ke senayan golf klub....beli sweater dan celana pendek!
trus ke senayan city deh, makan pho 2000....ngubek2 diskonan di toko sport (apaan ya?lupa!)
dapet dry fit polo shirt buat si gendut kaya udah dapet rejeki nomplok....abis bajunya kecil2 banget...ahahahaha....
trus nonton gi was good...pengen naek pesawat mereka...seru kali ya...

hari senen, 17 aug 2009
ke new brides ama nyokap mo pilih baju skalian liat foto...pilih foto dari 203 ke 20...sukses!hore!ga nambah!hore!
bagus fotonya...suka.
trus ke mall...ngepo sama san2 and cing2....kalo ga maksa pulang bisa sampe malem nongkrong disana...ahahaha...ada aja yg diomongin...hihihih
trus ke rumah si gendut dulu....dia mandi...

trus ke mall artha gading, ke ace hardware....liatin piso dan pernak pernik dapur....
ga banyak pilihan...bingung ya mo cari dimana...
trus ke sunter, maen tenis....jadi pengen maen lagi...ahuaehuea...

ah pulang ah

Saturday, August 15, 2009

tuin tuing

hari sabtu, berarti yoga time lagi...hehehe
twisted my body...sakittttt....

haven't really pray lately....
and guess what?God really shown his grace to me...
maaann...bad child, bad child!!!

i am worried about someone....
just read a blog about her and it worries me....
i don't even know what to say, what to do...
coz i know i won't help....
i promised myself to pray for her, but seringan lupanya daripada ingetnya...
bad child!bad child!!!

:( :( :( :( :( :(

Thursday, August 13, 2009

siang siang begini...

abis makan siang...
ngantuk tak terkira...
abis bahas couple relationship over lunch...

it is interesting...ahahahahauea....
and a never ending subject....seru!

pengen ke bali....
pengen santai2 aja...stress bgt...hiohiihhi

pengen ke bali, dari pengen ke bali sampe udah pengen nyemplung aja ke kolam renang....
dan berendem....

back to work ah....hihihiih

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

cerita ceritaku...

sedang semangat di kantor for a specific reason.

can't wait until THR come...ka ching....hihihhih

my nails are pretty....senang.
yoga was fun.

hair getting longer like crazy.need a hair cut.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

i'm in love

See the picture on the left?
His name is Russell, an eight year old Wilderness Explorer boy.
He melted my heart.
I love him. *hugs, hugs, hugs*

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


sakit pala nih...
cekat cekot cekat cekot cekat cekot....
i'm not happy....
i really am not....

Sunday, July 26, 2009


just in case you haven't noticed, from time to time i write some scattered thoughts...
just like this one....hehehehhe

just had a chat with was fun...hehehehe
can't wait to see her and just blabber out....

will have my mid year performance review tomorrow.
pasrah aja sih....yang terjadi ya terjadi lah...

how to tell someone not to be so 'lembek'?
we are living in a cruel world....toughen up!!
stop making things like they are HUGE, when the fact they are not.
if you are doing what you are doing now, you'd be gone crazy in no time and miss lots of thing life has to offer...
live your life...
i know sometimes life feels like crap, but it'd get better...believe me :)

anyway, bought my self lots of undies last night...and they were on sale!yay!

and OOOOHH....we got a couch yesterdaaaaayy....WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!WE HAVE A COUCH!!! happy!!
step by was an awesome step we took together!

hmmm...lost my writing mood out of the sudden...
oh well

Thursday, July 23, 2009

gak bisa tidur semalem.....

things going through my head last night:
+ sempet ga ya rumahnya selesai by the time kita kudu masuk?
+ surat2 buat kawinan
+ scheduling buat semuanya
+ zac efron (hehehe...tetep)
+ gelas2 di ace hardware

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

sakit kepala

sakit pala nih...
dari kemarin...ahauehuae..
ada2 aja...

trus trus trus...
kemaren atm hsbc gua ditelen atm mandiri...
ih...ada2 aja...
kapok deh...
bikin gua stress aja malem2...
untung semuanya udah beres...
thanks god....hehehehe

sakit kepala nih...
kerjaan mulai beraneka ragam...

Monday, July 20, 2009


tadi liat apartment...
haduh, banyak yg kudu dibenerin...
somehow itu apartment keliatannya kecil ya?
is it becoz barang2 si korea gede2 kah?

ga tau deh...
serem ga sempet juga sih....hmmm....
besok kerja ya?
males....ahahahhauha...sumpah males banget...
apa lagi kalo mikir ketemu sama orang yg amit2 resenya....
si bos manja....ih najong bgt....

cannot wait until the day i gie me resignation letter....
meanwhile, ya kerja dulu lah....ahahauehae

Monday, July 13, 2009

mitsoy's first day of school

hari ini mitsoy mulai sekolah...
7.15 am to 9 am EVERYDAY!

hope you have a great days ahead, my dear!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009



i'm of the hook...of banking!
still have to work on it sih, but still....i'm happy...
terima kasih Tuhan doaku didengeriiiinn....hehehehhe...

been wearing mask for 2 days in the office....
they made meee....hiiikkk....

oh well...

besok libur....hore!

