Tuesday, February 28, 2006

last night

was fun...hang out with kendi and piri....nanti hang out lagi ye bo?ye pir??
ga berubah lah....tetep ajee heebbooohhhh, cablaaakk....rame banget!ampe budeg gua!hehehhe...i had a blast!
bo, minggu depan kita cuti yok booo....kita maen2 aje ama si piri...ehehhe...n

was a bit suckie....tuh gara2 si kucret ga angkat2 telpon gua....
kalo lu emang lagi nelpon ama temen lama lu, what's wrong with picking up the phone and kasi tau gua kalo lu lagi on line????it wont take more that 15 sec kok!!!!
waktu gua tanya nelpon ama sape kenapa lu cuma bilang "temen gua"??emang temen lu ga punya nama yee??
and siapa si temen lama lu itu sampe telpon gua dicuekin???

gua emmmpppppeeeetttttt!!!!!

mo tidur neh....btw, kemaren tidur udah enakan seh...even gua masi denger tu ajan subuh...tapi at least langsung tidur lagi lah...

Monday, February 27, 2006


N ngucek2 mata
G gara2 kurang tidur
A andai bisa pulang cepet
N nangkring di kasur
T tidur sampe ngorok plus ngiler
U unyeng2 kepala
K kapan pulang seeeeeehhh???

N G A N T U K -
itu yang gua rasain sekarang
ga bisa konsen
mata perih
leher pegel
kaki pegel juga
badan loyyoo
males bersosialisasi
mao ngopi ajah

ngantuk2 gini i questioned my relationship....can we go on the next step?
right this moment my answer would be a big NO!!
kenapa?males nulisnya, males ceritanya, males bahasnya....so dont ask dah!

doh...pengen e'eee....gara2 kopi neh....i gain my energy back!HORAS!!
tapi jadi agak2 mules....hohohoho....
excited seh entar mo hang out ama kendi and piri....
*see the mood swing??!??*

pokoke...mulai sekarang gua ga mo bete ah...enough tadi pagi ajaaahh....and fill my day with lots lots lots of smiles....SMILE!!!!!!

isi hati senen pagi

semalem ga bisa tidur...it's been a week neh...kebangun terus tiap malem....tidur ayam gitu...bangun bangun...trus ga bisa tidur...ga enak banget!sebel gua!

idung juga lagi ga bener...meler mulu....seminggu terakhir ini...

kurang tidur!!
lemes, ngantuk, pegel2....

tired of fighting about the same thing!!!

dont think my mood is that great today!

ngantuk ngantuk ngantukkkk....pengen pulang aje!tidurrrrrrrr....

pala cekat cekot already!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006


musti ke kawinannya sape ye?
gua jadi bingung neh...
gua ngantukk...laper juga...ehehehhe...
pengen pulang se sebenernya...hohohoho....
ya sutra la palingan ke kawinan dua2nya aja and please God help me to find the way...aminnn....please jangan nyasarrr...

kemaren ke gading, makan bubur sapo...enak!i like it!hehehhe...
trus ke artha gading....liat YARIS!hehehe...i like it!emang lumayan jauh lebih mahal dari jazz seh..around 21 million....hmmm...tapi lucuu....gua suka belakangnya..ehuehue....

ya any car will do lah..jazz oke la, yaris lebih oke lagi...namanya juga dibeliin...

Friday, February 24, 2006

... ... ... ... ...

si mami email, nanyain how i feel...
happy, karena masih banyak orang yang peduli ama gua...

sabtu ini i dont think bisa kondangan dah...nyak minta ditemenin kondangan...

hari minggu rencananya mo rekaman buat apply the amazing race...belon tentu keterima seh, but coba aje, kali2 aja kita menang 1M yee bo yee....AMINNNNN
gimana caranye yee??too bad gua bukan orang yang PD-nya selangit!
ngomong ape ye???bingung...deg2an juga seh....hehehhe....

mules2 dari pagi ko belon ilang2 ye?

babeh kayanya masuk kantor lagi neh...yah...sedih deehh...but at least it's friday bebehhh!!

february almost over....

tadi janji ama diri sendiri kalo gua musti kerja yang bener...jangan bikin salah banyak2...gua ga enak ati....kesannya slebor abis...

semalem ngubek2 ang pao MLB ama mak....nyariin satu ang pao....buset dehh....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

piri's back!

piri lagi di jakarta..
akhirnya tu anak setelah berapa taon??5 or 6 ye?pulang juga...
baru sampe kemaren..ee uda digigit anjingnya sendiri....ehuehu..kesian bener...

