Sunday, July 30, 2006

aer dalem kuping

kalo ada aer masuk'll freak me out!
kasus di bali nov 2005....brenang....aer masuk...kan orang2 masukin aer lagi ke kuping...dipancing gitu lah....
nah kalo kasus gua, dimasukin tu aer....dipancing...eeeee.....malah makin banyak yang masuk ke took the crap out of me!!
freaking out!!huaaaaaaaa.........

ga penting seh...cuma pengen nulis aja....hehehhe......

cerita ceriti

27 Jul 2006
nonton Don Moen in concert...akhirnya booo!!bisa liat dia live!
i used to adore him...and kayanya sekarang lagi deh...ehehhe....
the concert was GREAT!SUPER!love every minutes of it!

28 Jul 2006
skipped puri mall, nemenin kendi cari balon...
trus ke buaran...sore ke dokter disentri again!what the hell is wrong with me seh?
malem ke mall, cari baju buat poto outdoornya si kendi...
trus nonton pirates of was good!
pulang jem 12 malem...telerrr...

29 jul 2006
back to work!huaaa...buanyak kerjaan....ngebut..kerjain semuanya...
after that ke nikko hotel.....
si iyen bawa si jo...huaa...he's so adorable!!cute cute cute cute!
sempet nyemplungin dia di bath tub.....lucu sekali...
jadi pengen punya anak kalo liat kaya gitu...ehuehuhe....
sorenya berenang...cuapeeeeee....malemnya teler....jem 10-an udah tewas tak berdaya!!!

30 Jul 2006
bangun pagi, breakfast, berenang.....capeeeee
pulang ke cawang...capeee banget.....tidur siang 4 jem!!hehehhe...
bangun....trus go no where...di rumah aje...capeee....
besok back to work deee......

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i want my 3 kgs back!

lost 3 kgs in 2 weeks over boker boker....
gila ya....skarang i weigh about 46 kgs....dem!!!
moga2an saya cepat sembuh...amiiinnn.....

25 jul 2006

gua wonder...kenapa perut gua belon bener juga?kayanya system pencernaannya ga oke neh...kutu ah!katanya sekarang lagi musim disentri...diiihh..amit2 kalo ampe kena lagi...amit amit!!

entar ke dokter dah gua....

lagi mikir, siapa sih yang sebenernya peduli ama gua aside dari 'you know who' and her mom?

siapa lagi??ga ada juga...dibilangin gua sakit juga kayanya ga ada yang ambil pusing....dari nyak, cowo, sibling mah hopeless!kalo gua uda sekarat kali ye baru pada pusing....baru pada sadar kalo i'm here!

tapi ga juga kali ye...buktinya waktu gua sekarat juga mereka biasa2 aja...waktu 70% of my body liquid gone mereka juga biasa2 never watch by my side, malah you asked me if i need you by my side.

coba kalo the asshole yang sakit....wah...sibuuuukkk!!!heboh!bela2in minjem korsi roda (which sebenernya ga perlu)....bela2in bujukin si kampret oprasi ke blanda yg abisin ratusan juta...sedangkan gua cuma di taro di kamar kelas 3 tanpa ac!!!!

hari ini gua mo ke dokter juga dia cuma bilang "bodo ah!"

dear madam,

what did i do to you?im trying my best to be a good daugther but you just didnt see it. or you just too busy taking care the big baby? you keeps giving me the bad and taking the good away from me. i dont understand!what did i do to you?please explain...never mind, you must forget those reasons already!
you never looked at me as a daugther...simply as a maid when we have no maid around and as the bad person when something bad happen. let me ask you, is it fair?if you told me you did those things coz you love me, please show me what you meant.

sincerely heart broken,


24 jul 2006

kemaren ke rumah duka dharmais...bokapnya cele passed away...sedih banget....but mereka keliatannya its good lah...

