Sunday, March 25, 2007

"We are so Close yet so Far" By Candice Eva Halim

She mentioned the above statement during our phone conversation earlier.

Please God, work Your miracle upon us.
I know this is huge but nothing is impossible in You.
Please God….as my birthday present? Please? Please? I’m begging you….
P L E A S E……………

Friday, March 23, 2007

At Erha Clinic Kelapa Gading

Lagi nemenin nyokap ke erha clinic...
skipping work of course...hehehhe...
dokternya ngaret banget nih...udah 1 hour and 15 minutes...buset dehh...gua sebel banget...
untung tadi nemu internet on my way to the restroom.....niatan mao boel ga jadi deh....langsung internetan aje....tau gitu mah dari tadi ajah...ehehhehe...

heemm...what's new ya?
started my midnight prayer.....aduuuhh...ngantuk banget sekarang...
and it wasn't easy at all...bener2 blon bisa ngerasain yang namanya God's presence...
it was hard!!but i will keep trying...

oh ya...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY ABLE BROTHER!!!udah 22 taon...wish you all the best life can bring...amenn....

heeemm....apa lagi yaa?
still and will pray for sawit...please God, you miracle upon us...pleaseeeee....
it's our only hope....mann....please God, please.....
oh ye...still and will pray for us keeping up in this business....

i think ya...i think nehh...i'm getting my hair cut today...since ada nyokap yang sponsorin...itu juga kalo waktunya ga mepet....

well, better get back to my mom...ntar doi bingung lagi nyariin gua...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On Puppy-ing....

Today I learnt that having a puppy means huge responsibility.

oh...Let me introduce the new family member....
His name is Bruno (so standard laahh!!)

He's so naughty!
lari sana, lari sini...makannya susah, minumnya juga susah!cannot tahan!
musti kejer2 dia buat makan...ngos2an dulu...baru deh makan...itu juga ga banyak..
kayanya doi lagi agak2 stress di tempat baru...jangankan dia, gua juga stress ngurusin dia....serasa punya anak!

Today I also learnt to think and re-think before having a pet...anything ikan kek, burung kek, kuciang kek, anjing kek, kutu kek...pokoke punya pet musti mikir deh...kasian kalo ga ada yg tega gua...nih sekarang aja kepikiran ntar malem si bruno nangis ato kaga...


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This is Wednesday.
Skipping work.
Being alone is the option I choose.
Enjoying the day.
Sipping a cup of hot chocolate.
Watching TV.
Talking to my creator - please God.
Day dreaming.
Taking care of things.
PC gaming.

What else I can ask for more?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

dot dot dot dot dot

menurut gua...always going to church sama sekali ga menjamin kalo orang itu beriman.....

kalo gua bilang....orang2 ga perlu tau apa how's my relation with my creator....

gini....not going to church bukan tandanya gua orang jahat....pls note, it's not self justification!!!tapi emang kenyataannya gitu kok....weekk...

i'm happy today!not because i got new clothes (well...itu juga seh), mostly coz we spent sometime on sunday together....biasanya kan boro2 dehhhh....


i know i know...this is another meaningless posts....hihihiih....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

suatu siang yang mendung.....

it's raining hard...beangin lagi...
jam setengah 1 siang udah kaya jam 6 sore...
jakarta emang lagi demen banget ujan....

minggu ini bisa dibilang minggu yang oke...
in terms of kerjaan, relation with my creator, relation with my family and me's all good!

i love my best cimol!
i love my teti!

well well...well...
ngaco ah!