oke, here's the plan...
friday - ke kantor dong auuuhhh....ga perlu bawa mobil..yay!
sabtu - kayanya ga jadi kondangan....mak minta ditemenin kondangan...
sunday - we shall see...want to spend time with gendut kali ye...miss the church...
monday - jalan ke gading ama piri n candice....me be the driver...mo makan bakmi gm...
tuesday - back to work

lagi agak2 ga ada kerjaan....senang...hari ini kayanya gua bubbly banget...hohohoho.....
my klingking masi sakit loh...rada kaku malah sekarang...ah sebal!

hmm...talking about our small business...
by middle of march i'll have 3 million rupiah profit...lumayan yak!i know it's not that big, but stil...lumayann bangettt....daripada nungguin gaji doang...bisa gila...aku senang senang senannnggggg!!

ayoo people..i need more moneyyy...duiitt duiiitt duiiitt....cari duuiitt duiiitt biar banyaaaakkkk and retired early....
kalo dipikir2 apa2 itu ujungnya duiiitt...
orang sakit...sure kita tetep harus berdoa for miracle, but still butuh duiiittt..

ini kamis

dateng pagi...
masih agak2 ngantuk, mata perih...
besok jumat...
ga tau mo nulis apa sebenernya...cuma tangan gatel aja mo ngetik2...hehehhe....

ga ada maknanye banget yeeeeee

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

cerita cerita

ceritanya tanggal 19 feb kemaren mlb married...
ke gereja...agak2 terharu..
ke reception...rameee...agak2 kepanasan...ketemu banyak orang yang udah lama banget ga gua liat...gilee...
kinda fun!

trus 20 feb - skipped work...spent whole day at home...potato couching...

21 feb - which is kemaren...kerjaa...sebbuukk...blak blak blak!!

hari ini...yuaaaaahhh begini lahh..

uda mulai tidur sendiri...horeee..tapi kamar masih blon gua banget...
lagi pengen makan kripik singkong pedes nehh...hmm...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


bisa 'napas' sekarang...
udah agak2 kega...at least dont have to lie no more...
boong itu ga enak...ngerasa berdosa...ngerasa punya utang, buntut2nya gua accuse diri gua sebage penepu...ga enak!the worst feeling ever!

cried my eyes out last night...bengkak neh!
nanti di make up jelek lagi...

cried my eyes out lagi this morning bareng piaraan gua...
kenape ye gua cengeng banget jadi orang?
mana aer mata gua gede2 banget lagi....baru nyadar kemaren...serius deh...gede2...segede biji jagung gitu....hehehhe...

yah semoga aja semuanya bakalan bae2 aja...

Friday, February 17, 2006

my car ....

went to the suzuki garage this morning to service my car...
the power steering didnt work at all last night...

so there was i, waiting for 3,5 hrs to get the car checked and fixed...it cost me 626,298.00 rupiaaaahhh....BANGKRUT BANGKRUT!!

ternyata...accu-nya udah ketuaan...uda soak, so ganti lahh...
karena accu-nya uda soak, makanya power steeringnya ga bisa...
trus another problem was selang karburatornya bocor crruuutt!!pantesan mobil gua kok boros amet...ternyata selama ini gua buangin bensin gara2 tu selang bocor!monyonnngg!!buang2 dokkkaaaatttt!!!sebaal!!

untung tadi pagi gua bilang kok mobil gua boros banget...kalo engga, bisa2 belon ketauan tu selang bocor...fiiiuuhhh...
for now, tu selang di tambel pake lem *ape ye nama lem-nye??shooott tadi dikasih tau padahal.....lem besi ye kalo ga salah?*

gua telpon bengkelnya lagi aje daahh...ehehehhe....tuhh benerrr lem besiiiii....pokoke yang buat logam gitu dahh....mereknya DEXRON - ada sepasang; satu buat pengelem, satu buat pengeringnya...cari ditoko bangunan juga ada...
gua tulis disini biar ga ilang....hehehhe....

semuanya udah beres deh sekarang...legaaa...
sampe di kantor jem 12-an...thanks for those who waiting for me...ehehee....

truss trus...
my little finger sakit neh...i guess something wrong with the urat....ga bisa angkat2 yang berat...

makan padang tadi..puanas banget jakarta hari ini...huaaahh...