Friday, July 03, 2009


kangen kuliah....
kangen bikin paper....
kangen bikin PR....
kangen baca buku pelajaran sambil stabillo-in bagian2 penting....
...tapi ujiannya ga bikin kangen....

kangen bikin rangkuman buat ujian
...tapi apalinnya ga bikin kangen....

kangen nyicil belajar saking banyaknya itu bahan...

kangen pouring my thoughts on a paper for the literature class...
kangen make my own interpretations of a story....
i love literature class....hehehe....

ngimpi semalem

ngimpi soal apartment kemaren....

waktu buka pintu apartment, itu apartment ancur banget dalemnya.
temboknya pada item/coklat, ubinnya pada keangkat, banyak barang rongsokkan.
and yg anehnya, di dalem apartment ada mobil taruna.

bangun tidur kaget...lah itu apartment apa ceritanya?

ya semoga ga seperti mimpi gua...kacau....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

on being sick

udah 2 hari di rumah
badan panas, idung mampet, batuk2 pula....
bosen abis di rumah...
i'd rather go to work dah!!
however, not really looking forward to work with that guy in the office.
too demanding. he can't do nothing. just asking!
but, i will work my ass off tomorrow.
i'll show him!!!
even i don't know how to do it yet....heheheheheh....

oh well...i'd better concentrating on getting better...

Friday, June 26, 2009



Thursday, June 25, 2009

On 'A First Time Experience'

I had my 'First Time Experience' this afteroon.
It was nerve-wracking.
I was panic.
I had bentols on my left cheeck!
My heart pounding like crazy!
My palms were sweatiiiiiinnggg....

but guess what?
It went very well I might say.
Thanks God.... :)

Ps. It was meeting a candidate....HAHAHUEHAUE....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

it's mid week!

it's mid week!
soOoOoO happy....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


been doing banking since the past 2 months.
and i declares i hate banking!
and dianggap ga jalan juga kan....

pengen cepet2 this banking thingy dicabut from me!

however, im still working on it....

but my question is....KAPAN GA NGERJAIN BANKING LAGI???
gimme other things please....

mimpi semalem


semalem ngimpi....
ngimpi udah kawin, udah di gereja gitu dah....
aneh aja...ahauehuaehuae...

kemaren our 6 yrs anniversary...
cepet banget, kayanya baru kemaren kenalan di student lounge di AMU...
congrats to us ya!!heheheh....

he sent me an sms kemaren....
"happy anniversary's out last one..nest year we got a new anniversaty date..hehe"
the way he wrote me notes always makes me smile....

Monday, June 22, 2009

hari ini....

hari ini....

kita udah bareng for enam taun...

cepet ya?

kayanya baru kenalan kemaren di ruang belajar di AMU

(mendadak gua kangen banget sama ruangan itu....baunya, sepinya....)

hari ini....

tau2 udah enem taon aje...ckckck...

cepet banget....

and less than 6 months we will share a journey together....


happy anniversary to both of us....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

tummy cramp!

having a tummy cramp today!

not working today...LITERALLY...
just do a little bit of this and a little bit of that

*pengen jambak2 rambut orang deh*

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

my job and I

I might not be the best at what I'm doing right now.
.....well, I don't try my best....
because I don't see the point of doing my best here.

I wanna leave all the things behind
.....and move to a new world.... of strangers.....

I wonder how it'd feel.
should be awesome ya...

I wanna move to other world and do something new.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Singapore Trip

Went to Singapore from 29 -31 May 2009 to take our prewedding picture.
Took off from Jakarta at 9.30pm-ish.
Arrived 30 minutes past midnight.
Took a taxi ride to Lucky Plaza apartment.
The building is so damn old. And a smelly one, too!
mengharukan deh!

Couldn't sleep. I think I slept after 4.30am since he's kept snoring like hell!
(what did I get myself into???!?!)
Thought I'd be so grumpy in the next day. Turned out to be a great photo taking session.
We went to National Museum of Singapore, Fort Canning Park, Raffles Mall to ate SUBWAY, then to Fullerton Hotel area, Chijmes at night....i kinda forgot...hihihihi...
(add on: we went to City Link Mall and parliament building before we hit Fullerton area)
Second day also a great day. Went to Botanical Garden, Emerland Hills, and Orchard Road area.