Om Edward, may you rest in peace.


senen lagi neh...nguantuknya ajubile bin jalii..lilililiiii...

males kerja seh...hehehe..

oh ya brandon routh itu guannnteng yak!a very very clean cut guy!!cakep cakep...tapi sometimes suka keliatan terlalu mulus buat cowo...eheheh....*ga penting amat ye*


ooohh one more thing about not an observant type...sama sekali engga...some examples:gua uda kerja almost 2 years (yeesss 2 yrs) masih banyak ga tau nama orang2 disini, terutama nama expat...abis mukanya mirip2 semua...

kaya kemaren ada tante2 duduk di depan gua lagi cerita ama orang disebelahnya waktu bokapnya cele meninggal...gua ga denger tuh...padahal si ade denger padahal dia duduknya lebih jauh dari tu tante...gua sama sekali engga...

gua ga suka nongkrong di mall ato cafe cuma buat ngeliatin orang2 lalu lalang....nope!ga banget!bosen buat gua...

orang ngomong apa gua suka lupa...inget mereka pernah ngomong soal ini itu, tapi ga inget specifically apaan...cuma ngeraba2 aja...

mungkin gua terlalu asik idup di dunia sendiri....sampe ga peduli ama lingkungan sekitar...terlalu cuek ato simply terlalu egois?

dari dulu gua dicuekin seh...

dari dulu gua ga ada yang meratiin...
dari dulu gua terbiasa berjuang mati2an buat segala sesuatu yang gua mao
dari dulu gua terbiasa disakitin sampe akhirnya numb
dari dulu gua terbiasa sendiri....
dari dulu gua terbiasa hidup susah...
dari dulu gua terbiasa menelan kepahitan yang bertubi2 sampai detik ini...
dari dulu gua udah terbiasa dilukain...belon sembuh yang dulu eee udah ditambah lagi..dari dulu gua uda biasa dikecewain....

so salah ga gua kalo sekarang gua turned out to be a very selfish person?salah ga gua kalo gua sekarang lebih fokus ke diri gua n berusaha make my self happy?


lagi pengen nulis banyaaakk banget hal...tapi kayanya semua ga gitu penting...hehehe...

as far as suasana hati....lagi blur...masih merem melek....masih galau...*cieh*

as far as the future...cannot wait to go out of this hell called the free and struggling for myself....


semalem ngimpi soal tato...heuhueu...parah men!ceritanya tukang tatonya sampe dateng ke rumah gua...n gua ketakutan gitu sampe dikejer2 buat nato...anjrot!yes, i was thinking to get a tattoo...tapi gutsnya blon ada...masi jiper2 gitu lah....masih mikir2 nanti gua nyesel ga?nanti kalo uda jompo bleber2 kaga tu tato gara2 bodi gua udah klewer2...masih banyak pertimbangannya belon tau...we shall see lah....


udah laper neh.... mind keep jumping from one thing to another....

baru sadar kalo lengan gua tuh bleweh bleweh gitu...amit2 dah..udah mulai workout lagi seh, tapi masih belon teratur....udah musti mulai teratur neh....

Saturday, July 22, 2006

tentang aku

things about me you might/might not know:
1. not a smoker
people (esp. the one who doesnt know me well) assumes i smoke.
they are surprise when i told them im not. ooo well...

2. a very (VERY) tidy person
people think im the dirty and messy one. but im not. cannot stand a dirty n messy room, desk, lemari or anything. for me, putting the stuff on the exact spot is very important. closing anything that can be opened is very important too (kaya pintu, tutup botol shampoo, odol, tutup hairspray, etc.)

3. tv is one of my best friends
almost can't live a day without tv.

4. NEVER had long hair
umm well, i did once, but it wasnt coz i wanted to. financial problem is the answer. hehehe.

5. they call me boty
masih ga tau what's 'boty' means?my family from mom's side still call me that.

6. i envy those who has more privacy than i do

7. wants a tattoo (little one)
but never had the guts to get one. building it right now!

8. cengeng
ampir semua orang ga nyangka kalo gua cengeng. biasanya orang2 kan nganggepnya gua tomboy n stuff.

9. not athletic
dicap tomboy leads people to think that im athletic. but im not AT ALL.hehehhe....

10. i like to be in a bakery shopthe smell men and the presentation...cannot tahan!i'd bought them, take them home, and i usually dont eat them. enjoying the pleasure of buying.

11. coffee is my love
MUST have a cup of coffee every single morning even when im sick. hehehe. i love the smell. i like the color. i love the taste.

12. loves shoes (who doesnt?)
check out my shoe rack and count how many shoes i got. hohoho. shoes are my medicine.

13. 2 kids for me
both boys please. i prefer boys than girls. why? coz they are simpler. i know they can be a 'devil' sometimes, but for me they are the cutest.

14. black is my color
black is dominating my wardrobe. somehow it boost my confidence.