Thursday, February 16, 2006


pagi tadi...
kebangun around 4:20 am gara2 idung mampet and kebelet pipis...
ga bisa tidur lagi after that...my head started to spin...idung still meler dengan suksesnya plus bonus mampet...sebal!
bangun jam 5:47 am...buang2 tisu yang gua lemparin ke ubin...ajubilee ternyataa banyak banget...ehehhe...
keluar kamar, trus ngupiiii...sambil nonton tipi...sikat gigi, mandi, makan sereal di boil, makan obat, beli bensin, then goooo....

pagi ini...
sampe di kantor jem 7 pagi TENG!sepii, masih agak2 gelap...kinda like the office that way...
tried to catch my sleep, but couldn't...kentut2 mulu so i decided to go pooppy...hehehe...sukses besarr - banyak and bau!SCORE!*lagi suka kata 'SCORE', tau kenapa?!?!?*
having headache, runny nose, VERY sleepy but it won't get the hold of me today...amennnn...

hari ini...
semoga hari ini as good as yesterday...amen...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


aku tak bisa menjalani hari tanpa nafas
aku tak mau meninggalkan hari tanpa canda dan tawa
aku tak akan melalui hari tanpa teman

i promised myself that i will ....

live this day with smiles on my face

and so far....
i'm good!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

new born baby

another friend of mine got a baby girl...

congratulations to marco and ira for Mischa Tatiana Mardanus Budiono born 13 Feb 2006....

i'm hsppy for them, so happy! :)

it's v-day

udah normal lagi blognya...hehehhe...kemaren seharian ga bisa dipake...

btw, happy valentine's day buat yang ngerayain...

perasaan kemaren gua udah mumet banget...uda sempet gua keluarin in my old e-journal seh...

gua puyeng mikirin hari minggu ini...orang2 bakalan bilang apa?
kalo orang2 nanya gua bilang apa?
gua bingung tauuu...heran!!!
dia maonya apa sih???masih aja orang kaya gitu dikasih napas!!
JAHAT-nya udah mo mampus, GA ADA otak!!GA PUNYA perasaan!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

so slow

hari ini full of slow motion....sloww banget gua...padahal kerjaan segambreng...ehehhe...

oh ya...balik ke mang-du lagi hari ini and semoga baju gua selesai by today...aminn...semoga semogaa...gua udah pusing banget loh...sumpehh deee...
semoga semuanya beres...aminnn...

Friday, February 10, 2006

my perfect future life

kemaren during lunch time talked about future family and dream house with iyen n kendi...
until this morning masih kepikiran...hehehhe....

my perfect future family:
a husband, 2 kids - oldest: a boy (middle name Given or Silver); youngest: a girl (middle name Rain).
Husband - better be rich...ehehhe....kind, wise, honest, afraid of God, not a mummy's boy, ga pedit, sayang keluarga, must communicate with the kids too....aminnnn....
Kids - must take one music lesson, any will do: instruments or vocal...don't be like me, kids...cannot sing, cannot play instruments..LAME!and one sport lesson...tennis is more preferable...

my perfect future house:
the environment - near beach

the house - minimalist, gray-ish, simple black gate, lots of huge glass windows, white drapes, nice terrace (2 woodden white chairs and 1 table); a garage for 2 cars

the living room - plasma TV (aminnn); stereo set; huge pluffy couch in khakis; a pretty huge woodden coffee table; no carpet; book shelf with lots of picture albums; a long woodden table with lots of old and new pictures, above is family picture

the kitchen - gourment kitchen; it'll be a combination of stainless-steel and light brown; breakfast table with high stool facing the stove (not to close); glass dining table with 6 chairs

the master bedroom - a combination of white or very light yellow (wall) and dark brown (furnitures); huge bed; a full bathroom; tv set; huge dark brown cupboard

the boy's bedroom - blue wall - haven't really thought about it yet.

the girl's bedroom - light yellow wall - haven't really thought about it yet.

the backyard - bbq grill - haven't really thought about it yet.

the cars - his: don't know depends on him; mine: small car like black vw polo.

to all of the above....AMENNNN....AMEEENNN....AMENNNN...