Got my shoes!!!I'm so happy!!!and it's cheaper also!hihihihihi....

In all, photo session went super well. Thank's God. We walked until we couldn't feel our legs no more!!

Singapore was great (for vacation, not for living). People are in their own world - almost no interaction between them. Everywhere I see people are listening to their Ipod. Very individualist people.
But from time to time it's a good thing to live in an individualist environment. They wouldn't care how you look like, what you are wearing. They don't give a damn about others.

One of few things that I love about that country is its transportation system. It was AWESOME! MRT is great! Other thing is the cleanliness of the city and the people's manner. They know how to queue!! Unlike, Jakarta (not sure about other cities in Indonesia) people have no manner!sebal!

Anyway, got a chance to play GX5 - Extreme Swing. We (or at least, I did) screamed my lung out! I lost my voice!hihihihi....

Would love to go back to Singapore again!
But not staying at Lucky Plaza anymore, please.....

Thank's God for the super fun weekend. The timing was perfect - just had a bad week in the office. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

i messed up.....

it was happened in 2001.
i told her that i'd call so we can hang out during christmas break.
turned out, i never call her AT ALL...

and i feel so guilty coz she had help me a lot during my first year in college. before and during my arrival.
God, what i was thinking ya dulu??
thinking of writing her a message....i just did through facebook.
hope she'd forgive me.

i'm sorry ya.....
and i really appreciate all your help. really....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


was 18 May 2009.
it was my birthday.
spent it with my love one.
had a nice dinner.
he gave me a birthday card.
---- with a lovely personal message in it.
senang, senang, senang.....

Friday, May 15, 2009

my la la land last night

watched parts of american idol last 3 already...
they got a chance to visit their hometown....
and one of the contestants is from milwaukee....

so, there was i....
in my room, sitting in front of the tv,,,screening through the background....
i saw the marquette interchange highway, downtown milwaukee, milwaukee art museum, michigan lake, the harley davidson stage in the summerfest arena....
it brought back memories...and i fall in love with her charm one more time...


milwaukee will always holds a special place in my heart...
the snow (they said, i'd get sick of the snow in my 3rd year, turned out they were wrong)
the super cold wind
the not-so-crowded downtown
the grey-ish and brown-ish buildings
the beer in process smell....

damn, i miss her....hik....

Thursday, May 07, 2009

they say....

"aduuuhh....rambut cici kok ga panjang2 sih?"
"rambutnya jangan dipotong lagi ya ci, panjangin..."
"mau pake hair-extension?"

"cici, jangan gemukan lagi ya"

those were the clamitannya marketing bridal...
emang gua gemuk gitu?maksudnyaaa??
soal rambut lagi, ya suka2 gua dong ya...
rambut ya rambut pendek kek, mo botak kek....
ya terserah gua sih....
udah tugas lu bikin my short hair looks great...

lah, ini ada yg lebih parah lagi...
"masa dia bilang kalo mo pake baju yang standar musti extra diet"
gila kali ya....
untung bukan gua yg digituin...kalo gua mah udah gua uwek2 tuh orang...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


a stupid motorcycle hit my car this morning.
alhasil, bempernya mbloak....sebelah kiri...
anjir...padahal gua baru claim about a month ago...
goblok banget tu orang...
and he didnt look guilty....
malah ketawa2 tolol...
ya semoga anda kecelakaan dijalan yeh....
gak, gak....semoga in the future jangan terlalu tolol lagi jadi orang...
ga bisa kaya...
miskin terus...

lagi ga pengen kerja....
ga mood aja gara2 mobil ditabrak....goblok!!!!
padahal tadi pagi mood udah oke banget, semangat banget mo kerja...
ada2 aja deh....
but i think im handle it quite okay...

besok uda hari kamis...hore...
weekend is almost here.

it's not even 2 and i feel like eternity....
ga pengen ngomong sama orang2 deh...
siapa YM aja ya...hihihiih...

Monday, May 04, 2009

scattered, as usual....

i'm having my period.

lagi ga pengen kerja.

super sensi.

today is a long day, indeed.

long meeting. drainy.

i think i've should skip work today.

wanna go home.

not in the mood of talking to any earth creatures, YM aja please....

some people can be a biatch from time to time. and just today, one was bitching. nagging bitch!

want my soda dose today - sprite for today.

finish reading the second bitch book last night. then, what to read?

did you notice, i mentioned the word 'bitch' so many times in this entry?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Went to Surabaya on 25 Apr and get back on 26 Apr.
It was a pleasant weekend.
However, can't stand the heat though!
The people are nice. They insisted on paying for EVERYTHING we ate and bought....
parah euy...they are really sungkan...haiyoh!