15. cannot sing
never never ask me to sing. i can kill myself. i chose to fail in music subject once coz the teacher ask us to sing in front of the class.

16. had a belly pierce
i want it back!!!!!!should i get it back?

17. always always and always wanted a white wedding
fell in love with that wedding gown in "wedding date" movie.

18. loves romantic comedy movie n chick flicks
they are easy to watch.

19. impatient person

20. not an adventurous person
steadiness is an important element in my life. steadiness in relationship, financial, etc, etc.

21. loves a clean cut guy
no moustache and beard please. no long hair. ear ring if match will do.

22. my left eye is smaller than the right one
it looks weird sometimes.

23. the shape my point fingers are different coz my old garage door slammed my right one when i was 4 or 5.

24. i make small thing huge
katanya kendi gua begitu, which bener juga seh...ehehhe

25. dont understand why people having bird n fish as pet. what's the fun of that?

26. not creativenot good with starting ideas, prefer to developing them.

27. loves extreme sport/challengei did sky coaster, bungee jumping, and sling shot. mau coba terjun payung nanti.

28. wearing a stilleto make me feels good of being a woman.

so far itu ajaaaaa.....hueeee.....

antara aku dan dia

19 Jul 2006

"kugandeng tangannya, tapi dia mematung", MKG3.150706.9:40pm

pernahkah kamu rasakan kehilangan seseorang yang berada dalam pelukanmu?

pernahkah kamu rasakan kepedihan yang luar biasa disaat kamu sadar impianmu tentang masa depan bersamanya mulai tenggelam?

pernahkah kamu rasakan keraguan-raguan melanda?

pernahkah kamu merindukan kehangatan seseorang?

hidup ini penuh teka-teki

hati bertanya padaku

sejauh mana aku akan melangkah bersamanya?

katanya hidup ini tentang pilihan

diriku terombang ambing antara ya dan tidak

kemana masa-masa yang selama ini kubayangkan

katanya kenyataan itu pahit

kutanya aku, "masihkan hati ini berdetak untuknya?"

kujawab aku, "masih."

kutanya dia, "masihkah?"

kuharap dia bilang "masih."

aku cape
aku butuh istirahat
aku mau kepastian
kepastian kalau dia dan aku mau bersatu
aku mau
dia masih ga tau

kapan dia dan aku mulai jadi 'kita'?
mungkin besok, mungkin lusa, mungkin taon depan, mungkin 2 3 ato 4 taon lagi, and mungkin ga akan pernah ada 'kita'
aku ga akan pernah tau

udah usaha
cuma bisa nunggu
biar waktu yang menjemput semua rasa sayang ini
terserah mau dibawa kemana

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

it's time to shape up!

yes yes..
better shape up!
perut udah gendut
tangan udah kendor...eeuuuwww!

ga ada apa2 seh sebenernya...
hari2 gua ya cuma begini2 aja...hehehe....

besok kerja lagi....gitu2 ajah...
bosen yee...

15 jul n 17 jul 06

15 jul 2006

bangun tidur

melek mata
i was okay
sempet ngobrol ama nyokap dulu malah

get ready for work

start to feel blue
that bloody bro of mine got on my nerve!
i HAVE MY OWN car, bought it with MY punya apa seh?semua juga masih dibeliin...kalo belon bisa cari duit jangan blagu deh....

driving to work

mood mulai ga oke
plus ada kijang tolol jalan kaya kura di jalur paling kanan
dasar begooooo!!gua klakson, gua dim...tetep aje ga tau diri!
naek darah!gua salip pake gaya angkot..kesel...
tampang mulai berasa beratpenuh tekukan!

sampe kantor

turun mobil, kok nyium bau angus ye?
what is wrong?im sure its not the machine
pray pray pray....hopefully everything gonna be alright

everybody better watch out, im not in the good mood...

arrive at the office...

cerita2 dikit...
ketemu kendi n barbara streisand (juehejue)
kerja...all done now!

oh ye, today i saw a bimoli (BIbir MOnyong Lima sentI) LITERALLY!guess whose bibir i saw???yes, yes, yes...baski' was the monyong-est bibir i ever saw..ever!!

perut mulai sakit...will have my period bentar lagi....kayaknya!

hari ini mo ke mall gading....ambil sample SK jalan2 aja seh benernya gua....