Thursday, February 09, 2006


masih musim ujan...serem banjir, amit2 jangan sampe...
rumah pada bocor masa...ihh....musti dibenerin tu...tadi pagi garasi becek gitu seh...

beberapa bagian jakarta yang langganan banjir uda pada tergenang tuh..seram....
mau apa dunia?
kok kayanya masalah2 and bencana alam ga ada abis2nya....
apa uda deket kiamat?maybe....

cloudy thursday morning

selamat pagi...
headache still here....heartache still here....the pain still here...

cannot remember the day i really feel wonderful...kapan ye?last time kayanya winter 2002, almost 4 years ago...shoot!PARAH!
what's wrong with me?
kayanya kok gua (deep down) sedih mulu....

one thing i know for sure, i'm slipping away from Him further and further everyday...
i don't even know how to talk to him anymore...

masih pengen pergi ke tempat yang jauhhhhh....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

scattered ....

a morron motorcycle hit my car yesterday!sebal!penyok and baret!liat2 dong makanya kalo nyetir....orang uda kasih sign juga...bego lu!!thanks God for insurance...

15 minutes til ring time!

no babeh in the house means FREEDOM AT LAST!!bukan kita2 doang...tapi tu manager2 juga jadi heboh gitu...heuheu....

aih gua uda ga betah ama rambut gua...this weekend plan....cukur!

lagi males filing...tuh uda numpuk di kolong...hehehe...

nyokap masak apa ya hari ini??ooo...ga masak...dia kesingan tadi...

mo beli microwave buat si mlb rencananya...berapa duitan seh?

10 minuts til ring time!

mo pipis ah...

5 minuts til ring time!

watched super bowl the other night...

besok tanggal 9...yosh!seengganya weekend ini uda punya duit lagi...aminnnnn....

siap2 mo pulang ah...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

after lunch time

after lunch time
always make me sleepy...heheheh...

talked to one of my co-worker...jadi kangen masa2 muda dulu...ehehhe..

dave koz coming to jakarta....waaahh...why m.buble not?
nonton ga ye?gua jadi bingung....


dari melek mata udah puyeng banget...not good!kalo kaya gini bisa seharian pusing2nya...

beberapa hari ini tidur malem trus, jem 1/2 11 malem on weekdays itu udah malem buat gua...hehehehe....

denger2 si piri mo balik indo...akhirnya tu anak!kangen juga... :)

semoga hari ini oke2 aja....aminnnn

Monday, February 06, 2006

karikatur SAW

almost forgot....
dunia lagi dihebohin ama karikatur SAW....
baru hari ini gua liat gambar2nya...and it wasn't that bad kok...seriously....i thought it'd be something yang bener2 nyela and ngejelek2in...
tapi engga kok...jujurnya gua ga gitu ngeliat segi celaannya...ato kata mereka "penistaan"...
karikatur itu bukannya salah satu cara untuk mengeluarkan pendapat yah?
heboh banget loh!itu orang2 sampe pada demo ke UN building di ny....parah men!segitunya kah?
segitu mudah tersinggungnya kah?
segitu agungnya kah agama yang satu itu?sampe ketoel langsung meledak?
segitunya kah?sampe mau banned all danish products?
segitunya kah sampe satu negara ga mau terima bantuan dari denmark government?
segitunya kah? sampe SEMUA media yg ngeprint ulang gambar itu musti minta maap sama seluruh umat islam di dunia???
segitu agungnya kah agama yang satu itu????

guanya kah yang udah completely eneg ama laga orang2 itu?
guanya kah yang secara ga sadar mendiskriminasi orang2 itu?

you decide!

Adds on:
kenapa musti bakar2in danish products?
kenapa musti lempar2in telor ke denmark embassy ?
kenapa musti bakarin denmark embassy, housing of danish consulate?
kenapa musti show the world kalo lu sembayang dulu sebelon demo?apa maksudnya?
kenapa musti bakar bendera segala?
-gua ga ngerti maksud mereka kaya gitu tu buat apa?marah ya marah, cuma ya show some intelligent dikit nape??show some dignity donng!!!kalo bakar ini itu bukannya keliatannya malah kaya a bunch of uneducated people ye???

tut tut tut

i post lots lately, but most of them just a bit this and a bit that...
sepotek sepotek...hehehhe....

another spotek of my mind....
punggung yang pegel2 belon bae juga.
sebenernya lagi ga jelas mo ngoceh2 apa, cuma pengen nge-post aje...am i addicted to blog?heeee...

still thinking of pergi ke suatu tempat yang jauuuuuhhh banget....
uda seminggu terakhir ini ngerasa kaya gitu....mungkin bisa lebih enak kali ye...

in about 2 weeks my sister getting married....am i excited?nope!
well, a bit seh...soalnya akhirnya punya kamar sendiri...but ga bisa langsung bebeh...barang2 dia blon ada yg keluar...

oh ye, sabtu kemaren makan di tony romas (akhirnyaaa!), otaknya lagi lempeng tu si gendut...tumben2an ngajakin, biar rame gua jabanin rela de gua disuruh nunggu sejam juga...heheh..tapi ribs sini kurus2 ye....but enakk laahh....minum sherly temple (ya gimana la spellnya)....the best one i've ever had! :)
trus ga kemana2 lagi....pulang ke cawang...ngobrol2...

yaakk!!back to work...