anyway, the food parade includes:
1. rujak cingur
2. rujak tolet
3. tahu campur
4. nasi pecel
5. lontong balap (simply THE BEST)
6. ice cream zangrandi
7. manisan mangga

apa lagi ya?
lupa saking banyaknya makan...ahaeheuhue...

at the moment, i'm torn between the great food and the heat.....hmmmm....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

last night....

i ate crabs like crazy...
knew those weren't that fresh anymore....
but still i ate it....thought it'd be such a waste not to eat, besides my mom already cook it for us....
the sauce was good....

finished with the crabs i brushed my teeth....
approx 10 minutes after that i feel weird....especially on my upper lips...
ran to the mirror to checked it out....
turned out....BIBIR GUA JONTOR!!!!
couldn't even remember the last time bibir gua jontor!!!!!
was it when i was 8 yrs old???

thank God it's much better already.....
thanks to the ice cubes....fiuh....

i think i won't be eating crabs for sometime.... :(

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

makan lagi, makan lagi, makan lagi....

lagi membabi nih....makan teruuuusss...
my today's food list (including drinks):
1. morning coffee
2. pisang bakar as breakfast
3. lunch
4. half price starbukcs ice latte
5. gadoin dendeng balado
6. permen sugus
7. fisherman mint
8. nanas

time range: 7am to 3pm today...
parah ih...

Sunday, April 05, 2009

sunday's bla bla....

thinking of skipping church this sunday.
i know its palm sunday.
oh well...

met with the choir yesterday.
the first song they sang brought me tears!
(yes, i know...cengeng)
didn't expect it at all!
but i'm glad he picked that choir.
it was a very nice meeting - they sang every single song just for us in private!MANTOTEBH!!
done with the ceremony songs selection...

what's next?

ooohh...haven't found the right suit for the groom to be!

then what?

can't think of any at the moment.

Friday, April 03, 2009

daily ruumbling....

listening to "Everyday I Love You" by Boyzone.

" I know that I am truly bless"
I am bless......

tomorrow gonna have a busy day.

mitzy is hospitalized now.
kasian. get well soon, baby!

feeling like dancing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i wonder

kenapa ya jerawat gua adanya disisi kanan muka gua?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

super random

just finished my coffee.

my hair is so damn long already!
it's in the stage where i can pull my hair and create a tiny ugly pony tail = BAD stage
need a hair cut ASAP!

need to check my sight one of these days.
i think my eyes getting worse....hmmm....

want to go to the loo to poo (hey, that rhyme....nice!)
but could pick my ass off this chair
my heavy ass is just too lazy...

thinking what to do today?

after 3 nights in a row hearing my niece crying her lung out,
i decided that i'm not ready to have children yet
my time will come, but not close....i can feel it in my bone!

at this stage, decided not to have twins anymore....too many too bear
(tapi kalo dikasih....ya ndak papa)

not in the mood of talking about wedding preparation related
- even not in the mood of thinking about it

torn between going to GI or not ya?
NIKE is having sale at the moment.....
bakalan kaya charles and keith gak ya ramenya?

mandi ah.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Plug In Your Emotional Battery by Rick Warren

In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most.

Today's Devotional is based on this passage:
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (Mark 6:31 NIV).

Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel inadequate? Are you ready to blow at any moment? You can't love others in a godly way when you're at the end of your emotional rope. How many relationships have been ripped apart because the people involved failed to take care of themselves emotionally?

God's Word gives us three habits that can help us recharge emotionally when we have nothing left to give.
1. Solitude.
Mark 6:31 says, "So many people were coming and going...[Jesus] said to them [the disciples], 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (NIV). Jesus understood that your emotions are like a battery. If you plug one lightbulb into a battery, it will last for a fairly long time. If you plug in 100 lights, the battery will drain very quickly. Many of you have so many lights plugged in, your battery is shot. You can't recharge anybody else—you can't give love—if your own battery is drained. You recharge when you get away by yourself.

2. Play.
The Bible says, "Jesus came enjoying life" (Matthew 11:19 PH). He was the most people-focused, ministry-intensive person who ever lived, yet he took the time to have fun. Certain activities recharge you emotionally; they literally re-create your energy and enthusiasm for life. We all have different activities that recharge us because we're all made differently. Find out what recharges you emotionally and make time for it.

3. Laughter.
Proverbs 17:22 says, "Being cheerful keeps you healthy" (GNT). Studies prove that when you laugh, it increases your number of T-cells, which raises your immunity level. Laughter is good for your health. Humor is God's gift to us. Remember, God has a sense of humor—he made you!

To be emotionally balanced, take God very seriously but don't take yourself seriously. Learn to laugh at your limitations. There is plenty of material. If you only laugh and enjoy life when your problems are all solved, you'll never enjoy life.