thinking of letting my car go before i fixed those things i think needed to be fixed....tapi ga rela juga, sayang...gimana?dilemma melanda neh!

going to toko to help out'll be a hard hot loooong day...hari senennya mo dateng siangan aja ah...pasti gua kurang tidur dah...

mo pulang neh, tapi si bos kampret muter2 aje dari ada gawean ye?

lagi mikirr...gua lagi pengen belanja ga ye?ga juga seh...gua pengen cukuuuuurr...

bensin uda sekarat...hehehe...tadinya mo isi shell, tapi ga jadi..mendadak gua ga rela...baru hari ini dapet dokat udah langsung kepake....hari senen aja deh baru isi bensin...

ngomongin dokat jadi inget dompet hush puppies gua...blon dipake yak....trus kalo dipikir2 ternyata lumayan banyak juga baju baru gua yang blon gua pake...


Jul 17 2006

thanks God i survived yesterday!went to toko...puanas n ramenya ga nahan...but the day was gone quite fast (surprisingly)....pulang jem setengah 10-an ampe rumah

last saturday wasnt my day AT ALL!!adaaaa aja yg bikin gua naek darah!gile...kalo sering2 kaya gitu mah gua bisa mati gara2 darah tinggi!hiiiyyy....amit2 deh...

its monday...males kerja...hehehe...bengong2 jelas mo ngapain....mbak mira ga masuk...that old yet modern typing machine udah beda lagi...gua ga bisa...ah bodo ahhh...dduduuuduuu....

eke ga ada kerjaan...eke ga ada kerjaan..dududud....



Friday, July 14, 2006

comot sana comot sini...

i tell you ya...
that person is very very blagu!
ngaca donnnngg!kaya lu kegantengan aja...
lu buang2 waktu orang aja lu!!dia udah dateng buat interview juga....
udah disuruh nungguin lu nelpon eeeee ga diinterview just because she is not the kind that you like...
emang what kind si that you like???
orang kok ada seh yang kaya gitu?kok ada??bingung...
bener2 ga ada perasaan, ga ada manner...gua jadi mikir gimana nasib bininye yee??doooohh!!!

enough about that cfo ah...

tadi pagi eke mencret dengan suksesnya...ehehhe...
dinner bubur, kok rada eneg yak??

i dont wanna lonesome tonight neh sebenernya....tapi ya apa boleh buat....heekk...
nelpon counter SK II yg di gading...samplenya udah pada mo abisss..huaaaa!!!
besok mo ke gading ajah...i miss gading mall...ehehhehe...kayanya gua paling comfy ke mall itu...ehehhe....dari jaman sd udah maen disana...
kalo dipikir2 tu mall gila juga ya...jadi segede2 bagong gitu...dulu batesnya dari bioskop lama ampe diamond yak?aje gile bin jaliiiii.....

trus ada apaan lagi ye?
need to fixed my car neh....banyak prentelannya yg musti dibenerin ato ganti....kalo ngikutin ati yee..listnya goes like this:
- lampu kecil (too lazy ke tempatnya)
- shock breakers (too expensive)
- ban udah botak (idem atas)
- spooring n balanci (musti ganti ban dulu)
- speakers (not top priority)
- nyalonin boil (idem atas)


its friday night....and gua nangkring di rumah dengan suksesnya....ya ga apa2 juga seh...ehehhe.....*ga penting yee??*

ah maen game aja deh....


From me to Miss Indonesia, Nadine Chandrawinata.

First, pardon me about laughing my ass off on your world wide interview. Listening her answers gave me goosebumps. Hard to believe? Unfortunately it was true.

She is surely a beautiful and smart looking gal. But her English speaking capability simply doesn't match her appearance. Her biography mentioned speaking English FLUENTLY. Fluent is such a strong word, very strong!Man, it was such a disgrace!

Why can't she just speak her native language a.k.a Indonesian language??why?why?at least it'd saved her (and us) from humiliation. And she might be able to give a more decent answer.oh well, mungkin orang punya pikiran yang beda2...

It doesn't mean I have a very good English myself. Nope. Far from perfection, but at least gua cukup tau diri.She might nervous, but come ARE Miss Indonesia and competing in Miss Universe (UNIVERSE!) pageant, you should know these things are on your way. You are our ambassador. You are obligated to do better than that.

So Nadine, good luck on promoting our 'lovely' country.