... state of my monday mind ...

ngantuk. pengen boker. kebelet. dingin ya. mau tidur. ke caffefour. punya banyak cemilan. yumm. senen lagi. awan gelap. mendung. ujan. temperature drop. dingin. snow. pesawat. terbang. uncle sam. wisconsin. milwaukee. 1810 west wisconsin avenue #611. marquette. 2 dental surgeries in 4 years time. amu. schoreder hall. mashuda hall #544. barnes and noble. michigan lake. milwaukee museum of art. summerfest. starbucks' white chocolate coffee. la perla. oakland gyros. b-w-3s. garis khatulistiwa. indonesia. jakarta. cawang. rumah. no privacy. sumpek. pollution. macet. karimun item. b 2341 hi. panas. malls. emeperan. anak jalanan. tukang minta minta. tukang ngamen. orang buta. orang cacat. kantor. kerja. duit. bosen. stress. jalan jalan. itc. my simple dress. belon selesai. musti balik lagi! cape. kesel. sebel. sewot. benci. i love myself. sometimes not. miss that place. pergi jauhhh. sendiri. bengong. mikir. what to do. who will be.


it's monday and it's raining....yyeeemmpphhh...

kepikiran about my dress....and yes, BELON kelar juga....serius gua stressed out!gimana kalo sampe minggu depan masih ga beres juga tu baju??bisa mate gua...
need to go there again and again and again next week....

masih pagi banget...baru jam 7 lewat neh...tapi gua suka..tenang banget...kalo kantor bisa kaya gini terus enak kali ye....

today's mood forecast: ga jelas!seneng engga, sedih engga, banyak pikiran kaga juga...to sum up - NUMB!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


hari ini ga sesibuk yang gua bayangin...hore!
perut gua masi saket...
rambut gua uda jelekkk banget...heuheuhue....berantakan bebeh!
udah jem 12 lewat men and im still in the office....hebat!

Friday, February 03, 2006

tomorrow is gonna....


well....biar lah...sekali2...i will come early tomorrow and get my ass right to work!no slacking tomorrow until i finish my job!
anyway, had a great day today!ternyata mo kawin itu muahhhaalll banget ya...mostly sih the dress, the food, and the building that takes most of the account.....
i dont think i can manage on my own without a wedding planner help....
we shall see yeee...

finding the perfect dress is the hardest i guess (setelah dengerin and ikutan dikit2 ama si kendi)...it should represent you as a beautiful bride (or shall i say the queen for the day?hehehe....), a woman, and it should fit the budget too....wahh wahh wahh.....
*what i was thinking heh????*

by looking through lots of wedding magazine, i think i know what my wedding dress gonna be....WEIRD!!!oh well...didnt think of it, it just poped into my head mahhh!!!
it's gonna be a bright white, greece style, not kemben beibeh alias tangan buntung, V neck, got V back too....*details are in my head* - bukannya ga mo bagi2 ketakutan dicontek, tapiiii emang agak2 susah buat ditulis...
for those who watched 'wedding date' movie might know what's my dress gonna look like!the sister's wedding dress!!!!!!LOVE IT!!LOVE IT!!!fell in love with that dress since the first time i saw it!!
*once again, WHAT I WAS THINKING???*

moving on, i want a small wedding (just family and close friends), beach side, before sunset, white gazebo, white tents (since yg namanya mak gua takut ama matahari), white chairs, lots of candles, kelopak mawar (or whatever flower yang bagus) disepanjang jalan menuju gazebo where my man waiting for me, and when we kiss, the sun set (aaaahhhhh!!!), ...
the reception is a place where people can eat and dance (no jaim2)....sit on a loonngg square table where we can face each other and talk....the band is gonna be a live band playing (mostly) jazzy kinda of music, one song for sure "nothing's gonna change my love for you"....and there's gonna be a dance floor....
we would take tons of crazy but great pictures....
and tears of happiness running down my cheeks because all the people i love were there in the happiest day of my life.....

HUSH...DILARANG PROTES....it's my dream wedding...heehe....
shooootttt....terlalu kebawa emosi nehh....

