Catch cold since last Thursday.
Ingus is gone, batuk still here.
Kuping pengeng banget.
Searched in the internet and i'm pretty sure i have blocked Eustachian tube. a bad one.
Tried everything on how to treat it, but nothing works!
Going to see the doctor tomorrow. :(
Need to get better sooooon.
I have plans already. and lots of it!
the husband been very nice and nurturing for the past few days. Thank you :)
the sweetest thing is he didn't use the shower in our bedroom just because he didn't want to wake me up. it was 4.30am. he got an early gig this Sunday.
but, his cell bunyiiii....ahauehuae..jadi gua bangun juga. tapi gesture dan usahanya i really appreciate!
Thank you :)
Suppose to be sleeping right now. Sleepy already. Not to mention tired also!
tapi belom bisa tidur. ada apa gerangan?
oya, cleaning the apartment tadi pagi. bersih bersih bersih. tapi abis bersih bersih kok jadi semaput??heeekk....
almost midnight. and i enjoy my 'me' time. almost no time for me lately. hmmm...
and anehnya mood kerja ga on banget...aneh sekali...ahaeuheu...
banyak yang lagi hamil nih....hihihhih....
anak kantor ada 3, si kendi...whauehae..and somehow, secara ga sadar gua suka usap2 perut sendiri....whauehue...
children?yes, i want children someday when the time is right.
girl or boy?either will be okay. as long as they are healthy and smart.
belom mo tidur nihhhh.....males rasanya...masih pengen sendiri....hihih...
i know, i know should take my rest now.
i wanna get better.......lalalalalalaaaa.....