Note: This is just piece of my mind, my opinion. If you don't like it, get over it! This is my space! And again, this is the internet, you know you can find all sort of things in this cyber world. Ciao!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

tentang yang ga penting

Pembukaan: "kutu kupret!!tadi udah ketik banyak eeeee ga sengaja ke double klik jadi ketutup windownya...kuampret!!"

udah mulai angkat barbel n sit up lagi
otot2 lengan n perut pada sakit sekarang

udah 3 hari ini perut gua ga beres....mencret2...payah!

tadi lunch di kedai merah, apartment kuningan....ditraktir (kamsya ye bo ye)...makanannya si lumayan, tapi pelayanannye itu loh....luaaammmaaa banget, padahal sepi aje tuh cafe....jangan mereka beli dulu kali ye ayam ama sirloinnya....but it was a good 2,5 hours escape from the office seh...ehehe...

during lunch si bo nanya soal 'kenapa we cannot have it all?'...kayanya adaaaa aja yang kurang...yang tajir kadang idupnya ga bahagia, yang baenya setengah mampus idupnya kok susah banget...
men, you ask the wrong person!i cannot answer such question...gua lagii!!
tapi menurut just the way life simple as that....ada yin ada yang (or yeng ye??).....ada yg bae ada yg jahat...gitu lah...

kemaren edrik nelpon...pedahal baru 2 ato 3 hari yang lalu gua mikirin dia, mo sms tapi lupa...eee dia uda keburu nelpon...we talked over an was fun...
kalo ngomongin edrik gua jadi inget masa2 sma dulu...3s1...i had a blast!
duduknya semeja ama dia mulu, ogah pindah....
thought he was a bit nerd, but he turned out to be a great friend....sampe sekarang masih kontak2an....
jaman dulu kalo ulangan belajarnya dibagi 2...trus saling bantu..kocakkk!biasanya dia paling tegang kal disuruh nyontek...keringetan, gemeteran sambil megangin anduk..lucu banget kalo diinget2...eheheh...

ga ada abisnya deh kalo ngomongin masa muda....
i miss the energy!!

it's time to cari duit yang banyak..orang ada yang bilang money isnt everything...i dont think so i grew older, gua jadi mikir money itu almost ada duit bisa apa luuu?
hari geneeee.....
mo kawin butuh duit, idup single pun butuh duit, mo punya anak duit lagi, mo seneng2 duit lagi, mo nyenengin orang duit lagi....tuh kan...haiyaahh duiiitt oh duuuiiitt...
call me matre or whatever terserah lah, tapi emang kenyataannya duit itu almost everything...

eniwei...toko lagi rame banget...hari minggu kudu bantuin lagi....kuat ga ye gua?panasnya itu loh yang gua ga tahan plus berisiknya mak2 pada tereak2 minta dilayanin...huaaaaa.....

ooohh well.....

few days back - 11 jul 06


dikala ku bangun pagi, kutemukan perutku membuncit...aneh!perasaan semalem ga makan yang aneh2....cuma makannya emang banyak...hehehhe....tapi rasa rasanya ini bukan akibat makan banyak, tapi masuk enak punya perut buncit....berat!mo loncat sana loncat sini agak agak susah....jadi kaya orang bunting neh...

hari ini bawaannya mo kentut and burping mulu...huemmm....

tuh kan uda mo kentut lagi...what's wrong with my tummy ye? bosen neh...cannot wait until the day i give my resignation letter to him!hehehe...should be great!ya ga seh?

after lunch time...won the sleepyhead battle with myself!yay!

what to do ya?i've finished all my crap today!

ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk ngantukkk.....

Thursday, July 06, 2006


neh gua yang akhir2 ini lagi uringa2an...
ga jelas kenapa
ga tau kenapa...
yang jelas lagi sebeeell aja ama orang rumah...
each one of them...
kayanya adaaaaa aja yang bikin gua empet!

trying to put my emotions aside, tapi ga bisa....
gua orangnya emosian, ga sabaran, panasan....blagu what?

plus lagi bosen juga ama idup gua....blon ampe bosen idup seh...soalnya i havent achieve anything....

oh ye, waktu itu gua mesenin orang2 kalo gua mokat, gua maonya dibakar aja trus semua abunya dibuang aje....biar ga ngerepotin....ehh gua dibilang GILA!
lah...cuma mesenin kok...coz you just never know what'd happen...itu aja...

