Monday, November 13, 2006

happy (early) birthday to my niece/nephew...

happy (early) bday my little niece/nephew....
i'll be seeing you this afternoon...hohohohoohohohoho.....
can't wait!
hope you'll be a great kid.....


tons of huggiessssss,
your super aunt (to be).....

Sunday, November 12, 2006


i don't understand...i really don't....
just one question.....WHY?
moga2an semuanya akan baik2 aja....amiiinnn....

by tomorrow, i'm gonna be an aunt!!hohohoohoh....
hopefully the operation goes well...amennnn...


belon mandi....

mo vacuum boil aja ntar...

mo nonton dvd aja....

kalo dipikir2 orang itu ga bisa ditebak....
dunia oh dunia...aneh2 aja...
banyak yang ga bisa kita percaya....
banyak hal yang bikin my jaw drops....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

lately ...

. lost 2 kgs .

. thinking too much .

. worrying too much .

. questioning too much .

. need more money .

. bored .

. lazy .

. it is not fair .

. do not care .

. ....... .