Ps. back to the ground right this instant!

Posting dari my laptop

nyoba posting dari laptop and ternyata bisa tu gonta ganti font color dari sini...berarti yg bapuk ya komputer kantor itu...payaaahhh!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Questions and answers

"steal" below questionare from someone else's blog...hihihih....

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:50am
2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? memoirs of a geisha
4. What is your favorite TV show? friends
5. What did you have for breakfast? toasted bread
6. What is your middle name? got no middle name
7. What is your favorite cuisine? japanese,mexican, korean - can't decide between those 3
8. What foods do you dislike? mostly veggie
9. What is your favorite chip? DORITOS!!!!
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? none
11. What kind of car do you drive? suzuki karimun
12. What is your favorite sandwich? 6 inch hot smoked beef with provolonge cheese, lettuce, mayo, yellow mustard, olives, cucumber, and some ketchup...yaaammm!!!
13. What characteristics do you despise? liars
14. Favorite item of clothing? shorts
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? UK
16. What color is your bathroom? pink-ish
17. Electronic device you couldn't live without? tv, cell
18. Where would you want to retire to? UK
19. Favorite time of day? sunset
20. Where were you born? jakarta, indonesia
21. Favorite sport to watch? swimming, basketball
22. What is your dream job? ko-kay (orang kaya)
23. What are you passionate about? coffee
24. What type of detergent do you use? ask mom
25. Coke or Pepsi? coke
26. Are you a morning person or night owl? morning i guess
27. What size shoe do you wear? 7.5 or 8
28. Do you have pets? kendi
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? nopeeee
30. What did you want to be when you were little? forgot
31. Favorite Candy Bar? hummm...
32. What is your best childhood memory? none
33. Worst job you have had in your life? none so far
34 What color underwear are you wearing? black
35. Nickname: dodol, boti
36. Piercing? ears one each and naval
37. Ever been to Africa? nope
38. Ever been toilet papered? nope
39. Love someone so much it made you cry? yep
40. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits!!!
41. Favorite day of the week? friday
42. Favorite restaurant? sushi tei
43. Favorite flower? lily
44. Disney or Warner Brothers? disney
45. Favorite fast food restaurant? mc donalds
46. What color is your bedroom carpet? no carpet
47 How many times did you fail your driver's test? never
48. From whom did you get your last e-mail? update on friendster
49. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? any
50. What do you do most often when you are bored? bengong
51. Who are you most curious, about their responses to this questionnaire, if they choose to do it? no one i guess
52. Last person you went to dinner with? myself
53. Ford or Chevy? chevy
54 What are you listening to right now? people
55. How many tattoos do you have? none
56. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? whichever, dont care

I'm officially broke!

kere, kere, kere. miskin, miskin, miskin. tong pes, tong pes, tong pes. bokek, bokek, bokek.
yes, i'm officially broke as of today!
need to pay tons of bills and have no enough money!tidakkk!!!

here are the thing i need to pay:
1. ganti nama mobil
2. cable tv
3. utang ke sansan
4. credit card
5. pulsa hp

gara2 kemiskinan sampe ga bisa tidur kemaren...and now, gua ngantuk banget...

bulan ini gua sama sekali ga ngerasa gajian...hiiikkkk....
soooo im very very very counting on duit makan for the rest of the month...
ga enak ye jadi orang miskin...ehehehe....

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

second month in 2006

udah february lagi...
cepet ya?

kemaren senen nontong memoirs of a geisha...good one!love it! :)
cabut dari kantor jem 12-an...ke gading, makan, nonton, makan lagi...pulang....

selasa di rumah aja seharian...enak juga..ehehhe..

kayanya mood hari ini ga gitu oke...again!kebanyakan masalah seh...pusing gua...
pengennya diem aja...ngomong aja males kok...heheheh...

oh ye, rencana punya kamar sendiri as soon as 19 feb kayanya terancam gagal...my 'lovely' sister itu ga mao langsung mindahin lemari yg ada di kamar...bete banget...masa dia mo mindahin sesudah honeymoon-nya seh??dooohh!!!!
gua tidur di kamar sendiri, tapi lemari masi di kamarnya si domble...what the hell!!males banget...
and tetek bengek-nya dia masih berantakan di kamar...bilangnya mo mindahin barang2 ke rumah barunya awal february...kita liat aja neh bakalan dipindahin ato kaga...wong blon ada yang diberesin seh...heran de gua!!kayanya bisa liat orang hepi gitu seh...
dunia TIDAK adil!