napsu belanja masih ada....tried my best keeping me from the mall, espcially from the department store.....

i really need to shape up!!!kemon kemonnn...semangat!!
kayanya gini gitu gua males banget...

something is missing in my life!!i need 'the' spark!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

the past 2 days....

the past 2 days weren't my day at all!

on 4 july 2006, oooohh btw happy 4th of july to all of the americans...

should be fun there...fireworks, bbq-ing, hanging out in the sun (minus the pollution), drinking beer (i dont like it seh, but i love seeing people doing it!) was good back then!

back to me...
yesterday, i found out that my so called "boss" is such a coward!
he didnt have the guts to talk to my face!!!!!!
instead he talked to my little boss about my "liitle jump" he saw earlier...DOOHH!!
what's wrong of being a cheerful person?what's wrong of expressing my self that way???
it's not like i always jumping when im walking!!!
for your info sir, i love being me....if you didnt like it, well its just too bad coz you'll see some of my "little jumps" later on....
he also questioned her about my work attitude....darn you!
i work fine!just fine...i know what im doing....
if you want a serious-face-in-the-office = faking it person....well, you got the WRONG person!
i know when to work on my craps and when to laughin my ass off!
you just simple didnt see that!
old people says, "never judge a book based on it's cover"....
if he said it to my face i'd appreciate you for being man enough....
you're just a coward in my dictionary!

and today, he acted like i wasnt as*hole!he asked a question, i answered and then he talked to my supervisor regarding that thing...she doesnt have a clue, SIR!!!you should talk to me instead!!OXXY MORRON!!

then, as if it wasnt enough yet....when i tried to park my car, a super stupid motorcycle driver hit my car!!!!!!!!!guobbbllooooogggg!!you saw my car there, im so damn sure...but you're so ignorance yet stupid and kept moving that old vehicle of yours....

nyalahin gua lagi...kutu kupret!lu kira gua takut ama lu??enak aje lu!*double middle finger UP*
pengennnn deeehh gua punya pistol....if i do, i'd put that thing in his head!!so you can think!!!
pengeeennn deh gua siksa dia by siksa his family....first his kids, then his wife until you begged me for my mercy!then i'd let you go you once you have nothing...literally NOTHING!!
and then you know you dont wanna mess with me!
f*n*ui MUST die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, July 03, 2006

i made my choices

kata orang, life is about choices...
and this morning i made my live this day to the fullest!!!!
ato dengan kata laen....jangan beteeee ni ariiii....amiiiinnnn

Sunday, July 02, 2006

july already??

waktu cepet banget ye....gila...
tapi kok kayanya gua masih disini aje....hehehhe...
you know what....aint gonna talk heavy stuff today!just wanna enjoy my day....well, my life tepatnya...
musti bersukuuuurr with what i have.....ammiinnn....

eniwei, yesterday merawat diri...ehehe...dari ujung pala ampe ujung jempol kaki....heehhehe...
scrubbing my body, pencetin komedo, masker.....indah deh...jarang2 kan begitu...
ngomong2 leher gua sakit neh...salah bantal kayanya...nengok ke kanan ga gitu bisa kecuali dipaksa....doohh doohh...duuuu.....

akhir2 ini gua sering ngebayangin gimana rasanya tinggal sendiri....enak, ga ada yang ini itu ga perlu pusing....

ngapain ye???

Saturday, July 01, 2006

its all about the money....

watched a chinese movie last night, have no clue what the title was...
the story goes like this...a boy and girl fell in love. both from very different social status.
the boy - Jiafu and the girl - Rounan. Both was 18. Jiafu was from lower social status. Rounan, you can guess, yes, higher one. Jiafu's father was a bus driver, his mother was a restaurant hostess. On the other hand, Rounan's parents were the top lawyer of the country.
They met, they danced, they laughed, they played, they dated, they made love. Rounan got pregnant. Both parents were devastated. Her parents wanted her to get an abortion in order to save her future. She declined. His parents willing to take the responsibility.
They ran away. Lived in an abandoned house outside the city. They were okay for a while. Then, reality bites. They need money. Jiafu tried to find a job. He worked his ass off. The wage wasn't enough, especially when he got a pregnant woman by his side. The parents' intervene needed badly = support = MONEY!'s all about the money yee...